One of Two things are happening ; eithet Jim is not promoting Ants show for fear of those greggshells or Opie has outright told him he is not to and he has agreed.

0  2015-06-05 by Lilcumia

Jim talks about how he missies Ant etc but he could at least throw the guy a bone. 10 seconds at the end of each show could be" remember to check out Anthony Cumia's show 2pm - 4pm." I'm thinking Ant could use some of their listener base.


Why would Sirius and Opie agree to give free plugs to Anthony's show after the "Greggshells" episode? Anthony still digs at Opie like a jilted ex. Anthony burned that bridge. He has no one to blame but himself.

I wish Anthony well and wish like hell he was still on the show but he is the master of his own misfortune. A few months ago, Anthony was still being played regularly on the channel and on the podcast and his show was being mentioned on the show fairly frequently. But he bit the hand and in the process burned a helpful promotional bridge. Just like the twitter rant that got him fired in the fist place, Anthony does not often think two steps ahead.

Yep. Any reservations Ant may have had over the 'hypocrisy' that existed at SXM because they were playing bits featuring a radio personality they fired should have been kept quiet. Does it suck? Yes. Is it hypocrisy? Definitely. But it's free advertising on a platform that is fairly large - much larger than anything you could get if you paid. His digs at Opie were great and probably got him subscribers, but it was definitely a short-term victory only. Burning the SXM bridge was a massive loss.

You miss my point. I can see why Opie isn't promoting TACS. Jim seems to care about Ant ( goes on his show, by far the best ones ). It just sucks he won't promote TACS out of fear. Doesn't even half to big Ant up. A 10 second plug would help Ants numbers.

I think "fear" is a poor choice of words. After Anthony's Greggshells show it was probably an agreement that there will be no more plugs to Anthony's show out of respect for Opie and their show. Who in their right mind would want free plugs from their show going out to someone who spends so much time talking shit about them? Anthony is a snake that bites itself.

Do you really think anyone who still listens to O&J isn't aware of Ants new show? There would be a few retards but I doubt a plug is going to make much difference.

Ant was getting a lot of promotion with the classic replays. If it's anybody's fault it'd be Ant for being a stupid asshole.

But yes, fuck opie.

This sub is fucked. It's a whole sub dedicated to violently hating the most mediocre human ever. How surreal.

He did bring up his LoS appearance on Thursday's show. But yeah, I could see a scenario where Opie wanted to calm down on the plugs for Ant's show...

TO BE FAIR to Opie, he did plug Ant's show himself on several occasions before the "Greggshells" show. Since then it's hard to blame him IF he asked that they keep the promotion of Ant's stuff to a minimum for awhile.

I relish any chance to motherfuck Opie but I gotta think SXM are the ones who made the call to not speak of Ant or his show.

Decade of Dominance? Plus they have done it in the past.

Bra bombings.

theres some form of gag order in affect (effect?)

You mean from higher up? Its uncensored talk, ant has a guy on the inside plus Jim. Ant would have said something. Plus they've played Ant clips and promoted TACS like twice last year.

There goes the Sirius gag order theory. Ron is a great man.

I think after after the brief blowup/ceasefire Opie probably decided to calm down the plugs, they did briefly talk about Jimmy going on LoS on thursday.



Anthony should never get plugs on O&J after the shit he pulled. Ant would do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed, and he'd be right to do so.

I can see how it would be awkward for Jim to talk about TACS on O&J after Ant made Opie cry on air for the first time in his career. On the other hand it seems like a week can't go by without O&J being brought up on TACS.

Jim mentions on his advice show that he's going on ants show. I agree with previous comments that ant fucked up the free promotion with the events leading to and Greggshells. Every episode of Decades had ant on there. I'm only wondering how many people outside of Bennington are mentioning tacs. I don't count LoS anymore since they've signed. Ants rant is old news for the most part, man it was effective.

Yeah you would have thought he would say it when he's going on ant's show that later that day. Did he say he was going to be on LOS yesterday?

Yes he did.


Jim didn't screw Ant, Ant screwed Ant.

If there is a gag order from the bosses opie set it up. He is management's bitch boy and always has been.

Huh? If Opie was the one who set it up then why would he be consider management's bitch boy? i mean, if he told managment to do what he wanted, why would that make him THEIR bitch boy???? Either way, I still don't think Opie is clever enough to plan and carry out a conspiracy against anyone.

Huh? If Opie was the one who set it up then why would he be consider management's bitch boy? i mean, if he told managment to do what he wanted, why would that make him THEIR bitch boy???? Either way, I still don't think Opie is clever enough to plan and carry out a conspiracy against anyone.