Sam Roberts' Show SubReddit

6  2015-06-06 by highflyin

I'm prepared for downvotes so go ahead.

I created a subreddit for Sam and his new daily show at /r/SRShowSXM

I'm a fan of Sam's and think his new show is honestly the best thing on the channel. I know it's the cool thing to do to hate Sam for being Opie Junior, but, if you haven't listened to his daily show give it a listen. He's turned into a great interviewer and even taken a few shots at the Stangels already.

I have no clue how CSS works, so, if someone has experience with it, I'd be glad to have the help with adding photos, links, etc.

I don't plan on being a nazi with the sub. If you dislike the show, go ahead and post but at least say why. Trolling like some of the psychopaths here (we know who they are) won't be tolerated, but I won't be a JeffScott and ban or censor anyone or who isn't a "ball washer."

Thank you and good day.


Don't bring on any of the mods from TacsDiscussion, they gargle Cumia cum for the sport of it.


A SAM ROBERTS SUBREDDIT makes me want to slit my wrists faster than a call center job

I'll get the bandaids, then.

Heaven forbid it end up like the Brother Joe Show subreddit. God speed OP.

We win, you lose.

I wouldn't mind Sam's show at all if he had an O&A comic regular in for the full show, preferably Colin, Bobby, Rich, or Jimmy (pffft). Without that, I wouldn't go near it.

If you'd be a dear and let us know when that happens I'll gladly sub.

They would go on Bennington if they wanted to do radio at noon on a weekday. Same place all the listeners go.

I wouldn't mind Sam's show if he was you know, talented.

I don't mind Sam...I just have no interest in 99% of the guests he has on that show.

What has his show been like so far? I like Sam but was kind of afraid he might be going full-bore for a more mainstream appeal. Has he had any sit-in guests (that is, not being formally interviewed)? He, Nicole, and Whoo Kid were somehow pretty entertaining together.

Nicole and Whoo Kid have both been in just to hang out. Jim Norton was in Friday to hang out as well. He's had a few good guests on too, Paul Feig was a good listen as well as a few other comics.

i'll take zero

Im starting to become a huge fan of Mr. (Ms?) Roberts. His ability to carry on a subject is fantastic. Love it when he trolls on Op (The Thrill is gone, Is it just me), especially knowing that it comes from a good place. Thanks for creating this .

No problem. I really have always like Sam's shit stirring and we share a lot of the same interests, come from the same neck of the woods and are the same age.

Sam gets that the most interesting parts of talk radio are the soap opera/pro wrestling style story lines and character development... not ketchup and kids talk.

Catchy subreddit title.





Thanks for creating it! I'm a big fan of Sam.

I wish Sam the best and am happy he gets away from Opie That said he's on most morning so is still supping from the poison chalice!

it's funny watching Sam carry a show on his own,interview people etc.You have to wonder how good his show would be if Tits didn't hold him back all these years.

I'd go so far to say that Sam was the glue holding the show together the past few months. Jimmy is depressed and hates working there and Opie's on his own with the Stangels.

It'll be interesting to see the show now that Sam isn't a part of it.

Thank you.I like Prime Time and I'll be checking out your sub. Check mine out too. /r/TACSuncensored I created it after the ball washing faggot at the other one started banning people and removing shit.

No one gives a shit about your pathetic little sub you cunt. Its a fucking is pretty much just you posting threads with ZERO replies.

You fucking loser.

Haha 👏🏻

You're about as faggy as the real Keith Maresca. By the way, has anyone else noticed that Ant has stopped calling him Keith the Cop? I hope because of the popularity of "Keith the Cuck" ruining it for him.

On the old show he was called Keith the top because it was implied that Anthony was paying him for sex and Anthony was the bottom.