Jim at his wormiest

0  2015-06-05 by Lilcumia


I think the most wormy moment was when he kicked Norm out of the studio for Brock Lesnar. You get to see his mania in all of its glory. Bllalalalalalla

That was by far his worst moment to me. It was flagrant disregard for the show in favor of his neurotic compulsion.

It's actually the reason I stopped listening, way back then. His celebrity obsession reached a level I never anticipated. Also when they had Malcolm McDowell, and Malcolm mentioned that he'd never seen the poster he was signing before. Instead of having an actual moment with someone who is Jimmy's "hero", he sits like a heroine addict waiting for the deal to go down, and doesn't appreciate shit.

On the video you see Malcolm McDowell go to shake Jim's hand after signing all his bullshit and Jim just completely ignores him.
