Anyone here know what Derosa is trying to say in these two tweets?

0  2015-06-03 by Lilcumia


He's pulling the "both sides are wrong" trick to make him look like he's smarter than everyone. Shameful.

Surely you aren't implying that the 'trick' is always a ploy to seem smarter. Sometimes that stance has some validity. Not particular in this case however.

I think that when people try to insult both sides, it's always to seem smarter or be superior to them. It would be more effective to see the validity of both sides or see the humanity in them rather than dismiss them, but that's harder to do and requires that the person know what the fuck is going on, which I am sure Joe DeRosa does not. By dismissing both of them, the person is trying to be above them, or trying to get away with not knowing what is going on and trying to sell "not knowing and not giving a shit" as a really cool way to be.

Even in this case, he only goes to a Jim-Norton depth of "they're phonies!" Well no, Captain Day Of The Rope, one side is trying to silence the other. You can bitch as much as you want about the free speech nerds but they're not trying to plead with an authority figure to silence the other side.

The Ol' James Norton maneuver

Shouldnt the question be "does anyone care what derosa is trying to say in these 2 tweets?"

Jews complain about Nazis too, so they're both assholes. Especially Jews.

"Not have to listen to people that don't agree with them." No shit, sloppy tits. That has nothing to do with free speech.

Joe got carried away with the jew hate and copped some shit for abusing free speech.

He's purposefully ambiguous because he wants to confuse Lena dunham, Pete Holmes and Jim Norton into not knowing if they agree with him or not and maybe put him in a project.

Still with DeRosa? Who here would even hear about him if not for the posting on these two subs?

He's trying to say that the "6 million" figure is disputed by some.

Thermite genocide.

He trying to say that he misses Lastings Milledge...

"Free speech enthusiasts complain more about the PC police?" Do they? And by this is he saying he is anti-free speech?

I don't know. All I know is that DeRosa is one giant unfunny faggot.

Racial mixing is equally the fault of both races involved. I could be misinterpreting it though.

Back pedaling down the middle of the road. He's a one courageous hummus chomper.

Fuck the COOL is his twitter picture?

Legion of Skanks 87 has a story or two about Joe Derosa "Joe Derosa was the first one to take himself seriously, and did not want to get his balls busted. Remember when he used to run out of the cellar almost in tears..."