JOCKTOBER 2012 screengrabs

29  2015-06-01 by GRIZx


Best one: Opie's face, captioned "Ant's out, let's make lists"

Proof Gregg hate has been festering since before Ant got the boot.

Ah the sweet feeling of not only seeing your old posts, but recognizing your old photoshops being posted by other people's jocktober accounts...That was a real sense of community, working together for the greater good: upsetting soccermom radio listeners and ruining the reputations of hardworking (albeit hacky) broadcasters.

It really was this exciting event that brought together fans. Such creativity went into some of these posts. Regardless of the filthy content, it was brilliant in the context of fucking up somebody else's shit.

I'd fuck the legless, hot blonde. The Terry Clifford one made me laugh out loud.

She looks like Lynsi

I know we are the Opie bashing bandwagon firmly, but Terri Clifford does not look like Lynsi at all.

Great, now I have a raging hard on

The first picture is disturbing guy made his dick into a flower.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think a few of those photos may have been Photoshoped......

Theres a pic of bobo's chewed up dick for all of you who missed out.

Thers a number of those pictures that could describe.

You'll know it when you see it, it looks like a stubbed toe.

I always thought it looked like a kid's crayon drawing of a dick, but in real life.

Ah geez.

"Nice knees, dick" and "Oh, Uncle John Paul" were my favorites