SXM hired the Stangels because they know that Norton is the future of the channel and the key to retention

0  2015-06-02 by LynsiMargera

I agree that Stangels aren't great on air, but I'm keeping an open mind about SXM bringing them on board.

  • SXM hired the Stangels because of their experience working with Letterman, probably the most recognizable comedian of our time. The expectation is most likely that their experience working with a comedian and their industry connections will translate into good things for Norton's career, which would be great for the company (especially with losing Stern).
  • The Stangels have a solid reputation in the entertainment industry. At some point down the road, Greggshells' cornball simpleton mumbo jumbo will begin to erode that reputation. Letting go of GS is the obvious first step to allowing the show to become something great and the only way to allow talent to flourish. Plus it saves a ton of money.
  • My guess with is that Sam is starting his show now to get experience and see how well he can do on his own for the next six months to year or so. Once Opie 'retires' from radio, Sam will most likely come back and join Jim. I'm guessing they will add one more mic, so I would keep an eye out who they have on my peckah you cocksuckas.

neither Sirius nor XM gives a single solitary fuck about Norton and XM wanted him fired and replaced with Burr, Patrice or Bobby Kelly years ago.

I don't think SXM gives a rats ass about Norton. Management loves the new direction of the show, which is middle aged dads clinging to their past and trying desperately to be relevant.

Listening as of late though, they just sound lost, and Norton is so out of place.

I think you're giving Sirius too much credit, the only reason I can see for bringing in the Stangels is for their industry connections to get better guests. It seems like absolute corporate incompetence to hire such talentless people.

ding ding ding

The Stangels have a good looking resume, and Sirius is in the habit of paying millions of dollars to C-List celebrities. (Jamie Foxx, Eminem, Martha Stewart, etc.)


Letterman, probably the most recognizable comedian of our time.

Cocaine helluva drug.

What a fresh and exciting pop cultural reference.