The reason Anthony isn't as funny as he used to be. And how to fix it.

56  2015-05-29 by slappy_mchappy

It's time for everyone to admit that Anthony is not as funny anymore. The biggest reason for this is that he is welcoming guests to his home like a lonely grandmother and then proceeds to treat them like gold. This creates a terrible vibe for the show and does not encourage ball busting, and Anthony is very good at ball busting. For example, when Colin spilled his drink, it was hilarious, but look how welcoming grandma Anthony handled the situation "Oh Colin! You dont have to clean that up!". He could have said something funny about Colins thin fingers, instead we get nothing. This is why Anthony's funny has gone down a substantial amount, he isnt talking shit like he used to on O&A, just listen to those Jim Norton laugh compilations and count all the times Anthony insults Jimmy. He needs to make it known that LOS can talk some shit to him so he can give it back, he needs to be funny again, cause right now it is barely worth 7 bucks. Please Anthony, get back to your miserable, insulting persona.


I'm a big fan of TACS and this is extremely valid criticism.

I completely agree. It's amazing just how nice he is on TACS since his whole persona on the O&A show was a nihilistic prick filled with hatred. He can still be that guy occasionally though, when he guest hosted LOS he did a bit of ball busting (sure, he did the nervous "please like me" laugh after every joke, but still).


It's really very simple. Ant is at his best when he is the slacker sitting in the back of the classroom cracking wise on the professor.

Now he IS the professor whose livelihood is directly dependent on how well the classroom is run. The part of the job that XM was previously accountable for is now on his shoulders.

I honestly don't know how in a structure like this, Ant can ever again truly not give a shit enough to be as funny and successful as before.

Chlorophyll!? More like bore-ophyll!

Haha, such a classic line. Am I right or what, fellas?

Quit watching the news. Quit talking about the news.

There we go. Problem solved.

Exactly. Where did Anthony get this idea that we care about his thoughts on the news everyday? We just want a funny show, that's it.

Yeah but then what's he gonna talk about? Rat getting laid?

Take calls for an hour and a half. Close the show out with a ketchup contest.

Ever since he fell out with Joe Derosa things just haven't been the same. Every paranoid gun toting racist needs a holocaust denying anti-semite friend.

I'm hoping the Big Jay roast gets everyone comfortable enough to go after each other on a regular basis, instead of reserving it all for a special night.

I hope that happens.

You really hit the nail on the head here. I dont want to hear calm fair and balanced Anthony I want to here him losing his shit and being hateful to everyone, especially the shitty callers. One of his frequent callers now is a foreign guy he slammed on A&O over the occupy wall movement. Anthony people will love you even if youre shitty them as long as its funny.

lol, yes i forgot the callers. I loved when he insults the callers, it is so genuine, he truly hates them.

Mostly true but if he ever gets the NYC studio this will solve almost all of the problems mentioned

1) His blood will be boiling from driving on the LIE into manhattan

2) He's not really gonna be able to drink if hes driving (or at least get sloppy and unprofessional)

3) He won't have to kiss his guests ass when the studio is conveniently in manhattan. Also, it will get rid of the overly personal dynamic of having people over at his house.

4) He signed Legion of skanks so he will be hanging with them and other good comedians on a much more regular basis



i'd have to agree. i definitely noticed him being a bit more insecure about his place in the world after being fired and starting up his show. he seems reluctant to go all out or it seems like he's really trying to seem overly likable to his guest.

which is understandable. it's a very strange spot to be in, and he has to see these relationships with guests like fragile little golden eggs because he doesn't have the backing of a corporation.

as far as that is concerned, if he could secure his place as a show then it won't be a problem in the future.

Yes, i agree. But he needs to find a way to make those golden eggs plastic somethings. Anthony is at his best when fucking with people.


Nice try with the hate though.

Anth will probably respond to this thread with some whiny bullshit in a few hours after he's tatered.

Doubt it, this is one of the most constructive threads I've seen here in a while.

hopefully he changes that habit...

Yup I couldn't agree more. Ant's gotten kinda soft and he needs to bust way more balls than he does now. Like other people have said, having LoS on board and moving to NYC might really help a lot.

Yes, definitely!

Yeah, it might be hard to nail the right vibe to invite people over to your impressive house and then shit on them, but I do get your point and I think it's perceptive. And I would have upvoted you solely on "like a lonely grandmother".

I always expected that his parties were full of chicks, but the reality is he surrounds himself with degenerates and half retarded fat men. Look at any photo from his parties.

Absolutely. And recently, one of the days he was sick, he didn't have the energy to be all happy-go-lucky. He went off on a few callers and it was great. He made me laugh and gave me some hope. Maybe he will become so discouraged that he'll become the asshole we all know he is.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. Friendly ant has a place at times but not to degenerates like los or colin.

Yeah, he really needs to get a studio in the city, get a co-host or two (not ktc or that other fuckwit), and stop preaching to his paranoid, racist choir.

He also needs to try to understand current pop culture at least a little bit. All of those young girlfriends he gets and he's still doing Jaws references.

How do you explain him getting progressively less funny from Obama's election onward?


The visual element is part of what is hampering things...or at least the construct of it. Ant in front of a green screen isn't getting the job done. The way things have to be set up for when he has guests is also not conducive to "the hang" atmosphere that the O&A show was famous for. Someone mentioned it before, but the way Rogan has things set up doesn't interfere with doing something that's entertaining to listen to.

The green screen could be fun to do goofy shit in front of, but that's the old way of doing things. Kids don't watch TV anymore, they watch Youtube. While Ant has spent all of this money to create a TV studio in his house, some jerkoff with a webcam and his head in the corner of the screen while he plays a video game is what's dominating entertainment these days, and that's all you need. Plus, that kind of format is going to take the added pressure off of guests who aren't used to being on TV. Again, look at Rogan's podcast. He has a camera on him, a camera on his guest and the producers have one and can pop shit on and off when needed and EVERYONE is a lot more relaxed because of it.

Another thing Ant needs is someone to bounce things off of and to challenge him every day, namely Jimmy. He just needs someone who is going to try to be funnier than him on a daily basis.

You are 100% correct about kids watching gamers on youtube and not TV. However, kids are not really a big part of Ant's audience. There's a lot of older people watching TACS who probably think people like Pewdiepie are stupid. I would love to see Ant do a twitch stream of him gaming, but it's not likely that many subscribers feel the same way as me.

I wasn't saying Anthony should live stream games, just saying that all of the stuff he's done is largely unnecessary to put out an entertaining show, and to some degree it's been counter productive.

I realize you aren't saying he should live stream games, I'm saying he should do that. But not on his show, because like I said a lot of people probably think that type of thing is ridiculous. Is the green screen stuff unnecessary? I guess so, but it does give the show a certain polished look that makes it seem more legitimate. He already had most of that equipment from the Live From The Compound days, so why not use it for TACS?

Why not use it? Because it makes the show too formal and I think it puts added pressure on him and the guests that aren't used to it. Now, if he did specific bits with it like live news or karaoke, then perfect, or just limit it to like 20 minutes.

Anyhow, I think the most important thing he could do is to bring in a 2nd mic to make him step up his game. What he's doing now is hard for anyone.

At this point, I would settle for having Norton on once a week. I realize the traffic to Long Island sucks but the fans DEMAND more Jimmy. I don't care if Ant has to pay Jimmy to get him on there more often, just make it happen!

I agree with all of this. I pay for TACs sub, but don't even watch it. Unless of course a "must-see" clip is mentioned in this sub or TACs sub.

I sub to more or less support the guy, he got screwed.

That's a big part of it. I also think the visual element is a hindrance for some reason I can't quite put my finger on.

Ari and Ant in a hot tub leering at a teenager.

That pretty much says it all.

I'm not a fan of TACS but that sounded hilarious.

Less theater of the mind. He's figuring it out though.

I dont even think he has to stop talking about race. He just needs to stop trying to be an intellectual and just tell them to behave! Brilliant.

On the flip side we get all the freedom of speech that penis pump ad money can afford.

I think you're mostly right. I mean, I've been saying that all along, so you must be.

But I think you're wrong in thinking it can be fixed. Anthony's ego is too fragile to ever go back to a situation where he's not in charge. To make him angry you have to restrict all the things that he wants to talk about and make him frustrated. You have to make him miserable. Opie made him miserable (or so he claims). At least the situation at the time did. He's not going to willingly put himself in a situation like that. He has to be there by necessity. He's rich, he's got some money coming in. He's got no reason to put himself in a situation where he's miserable and cracking jokes at the back of the class to ease his pain.

If he wants to be the free speech radio guy and have some network of free speech orientated podcasts I've got no problem with that. He might make a good boss if he hires the right people. So far, so bad though.

you are a novelty account that wants attention, go away, you jumped on thermite bandwagon.

As good a theory as any but here's da ting: listen to the Nopies. He's very similar to this. As North Jersey Magazine said about Artie Bucco "a warm and convivial host." I think we'd all agree those are great radio. I think the lack of angry Ant is as much a first mic problem as anything.

It's almost impossible for him to act the way he did on O&A though.

When he was there his whole tone was like "whatever I have to be here because I get paid but I don't give a shit so I can shit on everything and be funny."

It really is like being the class clown as others are saying. You could act like you had to be in school. But he can't pretend he doesn't want to do his own show that he's clearly choosing to do and act aloof.

Does he still rant about politics? That was always the stuff I found unfunny. It's seems when Obama became president he became extremely angry inside and then it kept bubbling to the surface.

It doesn't bother me. When I saw the video of Bobo at his home, it reminded me of when Howard said that he was friends with Stuttering John after AJ Benza slapped him.

I like Ant a lot and want TACS to succeed, but I agree with you.

It's the same when he goes on to other shows/podcasts... He just has never really seemed like himself on any other medium than O&A and with Jimmy.

He really can't fix this until he gets the new studio at least, people will only drive to Long Island for a blowjob, not to be fucked with. If he had a corporation behind him or even just the NY studio he wouldn't have to cling to guests and focus so much on relationship preserving. He didn't like walking on Gregg Shells, but he has to do that with everybody now. He has to go all in on the social niceties that he used to be able to disregard with a guest that Sirius placed in front of him.

I agree with this...I think Ant needs others to bounce talk about shit with. LOS guys are 3 best friends that rip on each other and now that they have join together I see better things to come

Ant was so much funnier on the Hammerfisting podcast than his main ones.

I really think you should cancel because THIS is the show he has wanted to do all along, according to him anyway. Finally getting to do the show exactly how he wants it to be, he said. So I don't see him changing it. I seem to recall him saying how he ain't got beef with nobody and that is was all Opie's doing. He just wants to be everybody's friend now. That doesn't sound like a guy who is looking to bust balls to me. The only way for your voice to be heard is with your wallet. Cancel and when or if they ask you why then you can give them your spiel. At least they will be forced to hear it if not listen.

The reason Anthony isn't as funny is because he's not on Opie and Anthony anymore.

Lonely little -------> .

This is almost as bad if not worse than those armchair quarterbacks who call into Sports talk shows explaining how they know how to fix the team.

I always wonder what successful entertainment jobs the funny experts around here work for.

Other than this I would argue that Anthony is too isolated from the outside world.

He doesn't go out much, or do much, so he doesn't have a lot to talk about. Even worse, he doesn't even indulge in a lot of popular media. The last time this nigga played a video game was when Half Life 2 came out for the PC.

I wish Anthony could be more relatable, at the moment he's very distant from anything I can relate to. I'm largely a conservative, mostly by circumstance, and I can't understand his political views; they're all based on conjecture and opinion.

Anthony is just so unrelatable and foreign to me.

He buys every call of duty every year

One game isn't enough to meet my arbitrary needs.

Half life 2? Did you miss the whole h1z1 with fans thing? He always talks about playing eve online too.

I know he talks about Eve, but I don't think he really plays it as much anymore.

I'm not a viewer of TACS, so maybe my opinion is dated.

From what I remember in late O&A years Anthony talked little to none about games.

I remember he used to play a lot more games, and when the topic came up he would talk about them.

I might be wrong about this, but from my perspective it seems like he plays less games.

Anthony was always a suck up to guests, even Piers Morgan.

He's almost sixty years old.

People below out when they get older.

Even Carlin did.

Carlin did a bit where he stored all his dead friends contact info on a certain folder, he just moved them there when they died one by one.

He made it sad, funny and morbid. Below out my fucking ass


redditor for 1 day

but do you agree? and why was your 1st instinct to look at my account?

I looked at yours, and i saw that you werent sure if letterman would be on the show, doofus.

I do agree. And I'm not trying to jump on the "all the complaints are from people with duplicate accounts" bullshit train like a lot of TACS fans do, just think it's weird that you lurked and just now suddenly made an account. But yes the vibe with guests is too friendly. Just very tame and nice. The 1:1 aspect of it also facilitates this. It's definitely easier to bust balls when you have company.

Yes, i agree that the 1:1 environment does not condone ballbusting. Another reason he needs a cohost.

the rodent voting himself up must be tiring.

Can you be objective about Anthony? Or are you only capable of defending him? Im trying to make his show better, and he is funny enough that even a simple change could propel him.

Upvoting yourself with eight accounts, jesus fucking christ

What did they tell your parents was wrong with you?

I see you have moved on from your /u/adviceforalkies account now that you realize it's no longer getting the attention you think it deserves.

yeah, because i post just like him. Anthony is awesome, and i want his show to succeed and get better. Go elsewhere to post your paranoid drivel.

It's not paranoid drivel you just aren't smart enough to pull off projecting a new persona. It is kinda sad to watch actually.


  1. Create many Sockpuppets.
  2. Post a problem.
  3. Bitch about a problem amongst yourself. Or rather, just you.
  4. Make your little insane mind happy whilst you bother everyone else here.
  5. Slit your wrists or hang yourself. You are just an annoying piece of shit. But you know this. That's why you hang out in your room creating multiple Reddit accounts. We all hope you cry and die you worthless faggot cunt.

lmao.. anybody who disagrees with your opinion must be a 'sockpuppet' account.. you guys really are faggots.

'5. U should totally kill urself'


lmao.. anybody who disagrees with your opinion must be a 'sockpuppet' account.. you guys really are faggots.

'5. U should totally kill urself'



I know he talks about Eve, but I don't think he really plays it as much anymore.

I'm not a viewer of TACS, so maybe my opinion is dated.

From what I remember in late O&A years Anthony talked little to none about games.

I remember he used to play a lot more games, and when the topic came up he would talk about them.

I might be wrong about this, but from my perspective it seems like he plays less games.