TACS peaked with Colin spilling the soda and O&J peaked with Bill dying.

16  2015-06-05 by spineylilnwrdfingers

And those both happened within the first couple weeks of the new shows.

I miss O&A.


O&J never peaked

it spiked with the Pete Rose show but that was the only sign of life from that corpse of a show.

it's a parabola. a steady decline from where it was since the firing, a long bottom in the middle, then a huge spike in interest (for me) when it finally disintegrates into nothing.

It's asymptotically approaching "shit".


I'd love to hear Opie try and say that one

OnA peaked when lady di was crackin natty ice and talking to squierls.

I forgot about that! Wasn't there like a solid 4-5 minutes of semi dead air with her just slurping down natties and shooing woodland creatures?

I absolutely need to hear this.


Cumia's show has always sucked. Most talented second mic in radio today but he needs a point guard

When Bill died was a compelling segment, regardless of how shitty the show became. Even Opie couldn't ruin that moment. When Di started singing The Monkeys in honor of Bill, it was one of the most surreal moments.

I dont understand why people had that reaction, I was revulsed.

surreal isn't sentimental. it was definitely surreal, still leaves room for revulsion.

But what was surreal about it? The drunk pig and stupid marion have sang many times.

I love Ant but Keith is fucking not a radio guy in the same way Opie is not a fucking comedic guy.

If only they got together...Can you imagine how great that show would be?

I'm sure Keith is just waiting to pounce on that 2nd Mic. And the TACS apologists would eat it up or justify it in some way I'm sure.

or a radio guy

Yea both shows are unlistenable. OnJ with whatever dad horseshit they are talking about and TACS with his unending race talk. It's physically impossible to listen to either anymore.

I did quite enjoy when Bill died.

As did society.

That soda was a fine vintage, shame it spilled. I was just trying to explain O&A to a family member tonight and realized how awkward saying Opie out loud is. Just give me Ant & Jim or Jim & Ant. Opie can go sit on his ass and smoke mushrooms while cashing government cheques for all I care.

with bill's death, didn't something in us all die as well?

You nailed it.


the superior "bill's dead" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv_KAtPjrUY

ya kiddin!

y por mis amigos espanol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGZXT4sdUNg

Why was Lady Di or Stalker Patti ever on the show? Everytime the ywere on it was an instant skip. By far the worst things to ever appear on the show on a regular basis.

I guess that's mean. Poor bill.

a lot of um got drey locks

Opie still might die, though.