Lady Di Apartment Tour part 1

9  2015-05-28 by -Chip_Chipperson


Ugh, this should be on LiveLeak.

i used to find her misery funny, but now it's just sad and depressing.

nah its still funny. Adrian holding the photo of her as a kid next to her now was so dark yet so fucking funny.

It's a good thing she covered up with that blanket, wouldn't want anyone to pop a chub

Too late.


She looks like an alcoholic gollum.

Whoa, easy dude.

Let's not talk about gollum that way.

What's this empty room for? The Natty Ice shipment. Its a loading dock.

This is just pathetic at this point. She has had so many chances for help, and still has them. I would love to call on Tits to pay for her rehab(to pay for the exploitation of this addict), but she would not go.

HEY now...she's stepped up her game. Looks like she was sippin' on a Keystone Ice in the vid.

What a disgusting WC Fields impersonator.

Fuck Adrian. Turn your fucking phone sideways.

I like drinking my beer, I like smoking my cigarettes, and I just woke up a little while ago. Like ugh.

I hope that future tours are filmed in 3d, and compatible with Oculus.

Ugh, this is a sad sight for O&A fans. How low will they stoop?

I talking about Di's tits by the way.

I'll pay her $20 bucks a month for that empty room

That buys a lot of tall boys.

Bill died and they cleared his shit out of the one bedroom there. Di was just too drunk/lazy to move her shit to have a proper bedroom. No no no no no, no listen my TV IS OUT HERE I like to be by the tv so I can watch the monkees.

I'm just trying to figure out her daily life. Wake up around 6 to sit on hold and listen to the show while downing 7-8 beers, pass out around noon to wake up around 2 to drink more beers and try to call into Ant's show then go panhandle for a bit to get beer money to go home and repeat.

You forgot about all the shitting

And getting Crack.

this is like an analogy for the O+J show.

it's transcended funny, transcended farce and has landed at the epitome of depressing....

we are now watching somebody slowly die.

Marion is a terrible friend, allowing things to get this bad.

The way she constantly says "i love you/i love you guys" in the desperate hope that someone will actually say it back to her is simultaneously infuriating and depressing.

And getting Crack.