Does anyone here actually enjoy rogan's podcast?

0  2015-06-05 by arobben



I love it, I have to try to avoid the criticism that Joe gets here because 1) I don't really get it and 2) it's the last podcast/radio show I genuinely love and really don't want these assholes to screw that up.

Not trying to fuck it up for you but how long have you been listening?

Probably a couple years now, have recently got into it a lot more since just before Ant got fired

I used to listen all the time, I think I just got tired of it. I feel like it used to be more laid back when he and Redban didn't sound like ex lovers. I'll still listen if it's a guest I like.

I guess I only go for ones that don't have any of his comic friends. It's a nice change for some intellectualism over pussy jokes

It's all about the guest.

I like how he talks with his guests. When he's by himself I find him a bit meh. And his crazy theories are fun like Coast to Coast

Very much so. Some guests are far better than others though.

I can listen to the first 20 minutes. Then it devolves into Rogan's bizarre theories about how the human body needs certain vitamins that you can only get by eating very specific exotic foods and supplements to make things that human biology absolutely doesn't make with those vitamins. That's peppered with various conspiracy theories that he read about on the internet and every guest congratulates him on being well read.

Yeah, 20 minutes later you wonder "how the fuck did we segueway onto THAT topic?"


I don't think Joe stinks, but I don't think I've heard him say anything funny either.

Depends on the guest for me. I will only listen when somebody i like or i find interesting is on.

I went by this rule until I listened to that episode with the crazy bear lady by accident (I think it autoplayed) and holy shit it was a fascinating episode.

Once in a while he can turn a dud guest into someone actually interesting.

He can but they're few and far between. Sometimes he goes far too deep with the stoner theories for me.

If there is an MMA guest, the show is death on wheels. His podcast helped me discover Ari Shaffir, Duncan, Diaz and Bert and those are solid dudes. Redban is the luckiest mother fucker that was ever born. There has been no better example of right-place right time than with that dude and his "A.V." skills. He has been milking it ever since and Joe is too high and gentle to realize what a zero he is.


nope, it's just one of the most popular podcasts for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

It's easily the best podcast out there, although I only listen when it's a guest I care about.

Yes. It's not a comedy show most of the time but it is fantastic.

"MMA, bro!! And did you ever think about life....on weeeed?"

I've never laughed at something Rogan's said.

Me neither but somehow I am still entertained.

It can be with the right guest.

Not unless someone funny is on

He seems like a good guy but as with the LOS guys, he says 'bro' too much for my tastes.

There's a whole area of the O&A related comedy scene that strays far too close for me to the scene of hangin' out with the bros, smokin' a bowl and talkin' about poundin' poon. I usually lose interest when I hear the word 'bro' 'skank' or 'MMA'.

Not trying to insult anyone who likes that part of the scene but I'll stick with the bitter old men and the nerdy weirdos. The extreme dudes just don't do much for me.

Used too, but it became boring around the time Rogan's ego went into warp speed. And his method of pushing magic pills is no different to Alex Jones' tonics.

Hell no don't see the big attraction with his monotone delivery and pushing shitty health products if ya like it more power to ya I used to listen but can't do it anymore same with Kevin Smith.



Not really. Only if someone I like is on. I just never found Rogan all that interesting.

I like it when there's a serious guest on. MMA fighters are just too dull, and his comedian friends are horrifically unfunny.

It used to be a lot better. I'll listen if I Iike the guest but sometimes it just feels like Rogan is talking down to his guest about a topic he doesn't actually have knowledge on but read one article on and decided to memorize.

No. It stinks

Joe's an interesting dude and some of the discussions can be fascinating When he has a comic on that he's known for a long time they'll reminisce and tell old stories and it's also really interesting.

My ONLY complaints are that

1) Sometimes Joe is in ADD mode and talks over his guests and rambles nonsense (may be drug related)

2) Often when a guest makes an OBVIOUSLY hyperbolic statement he'll say "what do you mean by that" or ask them to explain.

It brings the conversation to a screeching halt, kills the one off humorous joke dead and creates a moment of awkward. For a comic, it's mind blowing. I chalk it up to ADD and he wasn't really listening in the first place.

He's a pretty good podcaster. Consistently energetic and enthusiastic, good guests. The guy's personality is built for routine broadcasting. He's overbearing and preachy but in general he puts on a pretty good show.

I bet you never even ripped bongs or drank beers in highschool.. check out no empties maaaaahn

I listen when comics or notable guests are on. The scientists and authors he has on occasionally have no idea how to hold an audiences attention though.

Me neither but somehow I am still entertained.