Rememer those guys who did Black From The Compound on TACS? Turns out they didn't like the chimp noises they did over the riots. Now have reservations about working with Ant. (4.45 on link)

39  2015-05-29 by Lilcumia


Keith burns another bridge, a black bridge this time

They're lazy, shiftless bridges anyway

I am listening to it now, they actually said Ant never treated them badly and they never made them feel awkward. I think they were just surprised by that type of racism being expressed. They also said that because Patrice liked Ant and respected him they give Ant a break.

Keith is a fucking retard.

Keith definitely subscribes to coontown.

Who doesn't?

Its 2nd only to the O&A sub reddit i visit on a daily basis


He tries to come across as the legit pro producer networking guy, and then he does shit like that.

Good point I never heard bababooey say nigger

sarcastic? I thought I heard him say this at a roast

Robin roast?

I think so... I caught it going through those obscure roasts on youtube

No, Roland roast, dummy.

He did once say he had a story about calling a guy a nigger and almost getting his ass kicked, but he never told the story. The horse-toothed jackass said he'd save it for another time.

Oh shit I remember that. Tatatoothey

He tries to come across as the legit pro producer networking guy

and continues to fail miserably at it

I agree ktc fucking stinks, BUT listen to the clip before you come to a conclusion the monkey sound was perfectly placed it fucking looked like planet of the apes and Keith was hailed as a comedy savuant when he executed that.



Keith never mentioned Planet of the apes once. He did this before during a clip of two black girls fighting. He did it strictly in a racist context. The POTA reference comes from the comedy outliers podcast, not TACS.

Exactly, those bridges don't work at all.

Food stamp bridges

Cop.... Racism.... Failure..... There's some kinda connection here im onto

He might as well burn down the studio because that's what he's doing anyway.

I suppose that would make it the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

I don't understand, was Keith the one playing the monkey noises?


Having actually listened to the clip they seemed pretty fair. They never really bashed Ant unfairly. They just questioned a discrepancy in how he acted when they were around vs. how he acts when they are not around. And they did acknowledge that they would need to further look into the context of things as far as the monkey noises thing and that maybe there was some comedic context that they were missing.

I think they were very fair to the whole thing. When you are as racial as Ant is, then people who are black, brown, whatever group that person seems to be racial towards then there are going to be people have some reservations or questions about dealing with that person. It comes with the territory.

So we should believe that they speak nicely of white people when they are just hanging with their black friends?

The fact that you think this is such an unbelievable idea probably indicates a problem with you.

So you're one of those leftist assholes that thinks a black dude can't be prejudiced? Fuck off!

No, I just think you're a little insecure and paranoid if you assume that every time black people are alone they're busy hating white people.

That's not what I said.

Ok, you seemed to find it hard to believe these guys "speak nicely" about white people when they're with other black people. Unless they've already set some precedent showing themselves to be racist guys, I don't get why that would be the assumption.

Black people constantly bitch about other races. Source: work in government training programs for years.

Because people are people and it's natural to be bigoted against people who are different than you and if you say you're not you are lying!

Ok, so it is what you were saying.

Either way, just because you do something, doesn't mean it's "natural" and everybody else is the same way.

So you are going to deny human nature?

I'm denying that it is actually human nature, as opposed to the behavior of usually segregated groups. People who don't grow up thinking other groups are completely foreign tend not to have baseless negative opinions of them.

It's cool if you need to rationalize your thinking, just don't elevate it to: "we're all like me, just human nature." It's not a completely crazy idea, that some people don't obsess on the negatives of other races the second they're alone.

Rationalize my thinking? You don't know me and to assume you do makes you as bad as what you are insinuating I am like.

I'm judging based on your words. Don't try to play sensitive victim.

Also, I'm bored with this.

Take your ball and go home!

Yeah, enjoy acting like you won something.

Who's acting sunshine?

The guy incapable of following the logical implications of his own statements, who seriously tried to play the victim because I was "judging him" when this whole conversation started because he was making assumptions about what other people say in private. That guy.

G'nite, sweetie.

thoroughly enjoyed this. well done.

Yes he totally is, I'm guessing he's 25 or younger.




That's valid but I don't think it's the same context. See Ant didn't make a crack about black people to one of his friends off camera. We all act differently around different people.

Ant acts differently towards black people in general on his show that is accessible to the public. So for two black guys to turn around and question why Ant was so cool to them in person and on the show, and then Ant talks the way he does about black people when they aren't around him is a fair idea to explore.

That is an inconsistency on the same forum/context. See if those dudes talked a much different way about Whitey when they had white vs. black guests on their podcast you then have a valid comparison.

Black, White, Purple we all have our prejudices and there isn't one person out there that wouldn't be fired from working at a corporation if all their conversations were taped for a week or two.

But for someone to question the context and consistency of the content you are putting out to people seems fair. Especially since they were pretty tame and acknowledged they may lack context.

All I am saying is that a lot of the things white guys are lambasted for are done by all groups including blacks, so it's kind of hypocritical to come down on only one group regardless if they are the majority or not.

I think it is because rightly or wrongly people want to punch up either in comedy or society in general. Fair or not (I think we should apply the same standard to everyone personally) people find it a lot harder to punch down to people who are thought of as disadvantaged. It's easy and trendy to go after people who are viewed as being advantaged. Once again not that I agree but that's the thought process. Personally I think you need to move forward and try to be fair and reasonable towards everyone. But it's hard for people's egos to get rid of the past.

That being said is that the context these guys were applying to Ant seemed very fair. They were talking about Ant's presentation on the same show airing in the same format. If you (I am going to make an assumption you are white, correct me if I am wrong and you care) went on their podcast and they were nice to you and then you listened to an episode to that same podcast where they were mocking white people and taking a vastly different tone towards white people. Would you not be fair to question that discrepancy, esp in a very understandable and context fair manner?

I think that is the difference - If I watch some black guys making fun of white people I don't get offended, I'd probably laugh with them and if someone called me a cracker I would say fuck you and go about my business - Is this because I have white privilege? I don't think so - it's because I think everyone is fair game and no one is above getting shit on. I thought that was the whole point of O&A and the pests.

I agree, but I really don't think this was about the race thing. The race thing just happened to be the backdrop. And as a side note I agree that it is either all OK or none of it is OK (Honesty in dialogue is the only way you progress forward). How would you feel if you were acquainted with a couple of black people. Went on their podcast, they were really cool to you on air, and had a very reasonable and seemingly honest conversation about race or things in general and race slipped in there.

Then two weeks later you hear two what sounds like two completely different people that had a completely different attitude and tone about white people.

Would you not think they were being phony? Would it not be fair to wounder what are their real opinions? I think it would be fair to question those people about honesty. Race just happens to be the backdrop. But really you could apply this situation to anything.

Of course people are going to have a different tone and level of dialogue with different guests. But when the level jumps hugely from one level to another vastly, it becomes a valid doubt about the credibility of someone.

21 down votes for another TAME criticism like this

Holy fuck, the cuckolding is real on this sub.

Some people cannot handle discussions about race.

Nope especially honest discussions.


What a grand fucking surprise.

What a fucking blockheaded goon.

Wasn't it Keith that made the chimp noise? When I heard it the first (and only) time i watched the episode I thought it was keith making the noise. Was it him or was it like a sound clip?

Keith was never a professional broadcaster. Anthony was. He knew how to keep his awfulness subtle and contained, and most importantly, with a humorous tone. Keith is a chowderhead fireman and Ant is pissing down his leg by making his bestest pal HANDLE HIS FUCKING LIVELIHOOD.


Ant is a Former nobody who had a dead end job. He fell into this and all he had to do was show up. It's hard to get out of that habit and to work really hard. Believe me I can see it, that was me for a long time. If someone else is " handling it" then I'm not gonna fucking give a shit to worry about it. "It'll be fine" until it's not fine. Then you gotta start over and work hard and handle your shit yourself.

This is not true. You just need to hire better people. Sounds like you just had a bad attitude.

Exactly. He has the same lazy fuck it attitude. Keith is handling the business for him so he's not worried about anything. Just shows up and give his talent. That's fine but you need someone competent running it.

Yep, makes sense. Ant forgot how to make his racism funny. Equating black people to monkeys is such a tired, hack joke anyway.

It was Keith that made the monkey noises.

Of course it was.


It's the kind of joke one of your buddies might make while you're driving in the car among friends, not something you do on a podcast. Putting that out to the audience was a groaner.


You're not going to convince me that this was great humor.


Great comeback

A real wild card, that guy!

equating black people to monkeys is the fucking definition of hack


Yes. A hack always takes the shortest, easiest route to a laugh. He gets the laugh, but he gets the easy laugh. Has nothing to do with truth or falsehood, but with laziness and lack of skill.

And whose says that on occasion, that hack, can't be funny?


yes, especially then. HAHAH BLACK PEOPLE ARE RUNNING AROUND LIKE IN THAT MONKEY MOVIE! get it cause monkeys and black people!? was the easiest joke he could have possibly made, which like I said, is basically the definition of hack

I think the humor is in that they were acting out the hack joke live on TV and Keith the Cunt played the hack music. Kinda like when you drive through Gary IN and first thing you see is KFC and a watermelon stand.


The point of that movie, which obviously went over your retard head is that the apes are acting like people. That's why it's so dramatic, because they have the strength of apes, but they act with the rage, intelligence and organization of people.

Apes don't riot in nature. They wouldn't know what a fucking car is to know that it's something worth trashing. It's people that do that.


Wow, your retardation wasn't an act. You really are that retarded.

Where are the chimps rioting and attacking a car, dumbass? Of course animals kill each other in nature. That isn't new. Organizing yourselves into mobs that destroy property is what people do. People value property and have self concept. That's why they break shit when they riot, because they know people value it. Most adult apes fail tests for self concept, that most humans pass before age 2.

Also, and here's the bit that seals your retardation.

Even the video you showed me says how rare that even was, that it was "so unheard of that anthropologists only had one on record". So did you even watch it?


You don't even know what irony means either, lol. Fucking dope.


Yes it is ironic that you think that proves your point, when it proves the opposite: that the ape behavior in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes scenes replicate human gang behavior, not natural ape behavior. Your video highlights the behavior as being rare and gang like, because it is rare and of note because of just how more closely associated with humans that behavior is.

If Keith the retard was around he should have played your video and played human sounds over it, and it would then be more accurate than him playing ape sounds over clips of humans rioting.


lol. dis guy.

Classic this guy


I can't tell if you're just trying to elicit a reaction or really are a white supremacist.

Either way the dude's a total chump

Who cares--he's a fuckwit Cumia wannabe.

You're a sad little man

Aren't you the guy that got rekt on that slavery post lol.



What a coincidence we both found this post! It's almost as if we were linked to it.

You obviously have issues, and your level of intellect is on par with those you project onto. You're just compensating for your own faults.

Anyone have a screenshot of this shit post?

I love you too.

They wouldn't play chimp sounds over a bunch of white dudes rioting after a hockey game. Just saying.

edit: Lol, fuck all of the fucking faggots downvoting this comment.

On O&A they would talk about all kinds of crazy WHITE rapists, mass shooters, murderers, and pedos but not ONCE did you ever hear Ant say, "Wow that guys a savage sub human animal". No, it's always the black kid who does something stupid that's a SUBHUMAN MONSTER rings the bell. But Ant totally doesn't despise black people right?

Suck the skin off my fucking dick.

Does anyone remember that time on O&A where Ant was going off on a libertarian rant after some guy in Delaware had his basketball hoop removed by municipal authorities? Jimmy eventually brought up how different Ant's take would have been if the guy had been black, and Ant couldn't help but laugh and do an imitation of himself in that scenario: "They don't respect the law! They're breaking zoning laws!"

I think more importantly they wouldn't do it if Mike and Brandon were actually right there in front of them, which I thought was the point of what they said.

No but they would start doing those stupid Canadian white guy voices, and lets face black comedians all do the nerdy white guy voice when talking about white people. So lets just call it even. We get to play monkey sounds about them, they can portray us as nerdy cornballs.

Us vs. Them mentality, nice



You upset, bud?

You are the one telling people to suck your uncut rod. You sound the most upset in here, chief



LOL that we can now fully acknowledge that hockey is for white culture. How oppressive! And how oppressive it is to compare degrees of rioting or numbers of occurrences, or which racial groups commit more crime.


Oh stop. Just fucking stop. You're fucking humiliating yourself. That reference didn't contextualize. It was just a lazy cowardly hack excuse to express the same ole, same ole bullshit that has completely destroyedhis career. But keep kissing the ass of a failed deejay and failed cop. The more you enable that shit, the more his career will vanish down the shitter. I'd like to see the guy resurrect his career. But that ain't gonna happen so long as he dumb fucks like you to pander to


It was very funny, I'm surprised this is getting down voted? I guess that's why we are only the 2nd most bigoted reddit...

Nah, this is worse than /r/Coontown

Check your privilege


Keith was directly responsible for playing the audio, but let's not pretend that Ant isn't encouraging that type of shit lately. Keith is a boob with no business producing entertainment, but I do find it odd how people around here are using him as a lightning rod for criticism. 8:30



"Good we don't need niggers freeloading off my brother, hey can you please promote my blatant rip off podcast lil bro" joe cum

Keith has to go. This happened two or three times, it's not Ant pushing some drop button it's Keith thinking it's funny to do that. It never gets a laugh from anyone in studio and just makes people uncomfortable.

Ant can touch the race stuff with logic and humour. Keith is a fat unfunny racist cunt and detrimental to Ant's career.

He's not that fat.

That sucks, Mike and Brandon seem like pretty good dudes. Every time I have heard them they have made me laugh a bit. Kieth was probably one of those cops who did that "YO BRO" horseshit to anyone who was darker than him while on the beat. What a shitstick.

That's the problem with Ant that I think he fails to realize. Sure it was all done in jest, but it's still isolating. They know he probably doesn't "hate" black people but can you really blame anyone for not wanting to be around someone like this? Ant is painting himself in a corner every single day now.

Have a feeling that's why Bill Burr keeps his distance. Pretty sure that he doesn't want to associate himself with a show where its fan base bashes him and calls his wife a "Nigger cunt" on a constant basis.


Woah is there audio of this?

he knows exactly what he's doing. it's not a joke and it's not anything but hateful. he literally thinks he is in a battle of Aryan soldiers vs nonhuman savages

Aren't we?


eh.... speaking as someone that doesn't care for white or black people all that much, it kind of is a noticeable thing that's happening.

i dunno about aryan superman versus savages, but you'd be out of your gourd to say that race relations haven't turned aggressive and hostile.

the point is well taken though, it's not a joke and ant has bitten off a little too much of that. it has a place, somewhere in his life. but it ain't gonna get his show very far. as fans, that's what we are really concerned about.

Some of us are

Really undermining the whole "racial humor != racist" thing, huh? If you're not joking, fuck off. You make everyone look bad. If you are, I shall retract my statement, and go fuck myself.

why don't you come back here and shut up?

That's the problem with Ant that I think he fails to realize. Sure it was all done in jest, but it's still isolating. They know he probably do

Feels like he also needlessly keeps trying to prove how unapologetic he his for his thoughts and infamous tweets.

He has been so emphatic about not apologizing, and constantly trumpets it to the world by saying "I'll never apologize" and cranking out the same tired Mike Brown tweets day in and out. I don't recall anyone ever asking him to say he's sorry yet I've heard him proudly declare his stance on the subject at least 30 times. Nobody gives a shit if you aren't sorry Ant.

He's so obsessed with proving that he's ok with who he is, and what he thinks that he just comes across as an old man with nothing to offer but exactly that.

His movie buff drops, intelligence, charisma, and sense of humor are all being burred in his retarded attempt to "own" his racism/political identity/whatever the fuck.

Also I could give a fuck about if he's racist or not, I just wish he would shut the fuck up about it and find one other thing to engage.

Same can be said for his asian or Jewish impressions and jokes, but fuck comedy right

He can make a joke about Asians or jews and move on. That's comedy. He doesn't obsessively revisit it

Well he does the asian bit quite a lot.

If Anthony could take his hatred of blacks and turn it into hatred of Jews, it would do wonders for his career and for my personal entertainment. I want him to get real freaky with some Rothschild lizard man conspiracies. I wanna see David Icke on TACS.

I could get behind this. the /pol/ show.

Yeah, mocking of Jews will get him far in the media :)

He is already outside of the mainstream media. Might as well take it to the extreme if you're an outsider. I'd rather have Anthony go out in a blaze of glory than continue droning on and on about boring negros.

He's expanding his network. He's got LoS and he's announcing more people soon. No reason to torpedo it. I don't even think he dislikes Jews. He has Ari Shaffir on and now is the boss of Dave Smith.

You're being way too literal. I'm saying that if Ant flew off the handle and ranted about Jewish conspiracies it would be more entertaining than hearing him rant about urban Black people. I doubt Ari or Dave would even care if he did that, they would probably be amused by it.

That actually would be pretty hilarious. He should have weev on to talk. The guy is well spoken and entertaining.

Thats the thing though, for every joke he does about black people there's 10 minutes spent pontificating about them and their culture beforehand.

Yeah. Can't really blame a couple of black guys for being insulted by that stupid shit.

I'm beginning to think Lil' Anthony's mom used to have Lamar come over to help her fix the floorboards...

Dude, fuck Keith!!!

He's done that shit more than once. Seeing a grown man/decorated officer making monkey sounds at a video of teenage black girls was just bad taste and rubbed me the wrong way. Doing that shit may get a couple of chuckles, but overall it makes you come off as a racist.

Keith, you're a cunt. Fuck you pig.

He's a cop and he hates blacks

The chimp noises bs was so hack. It's not even that's its offensive racially, just offensive to my sense of humor.

It was probably Keith's idea, we all know how hilarious cop humor can be especially when you're a sociopath with a god complex. Anthony really needs to lose that ziltch, doesn't the NYPD have a good pension plan?

It's not even that's its offensive racially, just offensive to my sense of humor.

Seriously, that's what everyone should be mad at. It's just so hacky.

it's who cares as far as racial insensitivity goes.

it's pure low-hanging fruit as far as comedy. if it were replaced with a biting (perhaps racist) yet witty remark, then nobody would complain.

that's not premium quality entertainment that you feel good about paying for.

Right, I think we're saying the same thing. They could've made some sort of smarter, more subtle comment in there that would've been pretty funny instead of over-the-top hacky chimp noises. Zero thought, zero originality.

I cracked up at the chimp noises. In context of those mass fight videos, it fits.

Of course. I'm surprised he's kept as many business friends as he has.

bidness. these black guys are his bidness friends.

see im black and you got a chuckle and an upvote from me. that's how you make jokes about blacks.

Please don't tell whites how to make jokes about blacks. We are professionals.

Making jokes about protected classes is a tricky business.



Define business friends

Well, chalk this up to another victory for Anthony's self-destructive racism and surrounding himself with horrendous, unlikable people. He should just take Keith out back, fire him and then beat him to death with a baseball bat or something.

What's the problem? I wouldn't work with a black guy that clearly hates white people.

Would you work with Patrice? His contempt for whites is no worse than Anthony's contempt for blacks.

Patrice's racism wasn't that serious. Fucking Anthony and Nick DiPaulo loved him. If you want to say Patrice loved Anthony, Anthony didn't go all in with the race obsession until after he died.

It's not even comparable in my opinion, Patrice's racism was ALWAYS in a comedic context. He wasn't quoting FBI statistics or cheering on dead white people. That's the key part of why Anthony's racism is tired even among TACS fans, he's not joking.

Patrice loved Anthony and Nick despite their racism. Anthony and Patrice absolutely got into racial arguments. You know how I learned that Anthony read Niggermania? From Patrice. He knew how racist Anthony is.

I've liked Anthony despite his racism for years. I imagine a lot of us have. The problem now is that he's letting it take up far too much of his time and damage his professional relationships.

You can't see how biased your post is can you?

Point out how it's biased, I have nothing riding on Patrice more than I do Ant. The fact is, if Patrice constantly had white people are terrible segments on the Black Phillips Show or was a member of black Israelite forums and used their talking points then you would have a comparison. You're comparing a comedian that did racial material to a comedian that is a racist.

Patrice's racism wasn't that serious.

So it's racism, but because you're biased to Patrice, it's not serious like Ant's. You also think there's no such thing as racism towards whites, I imagine.

Fucking Anthony and Nick DiPaulo loved him. If you want to say Patrice loved Anthony, Anthony didn't go all in with the race obsession until after he died.

The fact alone Ant loved Patrice shows he isn't racist to blacks. You're again being a revisionist to think that Patrice didn't know or hear all about Ant's views while alive.

It's not even comparable in my opinion, Patrice's racism was ALWAYS was in a comedic context.

Your bias shows again now using hyperbole to say that even if Ant was racist it NEVER was in a comedic context.

He wasn't quoting FBI statistics or cheering on dead white people. That's the key part of why Anthony's racism is tired even among TACS fans, he's not joking.

FBI stats are racist now? Patrice never made jokes about killing whites or getting revenge?

You are blinded by your bias and you should edit your posts to an apology to me.

What do you think, the fucking O&A subreddit is teeming with white guilty liberals? The assumptions you're making are psychotic. On a board of white guys and Anthony's biggest fans, people find Anthony's racism against blacks more offensive than Patrice's racism against whites. I can't even remember being offended by something Patrice said.

Ironically, you're doing the same thing liberals do as far as construing racial humor with actual racism. Comparing what Patrice did with what Ant does is a sham and makes it harder to do racial humor. Jokes =/= talking about how violent black people are several hours a week in a completely serious manner.

What do you think, the fucking O&A subreddit is teeming with white guilty liberals?

Yes, and you're one of them.

The rest of your emotional rebuttal proves I'm right about this conversation we've had.

The rest of your arguments are transparently faulty enough to not require me to point out how.

The fact alone Ant loved Patrice shows he isn't racist to blacks.

Liking a black guy doesn't make someone not racist.

Come on that's just not true. Patrice loved to comment on the differences but there was no hate there.

Same with Anthony. The problem is that the liberal faggot cucks here love black dick and are blinded by it, so they won't hold Patrice to the same standard.

Your white tricks aren't welcome here.

You'd be shocked to know I can use those without being white then.

Oh are you an Italian too then?


I don't think Patrice ever argued that "certain peoples" have a lower baseline intellect.

And if he did is this the end all of a racism charge being levied or just the beginning of your cherry picked, selection biased strawman argument?

Yes, I would argue that belief in the inherent intellectual superiority of white people is the end-all of a racism charge.

If a racial group performs better at a certain test on average and someone states that, how is that racist? Aside from being a statement concerning the performance of races in comparison with each other.

If a racial group performs better at a certain test on average and someone states that, how is that racist?

Stating that fact isn't racist.

"I do believe that there are certain peoples that are more advanced than others from the beginning." That is racist.

If IQ tests show something on average, how is that racist?

If you believe that, you should be arguing that racism is correct, not that that belief isn't racist.

What? No. I should be arguing that if IQ tests show something on average, that the belief that the IQ tests show that thing is then founded on performance, not the hatred or fear of a racial group.

Can you rephrase that a bit? I lost track of the syntax there.

added three words for clarity.


The best thing they could do is come back on the show and tear Anthony down by being absolutely hilarious. Patrice and Ant butting heads over race (but still with a level of respect) was one of the most entertaining things on O&A.

they can't replace Patrice RIP

Just when i thought I was really starting to respect Keith more, this shit happens.

Ants the boss, he takes the responsibility. Not Keith.

How can people defend Ant's racism? He is smart, but a lot of ignorant fucks are smart. People who can speak very well and know things, but then it all falls apart when you realize what they are talking about. All of his rants about blacks, no matter what he is saying, basically boil down to "I hate niggers" His racism isn't that complex. Has he ever once taken the side of black people on any sort of race issue, or even seen their point of view on it?

His jokes about race bother me sometimes. Jokes about race and such never really bug me, but when he says them I get annoyed because it feels less like he's joking and more like he's just an ignorant fuck.

Why is there violence in the black community? He brings it up all the time but never ask why. His answer just seems to be "Because them niggers crazy." I mean there are loads of reasons that deal with all kinds of issues, but instead of thinking about those, it's easier to just say "Well shit, they're black." I dunno Ant seems like he should be smarter than that. It's a shame he isn't.

You are painfully stupid.

A damn shame Patrice O'Neal is not around because he would set everyone straight. It just feels like Patrice was the only one that kept everyone in line or corrected them. Personally they are hypocrites and I say this only because of the video they did that was shown on TACS show can be taken offensively to people as well. Comedy is comedy and should be left at that, the moment you start analyzing this and that the joke is dead. Or maybe they were just using TACS as a spring board for there own personal agenda and once they got there setup they just turned their backs.

I mean the guy is a filthy racist. A Pretty blatant racist too. What exactly did they expect a guy, who collects Nazi Memorabilia, won't date women who have dated black men, and is always complaining about the black community, was really gonna do.

Oh man, how racist to support a pro white, fascist, pro European anti communist jew onslaught from Russia, it be evils I tells ya. You know the 3rd Reich had tons of black/arab/mixed racial volunteers and partners in their fight against Commies, right? From like 100 countries right? No of course you don't. Keep drinking that koolaid.

Yeah...because Germany's forces were spread thinly as fuck across several separate theaters of war. Logistically, Hitler had to take what he could get. Why do you think the Confederacy eventually enlisted black soldiers?

And what point is that factoid supposed to prove anyway, that the 3rd Reich were racially-inclusive individuals?

you got me! everything the jews and the us government told you about the 3rd Reich is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT accurate. I mean why would they lie???

Gosh, I'm pretty sure I didn't remotely say that, Mr. Ventura-Duke, just asking what your point was supposed to be. Was it that, despite popular belief, Hitler was totally cool with black people?




i mean its entirely understandable,

he was making chimp noises because theyre black, these guys are black, it's hard not to find that personally insulting,

and it wasn't the kind of racist joke where humour was the no.1 intention, being racist was.

That's entirely true, but you'll never convince Ant's current Stormfront-lite fanbase of that.

Stormfront sucks. I'm more of a /whiterights /pol fan I occasionally check out and

So these niggers defend the niggers that were rioting. My buddy is half black he would definitely call those rioters niggers who should be shot and so would I.

its like if some jewish people were caught up in a banking scandal and someone goes 'look at those sneaky jews'

you're making a comment about jewish people in their entirety and its entirely understandable if jewish people would be offended by that.

i don't think you're very bright, you seem like some loud bellend.

Jews as a whole are culpable due to A) genetics and B) their own group evolutionary strategies. You reveal yourself with your words. I don't feel any reason to defend my intellect in response to your pathetic ad hom.

Another reason why Ant needs to get rid of Keith

On yesterday's show. Keith was call an asian girl a gook. No vietnam ref or anything witty, just talking about an asian masseuse.

I read through half this thread and finally gave up and did a search for 'bell'. How is it only mentioned once?

I'm confused because I don't see how playing monkey noises once is so completely different from ringing the Inappropriate Bell about 900 times over 15 years each and every single time the concept of monkeys is mentioned in any way. That's the real issue. Funny the first 5 or 10 times, zero to do with funny the last 895. Did Keith ring the bell all those times too?

Theres a level of abstraction given by the inappropriate bell, so that you're not just laughing at "black people are monkeys" but laughing at the fact that Anthonys mind would make that connection. Anthonys racism becomes the butt of the joke - at least thats how I interpreted it.

It's true that you could easily interpret it either way, in all fairness. But only in a vacuum. What percentage of the time have you heard Anthony overtly making fun of his own racism? And what percentage of the time have you heard him screaming and ranting, and obviously trying with all the intellect he can muster to prove his point which is not remotely going for anything funny? When you compare the two, and how much he puts into each one, it's a lot more difficult to give him the benefit of the doubt on which way to interpret it.

And I think his deleted tweets go a long way towards leaning even more in that direction. If we're going to be completely fair, there's really hardly any reason at all, given everything else he's said and done, to interpret it your way.

I'm not trying to prove Anthony isnt a racist, but he definitely exaggerated a racist caricature sometimes on the show. Thats being self-decrepating "look at what a small minded idiot i am". I never took it that seriously or cared whether he actually believed it or not.

The chimp noises however, that offers no comedic abstraction. That is just hateful and lazy.

Cops that deal with insanely violent and aggressive blacks thats are hate filled thugs aren't actually funny? I'm shocked.


I presume they made similar noises when seeing footage of white college football fans jumping on cars, setting fires etc. Must be footage of that in the Cumia archives.

Thanks for turning me onto a new podcast Lil' Cumia.


i am the number one cumia ball washer around here, and even I think that shit was uncalled for. The funny has to outweigh the racism, something Anthony is good at. Keith, not so much. But then I feel bad for Keith because he is trying to help his friend, but at this point, him backing off would be the best move for everyone.


Why are you blaming Keith for this like he crossed a line? You don't remember the bell Ant would use on O&A whenever a monkey was brought up? We all knew what that meant. This isn't new for him.

he still uses the bell



Especially a dirty pair



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Step 1: Chimp out in Baltimore

Step 2: Get mad when people notice you behave like animals

What in the world are we going to do with the colored?

Dindunuffin moneyfordemprograms

dey were good bois and we are good goyims for making excuses for everything the negro does.

And people wonder why white birthrates are at an all time low, everything in this society is about blaming us

They should stop being so uppity and stick to being the subservient, animals they're meant to be.

They were jumping on the car like Planet of the was hilarious.

Have they never heard Ants race stuff before? He's said and done much worse before.

He's gotten much worse.


Wait, so the same guys that thought that lumping all WHITE cops together as murderous was the height of comedy now have hurt feelings because someone turned the tables? Cry me a river.

this is the best comment in the thread and they have downvoted you inta hell

I am sure that you will be coming down with me for that comment. :D

I hope they serve beer in hell 😈

I liked those guys but if you can make fun of George W. Bush for looking like a monkey because of his goofy ass face, then surely some fucking people looting stores can be made fun of for looking like wild animals.

What a couple of niggers.

I skipped their show anyway, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke

I too skipped their show I would like to hear from anyone who actually watched it and will be missing them.

I thought the chimp-noises were hilarious. I was cracking up.

Maybe they shouldn't get upset at monkey noises that are a clear reference to people behaving like wild monkeys.

You are perhaps not wrong, but I cringed when Keith made those noises on that episode. It was just.....unnecessary.

He is the common denominator on most of the bullshit tacs has gotten since it started: The "white supremacist podcast", the amateur and premature promises, etc etc.

Keith is definitely a net negative, but this was a great joke by him.

Im not saying it wasnt funny, just seemed unnecessary and off.

Meh, I dont know...lets just say it stood out for me personally at least.

I get what you're saying.

"I wasn't calling black people savages! I was calling all VIOLENT people savages!"

Cumiafags will defend this

I agree I wish he'd have just said "niggers are savages"

Nonliberalfaggotfags will defend it.


Who cares if black guys won't come on the show? How many of you honestly care?

Yeah why diversify what you're offering to bring in a new audience when you can pander to a small group of morons

I don't care about the number of people or the color of people who watch. I just want to laugh.

I don't care about the number of people or the color of people who watch. I just want to laugh.


Yeah the show or the bus, or school, or the lunch counter.

seriously Willfoley, how much does it impede your personal enjoyment of the Anthony Cumia Show with less black guys? Why is the assumption being made things are better when blacks are included? I might argue things are improved in their absence. I bring your attention to the Baltimore Riots and recent Chicago shooting spree. Thank you

Awwww. Can the edgy comics not take a joke? Faggots


Planet of the Apes portrayed the apes and their cause in a sympathetic light, so clearly that wasn't the context Anthony was going for...


if this is true, I'm disappointed with the Blk Compnd guys. I though their were normal fucking guys working their way as comedians. Now, their thin skinned "words hurt!" leftist panty wetting liberals. As comedians, how could they be offended by a "bit", chimp noises over rioters burning buildings and lotting..??? They made a spoof video, of white cops murdering black people. Thats accessible satire comedy, but chimp sound over hood rats with their paints around their knees and hiding behind bandanas destroying a city is not? I suspect they got a "warning" by the "black community" leaders to stay clear of Ant. too bad

leftist panty wetting liberals

Eww...If you actually listen to the clip, they're pretty reasonable.

Jesus christ Anthonys stormfront fans are a fucking cancer.

"Black guy doesn't like someone suggesting black people are monkeys?! Fuckin liberal fegs hurr durr"

I find it hilarious that guys like you will constantly defend Anthonys racist shit. But if any comedian makes jokes about white people you would accuse them of "pandering to le SJWS".

wow, you don't comprehend much of what you read, do ya? I'll type slow, so you can follow along. There was no suggestion that ALL black people act like rampaging chimps..and you know it too. But like a true leftist, ignore the facts and keep scream about what you want to be real..but know isn't. How would you describe the rioters as they pillaged and burned? Social justice activist and rhode scholars.

If it were white people rioting he wouldn't have played chimp noises. That's a fucking fact. Anthony has never described white criminals as "animals and thugs" like he does with black people.

What part of that don't you stormfront retards understand?

White riots are different from black riots most of the time. With white riots, there's less likely to be permanent damage to infrastructure and community services. They burn some couches in the street after one of those dumb football games and overturn the goal posts.

Black riots result in the loss of business, such as pharmacies and infrastructure like a senior center. It's more chaotic, like when those guys punctured the fire hose while firefighters were trying to put out the CVS fire in Baltimore.

This doesn't excuse white rioting, and every participant should be arrested (white riots also include blacks and Hispanics for baseball and basketball games), but there is a difference. One is more wild and destructive than the other (sports riots vs. civil unrest).

It's true. There are few examples of white rioters trying to bring down the establishment due to their bitterness with it. As much as trust fund college kids act like rebels toward mom and dad, they tend to draw a line when it comes to sabotaging the well-to-do society that's ultimately responsible for their tuition and their allowance.

You just went into some bullshit rant that had nothing to do with the comment I made.

If it were white people rioting he wouldn't have played chimp noises. That's a fucking fact. Anthony has never described white criminals as "animals and thugs" like he does with black people.

That was the comment. At no point did I say anything about how bad the riots are.

He only calls black people thugs and animals. Not white people. No matter how bad the riots are, that isn't justified.

I wasn't ranting. I was intending to be perfectly calm.

I think it is justified because there are differences in the level of chaos during the typical black riot and the typical white riot. You also have to look at the broader cultural context. Black communities are typical more chaotic than other communities. Riot or no, violence is disproportionately present and intense in black neighborhoods.

Of course there are white thugs, but blacks are disproportionately thuggish when you look at the crime statistics. I have no problem with using thug to exclusively refer to young black males who commit crimes for that reason.

Even if you look at the way black men and white men typically fight. A white guy, in my opinion, is more likely to yield when the fight is obviously over, and is more likely not to bring his white trash friends into it and fight one on one. I believe in stereotypes and I've seen that many times.

do you really think this even registers on the radar of the black community leaders. nobody besides us even knows about this.

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Oh stop. Just fucking stop. You're fucking humiliating yourself. That reference didn't contextualize. It was just a lazy cowardly hack excuse to express the same ole, same ole bullshit that has completely destroyedhis career. But keep kissing the ass of a failed deejay and failed cop. The more you enable that shit, the more his career will vanish down the shitter. I'd like to see the guy resurrect his career. But that ain't gonna happen so long as he dumb fucks like you to pander to

It was very funny, I'm surprised this is getting down voted? I guess that's why we are only the 2nd most bigoted reddit...

They wouldn't play chimp sounds over a bunch of white dudes rioting after a hockey game. Just saying.

edit: Lol, fuck all of the fucking faggots downvoting this comment.

On O&A they would talk about all kinds of crazy WHITE rapists, mass shooters, murderers, and pedos but not ONCE did you ever hear Ant say, "Wow that guys a savage sub human animal". No, it's always the black kid who does something stupid that's a SUBHUMAN MONSTER rings the bell. But Ant totally doesn't despise black people right?

Suck the skin off my fucking dick.



Check your privilege

equating black people to monkeys is the fucking definition of hack

It's the kind of joke one of your buddies might make while you're driving in the car among friends, not something you do on a podcast. Putting that out to the audience was a groaner.

Us vs. Them mentality, nice

You can't see how biased your post is can you?

You are the one telling people to suck your uncut rod. You sound the most upset in here, chief

Patrice loved Anthony and Nick despite their racism. Anthony and Patrice absolutely got into racial arguments. You know how I learned that Anthony read Niggermania? From Patrice. He knew how racist Anthony is.

Oh shit I remember that. Tatatoothey

Theres a level of abstraction given by the inappropriate bell, so that you're not just laughing at "black people are monkeys" but laughing at the fact that Anthonys mind would make that connection. Anthonys racism becomes the butt of the joke - at least thats how I interpreted it.



Ok, so it is what you were saying.

Either way, just because you do something, doesn't mean it's "natural" and everybody else is the same way.


And people wonder why white birthrates are at an all time low, everything in this society is about blaming us

I think it is because rightly or wrongly people want to punch up either in comedy or society in general. Fair or not (I think we should apply the same standard to everyone personally) people find it a lot harder to punch down to people who are thought of as disadvantaged. It's easy and trendy to go after people who are viewed as being advantaged. Once again not that I agree but that's the thought process. Personally I think you need to move forward and try to be fair and reasonable towards everyone. But it's hard for people's egos to get rid of the past.

That being said is that the context these guys were applying to Ant seemed very fair. They were talking about Ant's presentation on the same show airing in the same format. If you (I am going to make an assumption you are white, correct me if I am wrong and you care) went on their podcast and they were nice to you and then you listened to an episode to that same podcast where they were mocking white people and taking a vastly different tone towards white people. Would you not be fair to question that discrepancy, esp in a very understandable and context fair manner?


Classic this guy