Saw this Onion article and immediately thought of a certain swarthy guinea

10  2015-05-28 by dejavu4thedead


I'd think more Norton than Ant

Both of them. Doesn't matter how popular a recent movie is, it always goes back to Godfather, Shining, Jaws, Platoon, etc, etc.

I read the article waiting for an Ozzy Osbourne "Shot in the Dark" video reference so that I could say Norton as well.

What's the latest year one of his more common references go to? I can think of "David my son David" from 1996's Independence Day

Fargo was 96 too. He whips out those a lot.

Cumia's references mostly stop at 1980. It was idiotically absurdly obvious when he was putting on the cool moves for that Kendra camwhore chick in the Hot tub.

He was never going to be hooking up with her when all his movie quotes were from films 15-20 years before she was born. For the most part she would have had no idea what the hell he was talking about.