Episode 2 of Legion of Skanks, lots of laughs and hellish Patrice love. Lots of lesser heard stories,

1  2015-05-30 by [deleted]



Generally, I wouldn't recommend new LoS listeners start any further back than episode 95.


How about, listen to it, but dont use any episode pre-95 to judge the quality of the show.

That's interesting, because some of the biggest laughs I've had were episodes before that. There is some solid gold shit between 60-95.

I'm not saying to skip them all together. Just suggesting new listeners start at 95.

By that time, the show dynamic had been cemented and the audio is equalized. I think they bought mic capacitors.

Well, at least once a week Dave Smith tries to make a joke that makes me want to turn off whatever device im watching it on, so i wouldnt say their clear of that yet.

Luis has really improved over the years though, and so has Dave. Its just i personally dont care for Dave, he just has a very punchable face and hateable attitude. He does throw in some good lines occasionally though.

I hated Dave when I first started listening, but then I realized he subtley is the funniest guy in the room. Big Jay is a cool fat guy and Luis is so over the top that Dave gets overshadowed. But Dave complements those guys so well that I forgive him for his weekly episodic bomb that he's bound to throw out there.

I agree. Louis has grown on me from LOS and I hated him on Bobbys show mostly but I still don't like Dave. I don't fully hate him but I don't need him there.

Dave looks lot like Danny Ross, that really bothers me.

I've a feeling that TACS is going to ruin this show. It's a pity because they were really starting to pick up steam these past couple of months. I don't think there will be a flow from show to show if people haven't seen the one on the TACS.

How about, listen to it, but dont use any episode pre-95 to judge the quality of the show.