What would Patrice's relationship with Anthony be today?

0  2015-05-31 by isla_n00blar

Since Patrice has died, Anthony has said and done a number of things regarding black people that he wouldn't like, including playing monkey noises over footage of the Baltimore riots. Then again, more than he was about arguing race with Anthony, Patrice always stood up for the right to be offensive. I think that he would have been disgusted with both the tweets and the firing, and would probably make sporadic TACS appearances. The arguments they would have gotten in would have probably gotten more heated than anything we've heard from them, but they would remain good friends and we would get great radio.

Or am I just being an optimistic zilch?


What would Patrice's relationship with Anthony be today?

Supernatural and doubly spooky.

It would be funny to see Anthony spell out "shut up nigga" on a ouiga board

An ouiga board? I prefer a good, old-fashion ouiger board.


It would match Anthony's appearance at least.


Patrice being alive would give Ant more credibility.

Whenever Ant would go off on these tangents, Patrice would laugh about it and explain that hes right about some things and wrong about others. And the way they would converse made the whole thing fucking hilarious, as Ant could say ridiculous shit and Patrice would either call him a racist asshole, or laugh and say 'shit you're right'.

I think Patrice would've intelligently and hilariously explained the other side of the race argument which would at least give Ant the opportunity of voicing his views against somebody as smart and funny as himself as opposed to spitting his hatred down the end of a camera solo. In some cases Patice's way of explaining situations would've probably got Ant to back down.

TLDR; They would both be good friends and Ant would be much better off

I'd pay $20/month for an Ant&Patrice show

That's a great price point but also never going to fucking happen.

No shit?


He'd be making fun of Anthony for being a racist pedophile and having to start a show in his bunker.

You should write a Patrice & Anthony fan fiction

Like he hasn't already. This is just a way of getting around writer's block.

Ant would not have degenerated into the racist he is if Patrice was around.

I love the guy, but he is racist, he does not hate blacks, but he tends to generalize.

It was tolerated before because it was presented in a funny way, but after Obama became president, he became an asshole, then went totally into loony mode with the Zimmerman thing.

Patrice would have grounded him fast, before his (I don't even know what to call it) "lunacy" took hold.

I find it strange how extreme Ant got after the loss of the great Patrice.

I think he'd go on TACS once or twice in the beginning like the other comics but still be somewhat regular on Opie and Jimmy. He'd also probably have Black Philip again or something. But you could never guess with Patrice, he could have defended the fuck out of Anthony or come down harder on him than him than ever

Well he was a very loyal dude, I think he would have stood behind him. But silently

They'd be sucking each others peckahs or sumthin'


They would be doing a show together from Ant's basement.

The Ant and Patrice Show

And what would happen if sugar ray was alive and young and fought may weather. Let's discuss!

He would probably have diabetes by now.

Anthony would still be at Sirius. Von wouldnt be hooking in times square if Patrice was alive.

Patrice would have been pissed about Ant skipping the benefit last year, but if Patrice was still here I think Ant would have come. ts.

Wasn't he not invited?

Ant wasn't invited to the benefit last year you dope.

Yea but I'm saying if Patrice was still alive, he would have been pissed if Ant didn't show up to the Patrice benefit, you dope. ts.

Patrice already knew Ant was a racist asshole. They'd have the same relationship they had before Patrice keeled over.

And Ant knew that Patrice was the same exact caliber of "racist asshole."

Patrice was racist, sure, but "exact same caliber" is a bit of a stretch. Even if Patrice felt the same way about white people that Ant feels about black people, he didn't express it nearly as much.

We would have the Anthony and Patrice show now.

Eeh... Patrice did a lot everything on his own and never needed this kind of gig. Ant had no other options. You know it. I know it.

Ant would probably still have his job. I don't think Ant would have been comfortable sliding off as far as he did into Stormfront territory if Patrice was still alive and regularly doing the show.

Exactly like bill burr and ant's relationship.

Wasn't he not invited?

Ant wasn't invited to the benefit last year you dope.