I learn a lot about the English language and euphemisms listening to Opie

4  2015-05-30 by Dannyprecise

I'm 34 years old. For as long as I could speak, the word I would use was "incarnations" whenever I wanted to let my audience know I was talking about the changes a particular thing went through.

Opie, when discussing the Stangels getting hooked up by his ticket lady, said that the lady has been a fan of this show...he then paused for a moment to think. To think about what word he wanted to use. The think about the message he wanted us, the audience, to get.

He then says..."well, she has been a fan of all the carnations of this program..."

Here I am, not realizing I've been utilizing the incorrect word my entire life. I honestly thought carnations was the word for a certain type of flower.



Carnations are a flower. Incarnation is a version of a thing, particularly a thing with several versions. For example "the second incarnation of He-Man in the early 90s failed to replicate the popularity of the original cartoon".

Consider "reincarnation", in which the same soul goes through multiple lives.

Opie is just dumb. Maybe you were already making that point.


I was being sarcastic.

Tss what about ebolacastic?

That one took me a second, Chip.

Double surgical masks, cocksucka!

Were ya?

I did suspect this ("maybe you were already making that point"), but you never know. You might have been some poor bastard whose understanding of the word carnation was ruined because Opie is a bit of an idiot.

What's that dude? Your internet crapped out.