Is this not the exact thing they've spent hours trashing Harvey Levin for doing on twitter?

4  2015-06-04 by Drunken_Wizard23


That's the bit

Opie is just jealous that Christie has smaller tits.

Lots of hack radio guys being overpaid for prepackaged shit that all the other morning zoos (they claim to be above) are jabbering on, and tabloid talk.

What's your thoughts on that?

is there really lots of outrage over that?

No. Opie's on the fucking front page of the results.

Boomer & Carton bitched about it for a minute and Fox & Friends did that oh those meanies thing they do. That's it.

Who'd be outraged? The anti-fat-joke brigade aren't Republicans, and conservatives don't defend Christie. They make fat jokes about him.

What are your thoughts? Dad Radio

I don't know if he's really unfunny, or if he is trying to steal Colin's twitter character.


Oh jeez...what a douche. More lame "listener engagement" bullshit. What's worse is he got it wrong...of course:


Media Destination!

Opie cannot help himself he contradicts himself in every way.

It's always been constant "the media are scumbags for doing this thing..." & then they do the exact same thing. I remember often Opie would go "and to the DUMMIES saying we are the media too, we are not! We're different! And you're a DUMMY if you can't see that!"

But the truth is, no one is "the media". I bet even Wolf Blitzer thinks he's a unique flower doing his own show out of "the media" too. But Opie & satellite radio is more "the media" than some individuals blog or Twitter account

It's exactly what they shat on for years,exactly.