Pink toenails. A new low. When is Tits' contract with Sirius up?

0  2015-06-01 by metfan999

If Sirius is smart, they will tell Oqie to go fuck himself when he tries to negotiate Howard-like terms. Obviously, the show would be better without him. Sirius will not bring back Ant, but what about Jimmy and Bennington (including Gail). Can even throw in Shitstain Sam in the mix. As long as it is NOPIE.


He and Jim Norton will re-sign with SiriusXM in October, 2016.

Much like Opie, Ron Bennington is only interested in doing a vanity show where no one challenges anything he might say or do.

At least Ron is funny while he does it. Gotta give him that at least.

You don't know why Ron re-signed. If it was them or TACS I'm sure there was more reasons than wanting to do 'a vanity show.'

But that's what he's doing. They might as well have named the show 'Ron Bennington: They Call Me Mr. Wonderful'

Face it. Both Opie and Bennington tailor their shows to feed their egos.

And that is never good radio.

just saying that it would be a smart business move for Sirius to unload Tits. Save lots of $...upgrade the show...probably increase subscribers.


Shitstain Sam

if only that nick name would stick as successfully as "tits"

oh, and also saving $ by getting rid of those fat, unfunny fucks.

Saving $? They're probably at least breaking even with the profits made in the Sirius Cafeteria.