Obtaining old xm Weird Medicine episodes.

0  2015-06-05 by 1mcKid

Does anyone have or know of a website that has all of the Sirius/XM Weird Medicine shows available for download? I just listened thru all of the podcast episodes again and would like to hear the XM shows if possible.


The best way in my humble opinion is to rip out your mothers uterus (with clean hands) and hold it up to your ear. If you hear the ocean, you will know you have done something wrong. If you hear Doctor Steve, then edit your comment to document the process in detail and the mods will prefix your post as "solved".

Right? Took me like 8 seconds to Google it. Lazy asshole OP.

If nobody has them try emailing Dr Steve. He is down with the syndication underground.

I have 2008 to current WM shows..DM me if you still want them

Right? Took me like 8 seconds to Google it. Lazy asshole OP.