At least Anthony would occasionally correct Opie's self-assured idiocy.

25  2015-06-03 by ryanasimov

EDIT: Found the clip:

In the beginning of 2012 Opie was talking about a new TV series called "iRob". Well, that's what he kept calling it until Anthony suggested that it was actually called "¡Rob!" because it was about how Rob Schneider married into a Mexican-American family. Opie couldn't seem to comprehend that the name started with an inverted exclamation point and not the letter "i". Even Jimmy meekly agreed that it was punctuation.

Nope, uh-uh! It was called iRob because the show wanted to "...capitalize on the whole 'i' thing, the tech thing!" It wasn't a bit; Opie was adamant. Full of confidence he started the segment by asking, "Okay, have you heard about this show iRob?"

Oh, well... learning is for dummies, right?


ME: (right off the fucking bat)'s got Cheek Marin.


Jimmy: Who?

ME: Cheek Marin.

Jimmy: Cheech?

That was hilarious. Ant and Jim turned that uncomfortable moment into comedy and let him off the hook so easy, much easier than he deserved.

This shows how the old O&A show was basically Jimmy and Anthony filling time between Opie's displays of stupidity, with jokes. Now, without the jokes, it's just Opie's stupidity.

What world is he in that he doesn't know the name Cheech?

Your transcript is funnier to me than the actual dialog, and I'm not being sarcastic.

I can understand making that initial mistake. What I can't understand is ignoring the room when its been corrected.

It's a sign of idiocy.

"Only insecure people use big words, let's face it." -'Opie' not Gregg Hughes, the actor who portrays him on the radio

I posted this in another thread, but since I can't get over it, this morning Opie said 'deteriation' instead of deterioration, slows down & struggles with the next few words, then compensates by speeding up afterwards & ends it with some Florentine flavor. No one says anything.

Self satisfied sniffs abound.

He is unbelivably stupid. Remember when he thought that they called the superman movie "man of steel" because they couldnt get the rights to the name "superman".

I think Jim went "yea..." too scared to tell him how fucking retarded he is


After careful examination, I do think Opie gets "iRob" and "Cheek" Marin wrong unintentionally but then expertly transitions into "that's the bit" mode.

sniff,i thought it was pound-sign Rob

I thought iRob was a TV version of the movie iRobot. Since they only had a half-hour to work with, they had to abbreviate the title.

you gotta have a link for somethin like that, my man

Finally found it! The link is in the top comment box.


oh my god i remember that.

and what was worse, i just believed him because i'd never heard of it or seen it before. it never would have crossed my path. the whole time i was like, "yeah, you're right opie, that IS a strange thing to call a show."

then he was put in his retarded place, and it all made immediate sense when it was pointed out that it was just punctuation.

Opie is a dumb faggot but I think he was just trying to force the joke here. He was playing dumb (or playing himself, THE ACTOR WHO PLAYS OPIE).

Maybe I'm deluding myself, but I think this is still Opie's attempt at a joke.

Guys, when I fuck something then becomes the bit!

Only listened to the first 30 seconds and the way Jim and Ant set it up it completely sounds like a pre-planned bit. I knew this board was a circle-jerk, but come on people.

I learned something, Anthony is an emotional retard that's afraid of confrontation so he leaves his partner to be the dick boss. Evidenced by the many failures of KTC.

Like one of those wives that turn a blind eye to their pedophile husband that they know are fucking her kids.