What 'O&J' Really Needed Wasn't the Stengels, but Some ADHD Nobody with a Quirky Vine or YouTube Account

2  2015-06-03 by dehydrationstation

Some of the best years of Opie & Anthony came by having an entirely socially maladjusted, but creative and enthusiastic producer like Steve C.

I don't think Steve (bless his soul) gets half the credit he deserves.

Rather than hire a pair of rich-boy mooks from the quickly-retreating hey-day of late-night television, the show should have embraced what seems to be the obvious future of edgy comedy, by picking some creative, quirky Internet auteur with a Vine channel full of insanity.

One Will Sasso, for example, would have been worth approximately three and a half dozen Stengels.


Will Sasso? I think he's a bit too big for this show, and he's not that big anymore.

Just picking a well-known example. Will's not a perfect fit, either.

Steve C. (peace be upon him) was great.

When they were talking about him after he died, and said how he tried to take it to the edge with bits and shit during the breaks, really made me miss him. His production really made the first few years of XM...

well said

Now that you mention it, Ry Doon would be a perfect fit. He's a vine star who is quirky but clean; tits would probably love him.

He also loves the homeless, apparently.

Yeah... No, they already have the king of viral Gregg Opie Hughes in studio. But in all seriousness you equating being able to make a 7 second funny video to being a good radio producer is sort of retarded. Also, people listen to "gold era" O&A through rose tinted hearing aids. During the gold era they had bits like rock scream Tuesday, wake up your spouse Wednesday and other hack shit. It's just that the gold got on YouTube and the hack shit faded into Bolivian.

...into Bolivian?

Mike Tyson reference

nice :)