Open letter to Norton: If you're going to stick with Opie, PLEASE drive the show more or at least try to update your comedy from what it's been for the past 10+ years.

53  2015-06-05 by ryanasimov

I'm sure it sucks trying to make a show work with a humorless dolt, and knowing that Opie is paid a shitload more than you has got to be a source of resentment. But you're not getting new listeners and 10+ years of repeated faux-homo jokes has long-ago worn thin for the audience who has tried to hang in there with you. Predictability kills comedy. It's not edgy or dangerous material; you're plodding along as though Anthony is coming back. Everyone knows this is NEVER going to happen and you're squandering a chance to move up a rung in entertainment.


It's hard to be funny when you're the only funny person in the room.

Jim's still quick witted as fuck, but his jokes get drowned out by Edgy Story Time with Titty and The Jewfucks.

Jim Norton is hilarious, he's the perfect companion for Anthony Cumia on radio. With Bob Kelly and Rich Vos, it's brilliant. I'm not a fan of his stand up, but I think he's brilliant otherwise. I dislike Opie in this show, I wish he'd just get a job on a regular talk show station, as he's completely unsuited and out of his depth now. I hope Jimmy hooks up with Anthony soon permanently.

I do not think it is Jims fault.

He has no one to bounce off of with barbituate Opie in the room.

Notice how the show is better with a comedian friend of the show in?

That is because Jim feels comfortable, and is able to thrive, Jim does best in a room of funny people, willing to challenge him, and willing to be challenged.

You cannot joke on Opie, he gets fucking sensitive, and it hampers Jims ability to make jokes, because he has to think about offending someone.

Its paychecks fault for cashing it.

I think Jim, like the rest of us, didn't expect it to be this bad.

I'd love to know if he would sign again knowing what he knows now.

Now sign this with your real name so luddite Norton will take you seriously.

I want conflict.

I feel so disappointed in Jimmy these past few years, he was so amazing in the early 2000s when he was super quick, his comedy was dark and he was always angry. Now it seems he cares more about making a point than just bashing it. It's hard to explain but there aren't too many dark comedians out there and Norton was amazing. Now his shit is no different than any other comedians. Also I personally hate his weight loss obsession, its so annoying because hes so ugly it doesn't matter anyway. I miss his rage, quick insults and hysterical references.

There are lots of dark comics, you just need to work harder to find them.

Check out Tony Hinchcliffe

They will turn over their base in a year and will have more listeners than they do now. Granted, they'll be soccer moms and dads, but that's what Opie wants. If Jim changes his humor, he'd have to be more like Gaffigan, to cater to the new audience.

i remember opie saying he wanted the show to be a "destination" for celebs. he said this while star Jones was making the rounds post firing from the view.


It's like management is speaking buzz words right through him.

Jimmy has to keep making the jokes so that Opie understands when to fake laugh ehehehe

baby-boy dope! you just want him to start trashing opie! well what is it shithead! you want him to be funny or start trashing opie???? anonymous jizzbag

Jim's doing all the interviews at least.Grub brought in the real estate guys and barely said a word to them the other day.

Jim is The Dark Knight. He's no the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.

Please Jim, stop letting Opie have the stick all show and please do it all. You're the only reason I still tune in.

He'd rather do like r bud Dwyer and_____ wants a fist installed on their chair though hahahaha trannies

Dumb motherfucker baby boy sssstinks

Agree with the OP. Jim Norton is a pig and a dud BUT he has just one secret weapon he rarely every uses.. and its effing the funniest effing thing on earth when he is way way overtired and underslept.

Thing is, Opie is a massive zero and Norton is doing nothing but what the OP describes so you might as well pull out all the stops and try being a ridiculous babbling weirdo 'no sleep jimmy' because it can only help.

Look at this self-important douchebag.

Writing speeches and shit. I can hear it now, what you were thinking "I can do it, I can affect change!"

You are even more useless than O&J.

Go fuck yourself ya brainless turd. It makes zero fucking sense for you to pitch a tantrum over a show you hate, and a comedian who you've grown tired of. It's ok to admit that your life is so dull that all you have left is the glory hole at the truck stop, and countless hours to obsess over a mediocre radio show. Here's an idea, explore new comics and shows. Get off your lazy apathetic ass, and discover something new. Only a retard with no taste,has their entertainment choices spoon fed to them.

You really don't understand the reason for the entire existence of this subreddit do you?

Hey, very edgy.

You should definitely be on the show because you really get it.

Good for you Hot Dog.

Yow! Why don't you tell us how you really feel!

Drive the show? What a faggot.


Jims been funnier the past few weeks than he was the last 2 years when Ant was there. You're just an asshole

What show are you listening to?

A Nopie show from September 09