Let's talk about Liberal Pandering: The disease that is killing comedians everywhere. Its latest victim, Sarah Silverman and her fucking horrible appearance on Ellen

0  2015-06-03 by Ant_Sucks

This is just embarrassing. Watch it for an example of everything that is wrong with Sarah Silverman and Ellen.


Here she is 15 years ago explaining why her racist joke is funny to liberal idiots.


I pretty liberal and I love a good racist joke. "Dock that chink a days pay for napping in the job."

Yep, she is a pandering fool or a brainwashed idiot.

I don't think you know what the word "liberal" means. What are you trying to point out? That she didn't drop any racial slurs on a daytime talk show for housewives?

She's a liberal that panders. What part of "Liberal pandering" didn't you understand.

She's not pandering. She really does support gay marriage and clean water for Africans. You don't?

Pandering doesn't mean lying, you idiot.

Yes I know, I didn't say it did. Pandering in this context would mean that she is talking about those topics to please the audience or to get them on her side, or to be liked. I'm saying she truly believes those topics are important and is 100% behind them. You are a stupid and angry moron who repeats phrases and words you don't understand. You are a neck beard Opie. Now stop embarrassing yourself.




reminds of the norton conversation with the feminist where they are all sayingcertain words can't be used in jokes but then they use those words in jokes during the conversation

Liberal political correctness will unfortunately win in the end and comedy will be boring for awhile until enough people rebel against it. It's like the temperance movement all over again.