Screwing around NYC - @OpieRadio

0  2015-06-05 by melexmaster


Faggot deleted my comment "Steven Spielspergers".

All the remaining comments just read like the posts from the encouragement bots that reply to his twitter.

Tss ya I was in a movie with him and scarlet johannasberg

For a guy who's so sensitive, you'd imagine he'd try to be less obnoxious.

ME: I don't know what ta tell ya, man. Maybe my youtube channel passed you by.

What's the ME joke?!

When Opie retweets someone he writes 'ME:' and then adds his own thoughts.

Oh wow

ME: I don't have time to even watch a movie, read a book or get into any new shows. I have 2 kids.

He's too stupid to come up with any commentary, so he just invades people's personal space and stands their like a big breasted plank.

Gotta be honest, I chuckled when he was handing the guy the $1 bills. The rest was lame.

Is it bad that I'd really like to see someone push him onto subway tracks as a train comes.

Wasn't bad. I actually laughed.

Vertical recording?

ME: That's the bit!


I'm surprised he left out the part where he ate pizza with the homeless guy. It was kinda interesting to hear his stories and then watch him ditch an entire pizza. There's one point where Opie thought the homeless guy was calling him bald and Opie exclaims "hey I have some of my hair left!".

I recorded the stream but there's no sound.

That was pretty good.

it's amazing what tits can do with all this 21st century technology.

Is opie insisting on using meerkat even though periscope is now available on android? He insists on being different for no reason sometimes.

Disabled comments?

Shock and jock

He's been trying so hard to be like "Surveillance Camera Man"

Of course it's filmed wrong lol

He thinks he's filming an episode of Louie.

i just love all the thumbs down