Maybe Opie didn't have a choice in bringing on these fat, unfunny jews?

3  2015-06-02 by [deleted]

And he's trying to make the best of it, for sake of his paycheck? Talk amongst yourselves.


you would have to be Opie level stupid to think that Tits has a say in anything that happens on "his" show.

I thought he'd said as much recently, that he has zero control over "his" channel.

SiriusXM brought them in.

From what I've read they wanted a job in radio, Stern. They couldn't get Stern so they were dumped on O&J.

And Opie is too much of a pussy to say that he and Jimmy don't want them there? This may seem obvious to you guys, but it's hard for me to fathom this kind of thinking from a guy who I heard bitch about management for so many years. I guess his acceptance of the stankles is the final evidence that Opie always was a fake.

  1. bitch about management for years and years
  2. management fires your co-host, destroying your show, and turning most fans against you
  3. keep head down and let management do what they want.


Lol, where did you read that?

I remember O&A referencing Stangel tweets to them on air before, even years ago.

The other day either fat or fatter was telling one of their gripping tales about taking the subway and said it was last year and they were commuting to Sirius. Which made me realize that they are not an Opie hire. They are a management hire, which really speaks volumes about how happy management is with the show. My guess is Sirius hired them and then dumped them on the show with the biggest budget / lowest "ratings" / most controversy that they were ashamed of.

I doubt they're jews, they're not good comedy writers.

Yeesh, that was like the Jewish Comic View.

nobody chooses to bring jews in

Not since the Egyptians were fucked over while building the pyramids.

history fact: the pyramides predate moses and the jewish enslavement by the egyptians for hundreds of years.

Chances are very good jews have falsified historic events on more then one occasion.

the holocaust did happen, but the nazis had nothing to do with it! all the death camps were in poland.

i tell that joke when i'm out drinking and jews are around.

Unlimited guilt shekels