Anthony Cumia's deleted racist tweets, link inside post

0  2015-05-29 by KeithMaresca


"They aren't people" pretty much sums it up. Lol, when I read the comment on that img it sounded like Seinfeld.

Lol at Joe. You can see Ant rationalizing his tweets. All he does is threaten them and call them monkeys.

Does Ant kow what he is anymore? Its funny that up until this event it seemed that Ant's racism was jokes for the radio. He might have meant it but he always had that out. Maybe Ants not racist and this is just a bit that got way out of hand.

Stating that you believe there is a clear link between race and IQ and linking your followers to the likes of Charles Murray and Jared Taylor is not what someone trying to make jokes does, lol

Maybe you weren't paying attention?

God damn naggers.

You realize that he didn't get fired for any of the racial tweets, right?

lol TACSuncensored

looks like Ant picked up 50,000 new followers recently.

He's said that he doesn't know who bought them but someone did.

Opie bought 'em, just so he can have his hired reddit posters point out how Ant buys Twitter followers as well.

yeah, even looking back i don't fault him for any of that. it makes perfect sense in the context of what happened to him, and he didn't even go all that far. it's just bad in today's culture.

now JOE goes far. ant needs to fucking curb joe. ant was always the smart one.

Downvoting fags. You were right, MAAAAAN!

just my opinion. none of it looks good, but then i imagine how he must have felt at that moment and it honestly seems very justifiable to spout off like that.

Yeahhhhhhh just like how he has to shout out racial slurs when he's playing video games or driving. No better way to handle minor frustrations then to call people niggers.

What does that have to do with the other?

Opie bought 'em, just so he can have his hired reddit posters point out how Ant buys Twitter followers as well.