Roland vs Justin Stangel for the Heavyweight Championship. Everyone, place your bets!

14  2015-06-02 by Mr_Brightside23


make them fight an old school bare knuckle 20 rounder until they both die of strokes, seizures and heart attacks. we all win.

The wheezing, my God the wheezing.

Speaking of Weasing, someone should kidnap Opie and Wease, give Wease a hammer and make them battle to the death. I say give wease the hammer because I assume he's way more loyal than the Opster and will have to reluctantly use it when Opie tries to do his best.


It just occurred to me now... I like Roland better than both Stangels, and it's really not even close. And now I need to reexamine everything.

Let's not go overboard here, lest we forget that Roland has NO redeeming qualities. The elephant man is less disgusting than Roland.

Roland makes Rocky Dennis look like James Dean.

He really does.

I had this exact feeling. The weird thing is I haven't even listened to a show since these two retarded fat fucks joined. But their YouTube videos, hearing about their fake stories, and the circumstances of them joining was enough.

Justin kinda looks like he should be fat no matter what era he lived in. Roland doesn't.

Roland wasn't always fat. Working for an untalented and ungrateful piece of shit like Opie got to him.

I think it runs deeper than that. I mean, the fucking guy is in his mid-30s and doesn't drive because his mother won't allow him. There's gotta be something unseemly going on there.

Reminds me of a young Uncle Paul.

I could land a plane on that forehead.

Why is he wearing an Erectile Dysfunction t-shirt?

Roland's a tittier kid, but J-Stang has a fucking slab of fat in his throat that nobody can hope to compete with. Remarkable throat-fat levels.

Did Big A finally die for them to get the title?

He was forced to vacate the title due to a crippling case of psoriasis

The Opie and Jim show...the show with the lowest neck to staff ratio in all of New York.

Imagine them gay fuckin eachother?

Why the fuck is he wearing dog tags?

I Hope Roland sits on him

These fucks would easily get front page of FatPeopleHate.


Roland would go down. Stangle at least is solid fat, he's got muscle behind his layers of blubber. Roland is just loopy amorphous blob fat. No muscle anywhere on that cow.


HAHAHAHA you see his glasses? They're tilted sideways HAHAHA SO FUCKING FUNNY!

What an awful, slothy waste