What is your favourite De Rosa special?

14  2015-05-31 by [deleted]

There are so many but I would say none. How about you gang?


Six Million Reasons To Smile.

So...how difficult would it be to mock up a cover for this and actually get it up for sale on amazon?

I dont know, go get some paper and maybe some colored pencils and report back to us once you sketch out six million dead jews.

You fuckin buried that cawksucka

I don't listen to them, I just review them.

Zyklon B Goode

Live at Buchenwald.

De Rosa's List

My Final Solution

"... With The Weight Of The World On My Torso"

Mein Kampf: Living Without shoulders.

Concentrated Orange Jews

D. None of the above is like a reincarnation of Carlin and Eddie Murphy. Its a hoot

His 2nd Comedy Central special was significantly worse than his first. I wish the closing bit was online, where he badly acts "getting choked up" for a Gallahger misdirect that 100% of the audience had to see coming.

That's right, in 2013 "Dangerous Joe" closes his special taking Gallagher down a peg. So edgy & controversial!

I liked "pulling the trigger on every nigger"

great film

"My tits are leaking" with "My tits are leaking...again" Coming in a close second.

Last Train to Auschwitz

Derosa Live: Kriegsmarine Tour '39

The one in my head where he gets all the local news crews to film him, while holding a brown paper bag, and then removes his Fez without touching it.

If it did happen, was it really bad?

He doesn't have multiple specials, but he has multiple albums.

By the way, didnt he have that tattoo fucked with even more? Is there pictures of what it looks like now?