What Was the Very First O&A Show or Bit You Heard?

7  2015-05-29 by dehydrationstation

Mine goes all the way back to the end of Assault on the Media.

EDIT: It was December 7, 2005.

The very first show I heard was Opie and Anthony panicking (once again) that they were going to be fired because the day before, an idiot Pestâ„¢ decided to fire off an airhorn in some reporter's ear.



It was fatty pig fatty. I was driving around when stumbled on it, I was gonna switch out but then I heard Jim's voice. I loved him in tough crowd so I kept listening.

That's almost exactly when I started listening, and for the same reason. Hah.

When they got Bob Kelly to watch 2 girls 1 cup.

The famous Linda Blair interview, still my favorite.

Homeless shopping spree. I thought it sucked and only tried o&a awhile late after Ellis became unlistenable

I had a long drive and a work truck with XM and it was in the middle of Jocktober. I think they were doing Mancow at the time, hooked ever since


It was either a Ricky Gervais or Louis CK interview, some time in 2012. I didn't start listening regularly until the beginning of 2014.

I don't remember the first thing I listened to, but was right around this time. Jimmy bitching about that shitty drill is one of the first bits I remember.

I want to say this is around 2004.


My first show was the day they took it off the premium service on XM. I didn't know enough about O&A to pay an extra couple dollars a month for them so I hadn't but I checked them out once they were free.

On that day, a trucker called in by the name of dragon wagon. Hearing Jim dismantle him sold me for life.


The Roy Den Hollander interview, sometime in the late-00s. No idea why I was reading about the guy, but I saw the article about him suing Norton over accusations of chicken-fucking and thought, "WTF? I gotta hear this."

After pissing myself laughing, I looked at the recommended videos and clicked "Jimmy Changes Patrice's Mind on Face/Off." My life's been all downhill ever since.

In 2011 I got a new car with XM and was originally looking for Howard when I stumbled onto O&A. Turns out I never had Howard's channel and FUCK was I lucky it turned out that way.

Steve C was in a bad way, lot of dumpout spots with elevator music so they could talk in secret. I almost stopped listening if it wasn't for Jimmy, Ant, Patrice and Bobby turning things around.

I stumbled across K-Rock online and they were taking the piss out of one of the staffs offices being full of Pizza boxes and stuff....at the time I had no clue who was who, but looking back I guess it may have been Erock or Steve C .....needless to say I was hooked from that day forward.

I have a vague memory of the boys singing the words to Coolio's Gangstas Paradise with callers way back in the WAAF days. Don't remember much about it as this was a long time ago.

It was the first episode on XM. Somebody posted it in the Alt.Binaries.Howard.Stern newsgroup.

I remember I had just gotten my first car about 10 years ago. It came with a free year of XM. I listened to this and I remember hearing Ant make a really funny Kristallnacht joke and that was all it took for me to become a fan. Couldn't believe I was hearing something like that on the radio. Fan up until the end.

I saw Patrice O'neal stand up and I thought he was a genius, starting looking up his stuff on you tube and heard his prison story on Opie and Anthony. I heard of them, being a Howard fan, but never heard them. They were alright, but I starting listening to all his o and a Appearances, they just grew on me until I stopped listening to Howard altogether.


Saw it on youtube when I was a freshman in college in '09 searching for World Series clips. Listened to these fucks every day since, sadly enough.

Mine was Anthony talking for the first time about his gay friend as a child. That story was solo fucking funny and Jim was solo fucking funny I left Stern and only turned back when we lost O&A in New Orleans. The show was the best and had so much potential.

Six O'Clock Queef, 94.1WYSP Philadelphia.

It was a few years back when Louie was calling out Leary for stealing his Asshole bit

The earliest time I remember hearing O&A must have been late 2006/early 07... Patrice was on and he was talking about the video game Dead Rising. I was obsessed with that game at the time and hearing Patrice describing the over the top violence and gore was awesome. I've never been able to find that show on youtube and it bothers me =(

The first time Kevin Smith sat in for the entire show. I was a big fan of his back then and he posted the entire appearance on his website.

1999 WNEW 6 o'clock queef

1st day on XM.


I think early Jon Stewart Daily Show covered Voyeur Bus. Maybe it was MTV.

When Vos and Patrice were in the studio. Vos had bought a new watch (I think it was a used Rolex) and Patrice gave him shit about it.

Not sure, though I know it included Patrice since he got me into the show.

Edit: BTW, when I first started listening I thought they were terrible, everybody was talking over each other and it seemed like their phones were always broken. It took a while for my stupid brain to be able to hear the individuals over the cross-talk, and I found out that them not being able to hang up on Steve from Yellowstone was "the bit".

Louis destroying Paul O's "Gap"

How many more times is this question going to be asked?

Seven. Seven more times.