Cokelogics new animated pilot starring Otto and Florentine

0  2015-06-01 by GRIZx


Love CokeLogic a lot...Jim Florentine's wearing out on me...and this STUNK. It reminds me of Florentine's lame waiter skits. I did loff though at Otto's lines...he was a goddamn genius.

Haha, they say fuck a lot!

These voice-over performances make HOW DID YOUR PARENTS DIE sound like audio gold.

Sorry, but this guy just isn't a talented animator. The O&A show is over, he should really give up the ghost.

He's pretty much a hack, always was.

Not sure if he's a hack, or untalented... but I am sure that he squandered a good bunch of national exposure he received for free.

holy shit.....could this be any more dry??

mY SHooWw Iss dRyyyy