Does jimmy hate Patton Oswalt?

5  2015-05-28 by Edsheeranz

I've recently listened all of pattons appearances on OnA i've enjoyed pretty much them all but every time he was on i felt jimmy didn't like him very much. If this is true my theory for it is cause they've bumped into each other in the same audition rooms over their careers and jimmy has lost every time. Anytime a mainstream or near mainstream role needed a short out of shape blob comic(i know jimmy isn't like that now but he was for a long time), patton got it pretty much everytime. While the only acting work jimmys ever gotten was basically hookups from projects all his past cellar buddies worked on.


He's never heard of him. As you know, Jim does not watch other comics perform, ever.

He's also never seen one episode of Seinfeld.

Jimmy, lifelong KISS fan, once described Rage Against the Machine as "corny."


What a fucking tasteless idiot.

Anyone who doesn't get Seinfeld is dead to me.

But he has watched Caligula thousands of times, apparently. Its like half of his jokes.

"I've never seen Hicks, I don't want him to rub off on me and have people comparing us."

Will they?

Shakespeare didn't read.

I can understand his reluctance to watch other performers. Carlin would avoid watching other acts for what I think is a similar reason.

Carlin didn't do that though. He made a point to keep seeing different comics perform (Sam Kinison, Lewis Black, and Otto Peterson for example).

This is what Bill Maher said about it:

"You know, George Carlin taught me that, years ago. George Carlin said, “You know, I never look at other comedians because I don’t want to be writing a bit and thinking, ‘Oh wow, is the reason why this is in my head because I saw it on some other show?’”

He's jealous of him. When there's a successful comedian in studio, he always does that "tired" and passive-aggressively says, "that's very funny," instead of cracking up like people do when they hear something very funny.

He doesn't do that with what was considered the "regs" though right? Never noticed it with Jim Jefferies burr Louie etc.

I've heard him do it with Jim Jefferies a couple times. He gets oddly quiet and you wouldn't even know he was there. I couldn't tell if it was jealousy or that he didn't like Jim (or whatever comedian it happened to be).

It's seems to me there is some resentment towards Jefferies. I think he was part of that whole twitter delete thing Norton did. Also, we haven't heard from Jefferies in awhile. I was/am a huge Jefferies fan, but I've noticed he has "borrowed" material. He used CQ's LSS aussie joke word for word in his last special and when he had his podcast there was a considerable amount of material he took from others in O&A. The whole bj blindfold thing for example. I just think that Norton has an issue with him.

I'm not familiar with the LSS Aussie joke, link?

And as much as I've listened to Jefferies and Opie and Anthony, I've never picked up that he's taken material from anyone. I know he repeats himself from time to time but I don't mind that.

It's from CQ's Long Story Short @ 1:50 (my fav standup show of all time). Jefferies used the same thing almost word for word and same cadence/delivery in his last special even the "no worries, no worries". Also, during his Talking Shit Podcast he would use others stuff. He made it seem the blind bj roulette contest was his idea, when I think it may have been gasp Opies. Jim's the man, but he needs to watch his shit. That airport story with the huge fight in his last special was such bullshit I couldn't even enjoy it.

Jeffries' last stand up special reminded me of Norton- in that it wasn't near as funny as when he's on his game in the studio.

They both seem to try too hard, especially Jefferies, to say something profound while being hilarious.

I thought it was mostly good (weaker than his others though), still better than the few bits I've seen of Nortons stand-up. I just can't believe he closed with such a bullshit airport story. It was some Tucker Max shit. Reminds me of this @6:07

Didn't Jefferies straight up steal f rom Stanhope?


I agree. When he's quiet and ISN'T eating anything, that's a sign he dislikes the guest they're interviewing.

I've heard him do that with those guys too, but not as much. It just seems that he goes into a funk when there's a successful comedian in studio, sometimes.

Holy shit, I can just hear it in my head. That monotone: "That's very funny" As in: I'm not laughing, it's not really for me but good job kid, good for you.

You can hear it in his voice too, when he talks about Dane or Larry the Cable Guy "filling fucking ARENAS man..."

When he says 'that's very funny' it's usually said instead of doing a fake laugh about something that isn't actually funny. Look up the clip when O&A&J all talk about Louis' SNL monologue, there's a few variations of 'that's very funny' but no actual laughs.

reminds me of times when kevin smith was in studio, jim would fake laughs for him,chime in every conversation even he got nothing to add and defend kevin smith with such enthusiasm


patton is just better

Eons funnier than Jimmy and there's definitely some professional resentment there

Jim Norton was perfectly suited for the rat in Ratatouille and never forgave Patton for snatching it from his tiny pink hands.

He does have a rodentia-type look to him at times.

fuck. what was the mouse and little thimble of water joke ant bombed on?

Wasn't it Patton that told the story about how all the comedians at Bonnaroo were laughing at Jim behind his back for having a bodyguard. It was legit famous people like Patton, David Cross and Galifianakis. Jim seemed embarrassed and got defensive.

I don't remember this but I'd like to hear it. I've noticed Jim being much quieter with other comics he isn't use to being around but I never thought he disliked them. He's just a weird, awkward guy. He's the only reason I listen.

Never heard of this, have you got a link?

All I remember was a comedian(I think it was Patton) was talking about hanging backstage at Bonnaroo with all the comedians and after Jim and Kenny left they all started laughing at why Jim Norton would need a bodyguard.

Jim claimed it was because he was going to be filming himself in the crowd, but that's BS because Kenny is at every gig acting like the secret service.

i think its from rogans podcast

is this the one where they're talking about Bob Levy doing coke by himself in the middle of the night?

I loved that episode where all the losers from the other shows around sirius came in and made fun of the boys for having a bodyguard

Let's face it, only Jim does the kind of comedy that might get you attacked......although Cross could certainly anger lots of people in different ways.

Jim can walk freely around Comic-Con interviewing people in a silly voice without getting recognized and Comic-Con basically defines relevance.


what about stanhope? and you think ppl gonna beat norton up for the repeated tranny jokes and the lewinsky jokes?


The reason it seems like Jimmy hates all these other comics is because he is a weird, awkward person. He has his group of guys & everyone else he is uncomfortable around. It's why he's such a horrible interview (& his vice show was unwatchable). He can't fake a rapport with people. So he's known Vos, Bobby, Colin & Florentine for decades so that's why he is different with them & weird with Big Jay, Patton & whoever else

Hmm. This is a logical and well stated opinion/read on the matter but it lacks any juicy gossip or schadenfreude so you're wrong.

...and he's awkward around them because he wants to fuck their mouths. He's face raped Vos, Bobby, and Florentine.

there it is!

Jimmy has always felt his looks have held him back. Hence why he became fanatic about his fitness and even tried growing his hair out a little. Then he sees Patton Oswalt, who is shorter, fatter, and uglier than Jimmy, have a very successful career. It just reinforces that Jimmy's own lack of talent has held him back.

Lack of chin* ftfy

Probably the same reason he's always acted like a faggot around Big Jay Oakerson. It's his own lack of self-confidence manifesting as jealousy, but what do I know: I get my cup of coffee, I get my podcast, that's all I need to get me through the daily grind.

Did you just compare the careers of Patton Oswalt and Big Jay Oakerson?

I heard a great quote from Jay Thomas on his show a couple years back. Jim Norton's name came up from some mild controversy that was brewing.. I forget what.. and Jay was kind of trashing him saying:

"Jim Norton will never have a career because Patton Oswalt's already had it."

The similarities between Norton and Patton end at their doughiness.

Jimmy's really insecure as a person. That's why.

Jimmy likes glaring into his phone and tweeting during he show, that explains some of his quiet spells.

here's a Patton Oswalt joke I made up:

Q: If Patton Oswalt were two people, what would their names be?

A: Pat and Oswalt!

Tss. HOMERUN COCKSUCKA! Take us out, hoagie boy

I never thought this at all, I just remember the first time Patton was on to promote his book he GUSHED to Jimmy about how he actually wrote a book and inspired him to write his. I never get the impression Jimmy doesn't like him.

Because his peckahs bigger

Patton was doing TV and movies when Jimmy was first getting into radio, so yeah, he probably hates his success.

No if anything Jim seems to really like Patton and vice versa. I Actually remember thinking that the dynamic between him and Norton is much better than most of the LA comics that come in. Jim talks more when Pattons on, and isn't afraid to interject, do characters, and basically be himself as if Vos was on

To me the weirdest dynamic is when Burr is on. Those two seemed to have drifted apart an awful lot, disagree on most things, and it's a weird dynamic when he's in

also I just remembered Patton listens to the show and gets it, which always leads to better appearances

I don't think Jimmy hates Patton Oswalt. People are constructing whole backstories off of vibes they got once.



I missed reading fan-fiction on here. :(

I was reading Patton's book silver screen fiend and Patton cut his teeth at alt clubs in California and Jim cut his teeth in new York. It may just be a difference in comedic sensibilities, and as others have said, Jim may feel a little intimidated by Patton's success.

Why does he get along just fine with other comedians who are far more successful than him?

I couldn't tell you but I have noticed a tension between the 2. Not like a fuck you tension but some weird inability to be comfortable around each other. Theyre affible enough and polite but jim isnt jim when hes around patton or at least in his last 2 appearences. During that time patton got a major roll in that charlize Theron maybe jealousy. That is the best reason I can come up with without personally knowing them.

Maybe Jim acted cold towards patton and he may have read that as Jim not wanting to be friends? Who knows what goes on between 2 people.

Fair enough. I guess I just never really picked up on this cold standoffishness.

Jimmy dislikes a lot of comedians for whatever reason, Patton and Maron being two of them, probably for their success (or not).

I think Jimmy is much funnier stand-up than Patton.

I like Patton as a stand up more than lil yimmy. Jim is a great day to day listen but his act consists of far to many mainstream topical subjects.

Eons funnier than Jimmy and there's definitely some professional resentment there

...and he's awkward around them because he wants to fuck their mouths. He's face raped Vos, Bobby, and Florentine.