Ok Opie, you say we're the obsessed ones with no lives and nothing going for us....

0  2015-06-04 by daterapebandit

....fine, for argument's sake let's say you're 100% correct. But then out of everything else we could obsessing about, like the Stengels jumping ship to better writing/producing gigs for another show that isn't hack or Roland being a self-loathing homosexual who's still in the closet but overeats to medicate how much he hates himself or arguing over the incompetence of SXM management or how awful other SXM shows are with hosts who are embarassingly overpayed, we still choose to obsess over you being the most irritating, unlikeable, talentless hack broadcaster and overall hack human being. So whether we're losers who hate our own lives or winners in life like you who own a penthouse in the most expensive place on Earth, it still doesn't make what we say or post not true. So suck on that one you fucking mush mouth illiterate piece of subhuman shit! I hope Bam and Lynsi's love children are molested and eaten by a cannibal-pedo in your building.


Lol. Who cares talk radio is drivel anyway.

Way to prove him wrong.

I will always admit to being a loser if it takes ammo away from him defending himself. I would go as far to actually threaten to k......nevermind.

What some people won't do and say for upvotes . . .

geez, tell us how you really feel.

If opie wasnt such a narcisstic-ego prick he would realize he has turned into his crazy mom....including the tits According to the dickhead her biggest issue is that 'everyone else is the problem... not her'. NICE. maybe ginger-tits can have a little TASTE.

Much love Bandit!

I will always admit to being a loser if it takes ammo away from him defending himself. I would go as far to actually threaten to k......nevermind.