I dont think Norton's stand up is great either, but he is both original and and awesome on the radio.

0  2015-05-30 by slappy_mchappy

His characters are a nationwide success, and also original of course. Uncle Paul is far more edgy than most comics. I like Jimmy and I love the people he brought to O&A. The ballbusting theme he created was the reason we got so many great shows (Colin,Bobby,Vos,Patrice,Otto,Burr,Louie and yes Derosa the kike killer).


I think contextually inadequate is a pretty solid special.

he got a microphone in front of his dongle

Thanks for the in depth insight.

What a garbage post.

coming from the guy who thinks this sub is more entertaining than either of the shows...LOL

Are you going to share your revelation that Opie is more of a board operator than a host or are you saving that for the book?

Not a garbage post....just his thoughts on Jimmy. I agree...I think his standup sucks but he's awesome on the radio.

yeah exactly. this sub is so fickle.