"Hate" listening to O&J is more fun than listening to TACS

32  2015-06-04 by OpieOpieOpie

Anthony's a bore on his own.


hate reading this subreddit is all i need.

same. I like LOS and YKWD if gomez soder or list are on

I've tried to listen to YKWD a couple of times. Every time there's always been 300 people on and its unlistenable.

And 200 of them are Bobby

Not to mention the show regulars change every two months so you never get a chance to like anyone.

Exactly, why would one want to listen to OwJ? There are much more entertaining things to listen to like the morning traffic report.

Yeah, TACS seems to be stagnating a bit.

Has it really changed or have people started judging it objectively?

Ant was cruising on O&A loyalty, turning on Opie, etc. and we were all rooting, cheering, and making excuses for the show ("He started a radio show from scratch!" yada yada yada).

But I remember, from the beginning, that the free "Best of..." podcasts were mediocre at best. Have people finally just stopped cutting him slack?


People are crabby at it lately but the show's like it's always been. Not bad, sometimes great, total ass when callers and half the guests are on. Overall quality is the same as O&A was, with the high highs and low lows clipped off.

Definitely don't judge it by the best-ofs. They're worse than the show is. An aggressive edit of each week's best hour of material, no matter how short each good clip is, would be funny as hell. The thing they do now, slapping together three decent segments, comes off...sleepy? Kinda sleepy.

If it wasn't for the LoS merger I think Ant would be in some dire trouble.. That was a pretty fucking smart move on his part to be honest. I just subscribed tonight because I actually enjoy listening to LoS, and really wanted to hear Jimmy on there. Ant is a funny motherfucker and I'll always appreciate the years he did on O&A but I don't think I've ever really laughed listening to Ant do his solo stuff on TACS.

Yeah I would have unsubbed if it weren't for LOS. I listened to them for the first time last night and throughly enjoyed it.

I was falling asleep listening to today's Cumia Show. Who wants to hear about Vietnam?

I was kinda excited to see Alia Janine on the show, because she has big tits and she's trashy.

And then she didn't even take her clothes off.

WTF - it's bad enough to put camwhores on the show, but at least get them naked. I don't tune in to hear the banter with a middle aged large breasted person, I get enough of that from Opie Radio

Well if she did then you would have people complaining about it here saying its not the 90s anymore, we don't need to see that when we have the internet, wheres the funny etc.

the actual point is nothing really makes a porn star a compelling guest.

O&J needs to be jocktobered. I doubt anyone would have the balls or care enough to do it though. They definitely deserve it, especially Opie, who would ignore it in lieu of having to come up with a response.

There are too many moments to timestamp and highlight. Today John Cusack explained clearly and with a few extra details that the Brian Wilson movie soundtrack was made with beach boys tracks then Opie, as if he wasn't even listening, asked him if it contained actual beach boys tracks, its like hes not even concerned, like hes overly excited about the idea of himself being a star and not really into the work itself.

TACS is alright. Not really must listen to material a lot of the time, but when it is, it can be very good.

I'll sub in every few months now for the backlog of LoS and Ant shows with good guests, but that's about it for me. Definitely can skip his solo shows.

I think the reason is that there are more characters and people and a larger audience on the O and J show.


Hate listening? lol, wow.

O&A basically spent an entire month "hate listening" to radio annually. Not sure why this is a novel concept to you.

They made bits out of it. I doubt OP is doing anything with his hate listening. Obviously OP can do whatever he wants with his time, I just think it's funny (in a sad way) to spend your time listening to something you hate and not doing anything productive about it.

Well, unless you count circlejerking on a web forum as productive.

followed by a nice hate masturbate