Gavin McInnes is an asshole

1  2015-05-30 by [deleted]

I liked that he stands for free speech and all that but the guy is an asshole. He judges every decision in life on what does mainstream culture think of that? Like telling young people to go around and fuck everything and get genital diseases. Then also telling people he is Christian and women should get married and not have careers. How does telling people to be whores fit in with being a Christian? The guy is just a hipster asshole. I understand the torpid sloth thing went down well here but he is an asshole. Ant has controversial things to say but at least he is consistent in what he says.

Edit: I am not offended by anything he says. I think he has the right to those opinions. I don't like that he is not consistent in what he says. He is a hypocrite.


He's the worlds oldest teenager

Dick Clark?

Nice topical reference, Gramps

"Happy Dew Year..."

(linger longer)

Thanks, cunt.

He said that women are happier getting married and not having careers, which is statistically correct, by the way.

I'm guessing that's the real reason he's an asshole. Because he's right and you can't stand it.

Nah, he's an asshole because he's an obnoxious tryhard.


Great stats. Did he also mention the rich kid college bums and nothings who have a better overall happiness than the people who fight to feel important or be important?

There's a lot of sugar daddies. But there's even more just plain old daddies.

He is a troll/shock jock trying to make a buck. Its a gimmick.

It's not a bad gimmick though. I like when Ann Counter does it.

Yeah, she's good. Ann Coulter as well.

ooops. shit :(

Ann Cunter***. A-boo.

tss yeah more like ann cooter, for my big fawkin peckah

Ann is def the dungeon master.

playing that role has made a lot of people a lot of money. gavin is no dummy and hes carving out his place in media.

I really like her a lot. Of all the things Jimmy has supported, his stance on first amendment free speech while on the job is kind of ridiculous and self-interested, but I never back him more than when he applauds Coulter for never, ever backing down. Because when you do, the Sharptons come out to feed, and when you don't, the attacks just fall apart, like they should. Like everyone should expect them to.

It might take me a little bit to warm up to Gavin but it's a good comparison, and I'm glad I made it.

He's clearly used to being the most outrageous guy in the room, that's why it was great to see him on YKWD getting his ass handed to him by Bobby Kelly.

Bobby has never handed anyone their ass.

He cant even reach his own.

He's the Outrageous Keeeid.

Bob didn't do anything but get defensive about his pal Louie and about his own insecurity with his lack of intellect. Bob is a fat idiot and if he hated what Gavin brought to the table then he shouldn't have booked him.

it's his gimmick and it makes him tons of money doing it.

Who is actually paying him a "ton of money doing it"?

To be fair, it's not like the guy needs the money. He made a shitload when he left VICE.

Did he though? I feel like he left before it was time to truly cash out. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm legitimately asking

He made millions. You can look it up.

True, I believe you. I just kinda thought he left when they were still a weird punk rock magazine and before they started becoming what they are now.

Good point now that you mention it. I seem to remember Ant saying Gavin made a ton when he cashed out around 2007, but I could be wrong.

And that's why he's awesome

Each outraaaaageous opinion more outrageous than the last. I like that he's anti-PC and I'll always watch a clip of him offending a room full of crybabies, but the majority of what he says is just illogical dogshit.

GM really doesn't say anything terribly different than Jim Goad did 20-25 years ago. But unlike Goad, he doesn't actually have any unique thoughts or genuine convictions.

But at the end of the day, he's a fucking hipster. They're all shallow, self-absorbed narcissists who do things based on what they believe will bring them attention. Nothing they say should be given serious consideration, whether they pander to prototypical "SJWs" like Leah Dunham or slowly-aging /b/tards like Gavin. Either way, fuck 'em.


Thanks, just watched the first 10 minutes (would've watched more, but Dailymotion takes FOREVER to load for me). I like Goad a lot, but Gavin's hero-worship of the guy is rather douche-chilling. You can tell watching this what a pale imitation GM puts on of him. Just another substandard-to-mediocre millennial.


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Gavin is gen x, not millenial.

I remember hearing someone from VICE tell a story of the first time they met Gavin. The person had just picked up some toilet paper at the store and they had carried it with them to the office. They were embarrassed about it, and when Gavin saw the giant package of toilet paper in the guys hands, he scrunched up his face and asked the guy "Ew you shit?"

The moral of the story is Gavin McInnes is a hipster troll who will purposely pressure you into feeling inadequate as a human being despite the fact that you're completely normal. He's fucking around, and the people in this thread who hate him are falling for his shit. I thought he was awesome for like a week, now I don't really have interest in him because the fun has worn off.

I liked him a lot at first but he's gets old fast. Contradicts himself a lot, and says way too much dumb shit (that I don't even believe he truly believes) to be taken seriously

He uses a lot of the same emotional dismissive tactics in interviews that people loathe about SJWs. I like him as a media personality but if you're coming out with opinions you know will be controversial, it would help to have more proof or references.

Yeah, he can deliver some entertaining BTFOs to low-hanging fruit like that dopey feminist he had on recently (would be nice if Dailymotion wasn't total garbage so I could watch the whole thing) but he's basically a right-wing fedora. Popcorn politic bullshit like Coulter.

This guy got all sensitive on YKWD, saying Louie shouldn't make jokes about divorce. Fucking goof got called out multiple times by Bobby, and Gavin just took it, because he knows he's a phony.

He never said Louie shouldn't make jokes about anything. He said he didn't like his jokes. Big difference. Stop being an SJW.

He's a raging Catholic asshole. He believes his own bullshit. Went from an atheist to a Christian because "my babies were born!" The miracle of his own DNA turned him into an anti-abortion Catholic. There is nothing more narcissistic than that.

He can't get any more fame off of counter-culture, so he figures he'll just be the counter to the counter to the counter-culture.

Why a small fraction of Americans take this dude seriously or give him any attention is beyond me. His schtick is so forced.

Also, I was into vice around 08-09, did he still own a share in it then or was that years ago? too stupid to google it myself, rather fap.

he left in '07

I don't think he actually promotes girls slutting around, he's talked about how chastity is currency, but he also seems to be a realist and knows it will happen regardless.

Feminism is a scam, it makes women do twice the work for a fraction of the pay.

Gavin is right.

I have to give him a pass for the torpid sloth comment.

I thought he was funny on ykwd. I enjoyed him enraging Bobbys fat in denial ass. Also his last joke about him selling out ceasars palace with his show called faggot nigger was amazing .

I'm sure he generally believes what he says on some level, but he always comes off to me as insincere, like he's playing some kind of outrageous contrarian character. Whoever made the comparison to Ann Coulter is right on the money.

He's not exactly William F. Buckley in the brains department. Not my ideal candidate to represent conservative opinions in the mainstream media. Still, he does fight the good fight for free speech, so that's something.

Also, the "torpid sloth" thing never actually made any sense. Untalented, thin-skinned, idiotic, humorless? Absolutely. "Lazy" might be the only insult in the world that doesn't apply to Opie, especially compared to Ant.

I've been familiar with Gavin for years, since he was with Vice. I used to read his TakiMag pieces, and Street Boners sometimes, but I never really got into his standup. He's friends with Jim Goad and has said that Vice was inspired in large part by ANSWER ME! Goad's zine from way back.

You can call Gavin a lot of names, say you disagree with him or don't like his standup, but the idea that he doesn't have consistent or genuine principles is just based on ignorance. He cashed out of vice before they got their first big deal with Dell I think it was because he thought they were selling out. He intentionally missed out on millions, solely on principle. You can dislike him, but the guy's got balls and integrity, if nothing else.

People were also asking where he gets his money: he now owns or co-owns a company that produces commercials, which is pretty successful, he's written decent - selling books, he runs the site Street Boners, he does stand up, he had a deal with Netflix like 10 years ago before that was a thing, and he has all that vice money. Gavin is a real entrepreneur. He's started and built several businesses, and he gets paid to write and perform standup. He's also a self-made man in every respect, is creatively fulfilled and rich. Honestly, I'm kinda jealous. If I can have 1/4 the career he's had, I'll be ecstatic.



I can't stand his stupid Canadian accent and subtle lisp.

He's a bore.

It's amazing how all his 'radical' thinking falls into the right wing, republican ethos. This crazy guys got a curly moustache and done drugs, but wants fiscal responsibility!

He's Troy Quan's long lost brother!

I think he is funny when he has some good to argue with. He usually gets them good and riled up. One time he was arguing with some lady from the audience of the Race Wars Podcast. She got so worked up she started throwing, I think it was her shoes, or something at him. It was hilarious.

I like him, I think the younger people here will not like him and vice versa

I can't respect anyone's opinions that buys into religion. The whole women should be raising kids and not have a career isn't actually based on statistics, it's based on what he has supposedly seen in his own life, so basically a handful of women he deems as being miserable. There are plenty of unwanted children out there and the world population continues to raise, encouraging people to have kids is irresponsible and stupid at this point. However whether he is trolling or authentic he does seem to get a reaction out of people which can be entertaining to listen too, I just can't take most of his opinions seriously.


He hates working class people because they can't afford his products. Try selling the Onnit® gluten free lifestyle to the average Joe and he'll probably respond that all he can afford for food that night is a half loaf of white bread garnished with stolen butter packets and a container of coffee from reused grounds. He's an amusing troll and once you wrap your head around that you'll enjoy his zany anecdotes.

No, he hates working class British people because he sees what they really are. He talks about how pathetic British/Scottish working class people are because they love being losers. If you've never seen it you will never be able to comprehend it.

Fair enough, I know a fair bit about chavs and gypsy travellers and they've never struck me as people who love being losers, on the contrary I think they see themselves as being superior like an American hipster douche does. But I'm probably wrong, I do think he suggests it for North America also if you listen to his last podcast with Jim Goad which was a great listen. He's not wrong but I do think he's a bit out of touch and a huckster. Enjoy his work all the same.

It's probably something you can't understand unless you've lived here or had family from here. Chavs are the perfect example, they'll want to drag down any working class person who wants to improve themselves in any way. Being working class in Britain is like being black in America, politicians will try to use it like it's an accomplishment or an achievement. It fools a lot of people into joining your team.

Riding the park bench with their sponsored bottles of white lightning. I did enjoy watching Skint, they're trash but the pride they take in gaming the dole is almost charming. Canada isn't a 1:1 recreation of Britain but we have more in common than the Americans and being in the company of carny folk I've always had the most memorable albeit uneasy moments of my life. Sorta like having Tommy DeSimone for a friend never knowing if he'll kill you at the drop of a hat.

Believe me, it's nothing that glamorous. I remember when I first started working as a welder (before I got out) I would see old men, past retirement age, who wanted to hang on to their slavery. Men who were pretty much dying from kidney failure, but proudly boasted that they wouldn't stay home with their wives.

It's the famous protestant work ethic that makes men proud slaves. The kind of people who die instantly after retiring because they've never had anything but their job their entire life.

What is a man but his work? That mentality isn't isolated to Britain or the UK, it's very common here in cattle and oil country Alberta, Canada and most anywhere I've been. Larry King discussed this concept with Ant how people always died right after retirement and it just seems to be that way for some reason. Again you're not wrong and I agree but I have trouble passing judgement since that mindset is very common.

You really don't understand him or his points at all. You actually take everything he says 100% literally. You have trouble understanding nuanced language.

Gavin McInnes is a Christian, and a conservative, but that doesn't mean he's a prude or a Puritan. I've been reading his stuff for years and never noticed a contradiction in his views. He's always been pretty consistent, even to the point of predictability.

At least he refuses to be fucking intimidated out of speaking his mind. You should find that refreshing and necessary in this day and age. He's lost several gigs for things he's written.

If anything, Anthony is the one who isn't consistent. For example, do you think his Stormfront friends would approve of him having Frank Lucas, a black heroin dealer, on the show to promote his book? Anthony has no real convictions. His views on race are just projections of his own psychological issues.

he's such a disingenuous cunt. his image is how right wing nuts picture themselves; bombastic and forceful while really talking utter shit.

I have no idea who this guy is. You guys have no clue how wonderful it feels when you stop listening and are no longer burdened by who said what on twitter and who offended who and whatever feminist sjw hipster whatever said to huffington post gawker etc etc. You guys should really try it. I feel great!

lil bit, lil bit

One thing I've noticed about reddit is that you guys hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. If someone asked, Hey do you guys like Christmas? Fuck Christmas. Christmas is so overrated. There is no God. You guys are so pathetic.

I can just feel his jealousy towards Shane Smith every time he opens his mouth.

If he didn't have his bitter jealously of Smith, he might die of irrelevance.

I just think he makes pro free speech people look bad. I mean look at a guy like Dipaolo he anti pc crap but he makes good logical points instead of just yelling at people and using lame tropes.

DiPaolo is like a the male version of a feminist, he whines about the way men are presented in sitcoms and then then pretends Amy Schumer is funny in the hopes he'll get a small role.

I get it that people here diss Amy cuz she's an "SJW" or "feminist", but to say she's not funny seems a bit dishonest. Then again, comedy is subjective.

I don't think they diss her because she's a feminist or an SJW, I think it's just that she isn't funny.

People specifically diss her on here cuz they think she's a feminist. I haven't seen one criticism of her comedic ability since I've started posting, just that she's a fat pig or an SJW. Not that she isn't, but her comedy isn't criticized here, and if it is, I haven't seen it.

Edit: typo

Where does the SJW/feminism criticism against Amy even come from? What has she said that has been up that alley?

I imagine it would be her skits, like one where she does a parody rap song praising butts, or her tweets, like where she took a photo of her fat self and posted it, then when the inevitable "you're a fat pig" tweet came in she acted like she wasn't ashamed of her size. Those are the only two examples I can remember, but I'm sure there's more.

I'm sure that's an aspect of it but it's not the only reason. I've never considered her to be funny, and I'm sure most other people here didn't either. The fact she's unfunny and also promoting an agenda really doesn't help.

He's a troll or a deep cover liberal. Counterproductive either way. No one who knows the wage gap is bullshit could be happy with his Fox News appearance, he made a mockery of taking that position. Even if women belong at home with a baby, 95% of women also orgasm during rape. But you wouldn't put that out there as a way to further your position. He just gives women more reason to act victimized. He's a VICE hipster douchebag, he knows what he's doing.

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