ME: You gotta go to the ball game Jimmy! Ya gotta go!!

18  2015-05-28 by snoopkhat

ME:You gotta go man,believe me,you gotta go!!

ME:You gotta go on a cruise Jimmy !!

ME: You haven't eaten a Long Island pepper steak!?!?!?! You gotta get one Jimmy ,you gotta!!! believe me!! sniff.

fuck,the only way Tits can interact with Jim is by pointing at him and making him center of attention,and doesn't paycheck hate it.



That's how he got Jim to re-sign

(Say thing) (Repeat self) Sniff Burp (Repeat self) (Someone tries to change the subject) (Scream over them and repeat yourself and take a shitty call) Sniff Burp

Opie Mad Libs

ME: You gotta watch playoff hockey, Jimmy!! I'm all in with the playoff hockey!!

Me: "They need to change the colour of the puck though it's so hard to see" jim: "yeah but its black on a white surface kinda make sense" then snaps opies bra.

I seriously yelled at the radio begging for somebody to tell that dolt to stop and think for a second. He was so proud of his fluorescent puck idea.

He wants version 2 of the glow puck?

Opie, the Islanders Fan agreed with Jimmy, the non-hockey watching guy, that the puck was too hard to see and wondered out loud, "Why haven't they figured that out yet?"

I mean, they've had hundreds of years of professional hockey, and it's finally taking this long for someone to point out that they haven't figured it out.

So the non-hockey fan pointed out that maybe black on a white surface was the best thing. That got an "oh yeah."

Also, Opie's not watching hockey because he's watching the NBA.

Where you at with the Cavaliers?

ME: Goin to Rochester this weekend Jimmy? You gotta go do Wease maaahn! Expand those uhhh fuckin uh hor-IZE-onzzz.

"You gotta see the baaaaby!"


You're in the wrong place you want /r/opieraqio

Because he is an unfunny lump.