
18  2015-05-30 by keyaw

As much as I love hearing CQ and Jimmy tear into Bob Kelly, I was genuinely excited for him when he landed a starring gig on a show. Now that I've seen commercials for the show...

Holy shit. This thing looks fucking atrocious.


I hate Dennis Leary so fucking much.

Rescue Me allowed me to not really think of him as trying to be a comedian, so he was somewhat tolerable. This new show looks so fucking bad that I hope they kill off his character real fast and the show gets good reviews thereafter.

Anything with Dennis Leary's name attached to it, usually sucks. I don't think Blobby will have to worry about dropping any weight for season 2.

Rescue me?

Go brush up on your comprehension and while your are it, memorize the definition of "USUALLY."

Jesus why so hostile? Get your head of your ass and take your meds.

The song in the commercial is so fucking annoying, every time "sex and drugs and rock and roll, alright!" Show might be good tho, or atleast do well.

I read the quote in bobo's voice.


leary is the only celeb from my shit bag area and i still dont like him.

i hate his ford commercials and how he says "OK"

Just watched like 5 teasers and the joke in every one was "rock stars do a lot of drugs". Should do well.

Season 2 Spoiler alert - Bam Bam struggles with an even more massive weight gain

I think it will be good. Never cared for Learys stand-up, but Rescue Me was great for the first few seasons. Hopefully it turns out to be pretty good.

It will be terrible, Rescue Me was good because it actually MEANT something (9-11, Leary Firefighters Foundation Charity in Boston started bc of Learys cousin dying in a Worcester fire in the 90's) to Dennis.

This is a self serving piece of shit to try to make him look like the rockstar he always pretended to be and wanted desperately to be. Fuck this dumb show and the terrible music that will be associated with it (Ugggg that shitbag commercial. "Sex and Drugs and Rocknroll Allriighht!" What the fuck? I can see a creative mastermind is behind this music)

That said I love Bobby and hope he goes on to do better stuff than this. He really is a good actor and should be able to land more.

Rescue Me got so shitty the last couple of seasons. Ever since the chief blew his brains out it became terrible. I think one of the creators left the show or something. I dunno but it got BAD

Leary got less involved with the show as it went on. He practically had nothing to do with it by the 6th season

That's not true.

Well you certainly showed him.

I gotta be looks awful.

they blew it with the extra & symbol. i'll watch the first few to see bobby and im sure hell be good but itll stink overall.


These teasers are probably nothing like the show, I can't believe all the people on here acting like "that's the show, it sucks." They're just teasers introing the character, that's it. I hope it's good.

FX has been on a pretty good run, I didn't think The Comedians would good, but it's really really funny. Billy Crystal is really good on it and I thought I'd hate it.