Has Ant done a race-free show? How long before the subject is broached

0  2015-05-28 by Lilcumia

On todays show

I'll say 20 minutes in.


Ant is one of the funniest humans to have ever lived. He is squandering his talent with the social/political commentary. It's divisive and most importantly it's just not that entertaining. When I come home after working all day, I want to crack a beer and have a few yucks, not stare at some old man angrily ranting about the problems in the black community. What the fuck.

Apparently there isn't much to discuss about the O&J show for the sub.

I don't think so. Even with his guests he''ll find some way to bring it up with them.

I was listening to this the other day and it's great. Too bad he can't have more of this style stuff on race, but he'd need somebody there to call on him on stuff and take a questioning view like Opie and Jim do here:


Also he'd need to get out of the compound and acquire some more good stories.

I dont listen to every show but i do listen quite a bit. I havent heard much race stuff the past few weeks. I think he has toned it down, at least a little bit.

I certainly hope not! I need a millionaire's advice on what I need to do when the goddamn niggers and Democrats come beating down my door trying to take away my goddamn God-given right to own as many goddamn fuckin guns as I want! USA! USA! USA!

You should take the advice of wealthier people, in general, as opposed to poorer people.

In that case I will take the advice of an intelligent, well studied, worldly and wealthy individual over a wop fuck who lucked out because he does funny impressions.

Sounds like you could still be talking about Ant in the former. He definitely studied something to make it this far in life.

Opie and Anthony aren't the greatest examples of meritocracy. What did Anthony study? Do you think he read a bunch of self help books and watched Tony Robbins seminars? He's a tin knocking high school dropout that got lucky. He'll tell you that himself.

I know he isn't an Oxford graduate, I wasn't saying that, but he has taken the time to educate himself in life. Exhibit A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiPNBHlYU-E

A lot of people have. It doesn't have anything to do with becoming a successful shock jock. You're taking the worst industry possible to apply the "hard work and studying pays off". Whatever he educated himself on certainly wasn't working for him the first 33 years of his life.

It doesn't have anything to do with becoming a successful shock jock. You're taking the worst industry possible to apply the "hard work and studying pays off".


the difference is he's a hard worker...

often attributed to "luck" because stupid people can't fathom someone putting forth more effort and actually accomplishing more than they do at mcdonalds.

the difference is he's a hard worker...


Yeah those 4 hour work days really took his all.

You're a fucking dope.

because building the O&A brand took zero work at all... he just sat back and let everyone else do everything.

you people are fucking retards sometimes.

We're talking about a shock jock, not a doctor or a lawyer you idiot. You have to work at McDonalds to think Anthony Cumia has any secrets to success. 99 out of 100 times he would still be working in basements and coming home to a miserable wife. Anthony was a harder worker when he was doing air conditioning and his life was going nowhere. He got lucky. It happens, you child.

you don't think there was hard work building the O&A brand?

do you honestly think he just does a 3 hour show then fucks hookers for the other 21 hours a day?

how fucking dumb are you?

Talk about a straw man. I didn't say there wasn't work in building the O&A brand. But there's also hard work in installing air conditioning. If it was all about that "hard work", Anthony wouldn't have had to get lucky at 33. How dumb are you trying to argue that a nigger rich tin knocker represents meritocracy?

Yes, because when I think of worldly, intelligent and well studied, I think of Anthony Cumia.

Compared to Scorch he is. Compared to Jimmy he is. He made it farther than you in life didn't he?

What does Scorch, Jimmy, or even me having anything to do with Anthony being a worldly, intelligent and well-studied human being? What a great argument.

What I'm saying is that you don't have to go to a finishing school or have higher education to be worldly, intelligent, or well-studied, and that Anthony is an example of someone who took these things upon himself and made it farther than people in his line of work who don't do those things. We know that none of the intellectual banter on the show came from Opie, and that Jimmy only knows how to continue an intellectual conversation while straddling the fence.

A finishing school? Lol, yeah that's where intellectuals come from granny.

Holy jesus you should get banned for just following me around reddit and making these retarded comments. You are a determined faggot, I'll give you that.

You're a guy who thinks finishing school, something girls from the 40s aspired to, is the height of education. I'm not too concerned with your concept of what is retarded or not! I can picture your fantasy of it. You being a young southern belle packing up for Madam Boregaurd's School for Girls, stealing away for one last tryst with the negro field hand.

Talking of banning is pretty funny. You're a complete pariah here.

I know you're autistic but try to understand

Haha, so weak.

I know you're autistic but try to understand

Ant is talented, he's not what I would call well-studied.


Ant gave Opie some great advice when the whole radio war (!!) was going on. Something like Opie has everything he could ever want in life and yet he's still miserable. He would do well to listen to his own advice.


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Do hackey references towards Mexicans or Asians count? If so Im saying three minutes in.

I hope not, its the most honest time in broadcasting. When Ant talks about how and why the inner city spooks are fucked

Have you ever listened to Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin or Michael Savage or Sean Hannity on the radio? They all talk about race and crime in the inner cities. Every conservative talk radio personality does. If I want to hear about how scary black people are I have plenty of outlets for that. I'd rather TACS be funny and only address race shit when it is in the news (and finding youtube videos of black people fighting is not "news").

Then stop listening. It pointless to debate w a white guilt leftist about social issues, so I won't. Theres plenty of fine entertainment on NPR, MSNBC or the View for neutered bata boys to enjoy.

I'm not left wing, dipshit. I never voted for a Democrat in my life. You can be conservative without needing to cry about black people every day. There is a huge difference between being right wing and being 100% focused on race. If you equate conservatism with purely race issues then you are a fuckin retard.


are there that many faggots focused on race today or is it all the same faggot making all these pointless threads that nobody gives a fuck about.

...don't like the content of the show... go fuck yourself and watch something else.

nobody is holding a gun to your head to watch TACS...

Its the same faggots with multiple accounts. Once you know that, its fun to poke at them and watch them scream.
