Let's face it, Sam+Norton would destroy Greggshells+Norton

99  2015-05-28 by LynsiMargera

We can only hope Norton the street monkey can break free from his organ grinding master.


I personally enjoy the chemistry between Norton and Sam. I think Sam does quite a bang-up job, in that respect.

And by "bang up," you hopefully mean Sam putting a pistol in his mouth and blowing off the top of his head.

Sam is a good guy, and by a good guy I mean he would make a good selection to ban from working in broadcasting ever again.

I like Sam, but what a delightful vomit of afro and gRey matter that would be.

one can dream

I think Shelly is grooming Florentine to replace Norton when the inevitable happens and he leaves. He wouldn't even have to change the name of the show. He seems to like Florentine more as well, and by like I mean that he likes the fact that both are fathers and that Florentine has that little bit of fear-based respect for him like Norton did when he first started coming on the show. Shelly wants someone funny, by his standards, and that he knows won't step on gregshells.

I gave Opie and Norton a chance, but Opie and "Ketchup Is For Fags" Guy? Yuck

o change the name of the show

Don't you get it. He has angry opinions about this its HILARIOUS!

Did anyone catch Opie calling him "Jimmy" on Tuesday's show? I knew right there and then that it's a done deal.

No one addressed it, of course...

Wait...he called a guy named Jim, Jimmy? Wow. Revelation that.

I thought the same thing, my next thought was no way i'm paying to listen to a couple of old, over the hill "dudes" talking about all the chicks they got back in the day maaaaaaaaaahhhn. fucking boooo.

Who is Shelly?

Add it to the end of your tag and you got your answer, character

Oooooooh "Greggshelly." Funny.

Man I feel dumb.

Can't get much worse than the man in question

Well...I mean the symbol £ confused him

"Face it"? It's been undeniably obvious the whole time.

Naw dude, this guy had the balls to say it.

THANK youuu!

Wtf, all this time I've said Sam is a good guy and got downvoted to hell... You fucking people!

Yeah well, we change like the tide.

Sam has also gotten better, and if you listen to the show, takes tiny potshots at Opie with quick comments.

Sam is a covert fuck, but I think he has always been one of us.

I've always said he's a quick and smart fuck. All the lines he fed to bobo when bobo was killing? Knock it off spade? Gold!

Remember when Colin said that Sam was going to turn on O&A like he did on Scorch, I can't wait.

I've never liked Sam's snide core as a human being but I do love the fact that he's not afraid to take potshots at Opie. And btw, I think Opie is even too dumb to realize when Sam does it.

I wish you could both upvote and downvote a comment. The potshots are fun and evil Sam's good shit. The only time I have a problem with him is when he's hosting his show. It's always full of boring interviews with any and every guest he can get to try and build a radio presence.

Jimmy obviously makes Sam infinitely better, and I never thought I'd say this about Opie and anyone, but Opie "makes him better" just by being there to make fun of subtly.

Lmao bullshit. Ant said he liked him in his AMA and you faggots hopped on the bandwagon.

Faggots? I rip Ants ass for being catfished, and a willing pedo to his face on a thread he posted on. Fuck you dude, you got someone else in mind.

Don't let my username fool you, I shit on all.

Now apologize. Your point is invalid as you are a generalizing asshole.

(if not I will show you pics of my asshole) Nuclear option, it is a dire threat, I got Roids.)

Hey cunt, check out what the word always means.

I like how Sam and Jim are together. Sam does not feel the need to be the funniest guy in the room, and he is great at setting Jim up, and rolling with whatever Jim has going, be it a character, or a joke, or even a serious statement.

Sam plays a good straight man to Jim's characters. Sometimes he seems genuinely pissed at Chip, which is the point of the character.

I'm sure it's still all a show but it's entertaining

A lot of the best Chip happened on Sams old potshow, not the clipshow they make him do now.

That is definitely feigned pissyness, he does that to rile "Chip/Jim" up. Chip is hilarious, but angry Chip is fucking gold.

I hate to be a ballwasher, but love him or hate him, he has a good instinct for radio.

Yeah, he may be a total shitheel asshole as a coworker, but he definitely knows how to, uh, enable Jim. Doesn't deserve half the hate he gets. Certainly deserves the other half, though.

Everyone deserves hate, it depends on how you handle it.

Sams old potshow? Are dey gettin zooted?

Faaawk yeah! :p

I hope Jim visits Sam's show from time to time, Opie and Florentine are poison to his comedic flow.

it would be hilarious if after all the "i wonder if Ant is gonna steal Jim" talk Sammy Bran Muffins goes and steals him instead.


Sam and Chippah 7-10:30AM on Raw Dog!

I would listen to the fuck out of that show

Jimmy will defintely do Sams show. They were awesome together when they did comic con where jimmy was doing chip the whole time.

sam and norton have better chemistry than jim and opie do even after what, like 12 years now? says a lot about gregory.

Sam by himself and some hole in a mainstream culture isn't appealing to anyone.

But Sam and Jimmy? Sam can talk to Jim's characters as people, that alone makes the pairing better than Opie + anyone except Anthony.

agreed. but almost anything with be better than POS oqie.

Vos and Bonnie already destroy OpieRaqio on his own channel.

This thread and some others I read over my time here I noticed a trend. More and more people like Sam, I gotta be honest, I used to trash him, but he grew on me. (still do kinda trash him, but more try to be funny rather than mean.)

For the most part, Sam bashing is done out of just our natural nastiness, and even teasingly at times. Even the most ardent Sam hater, sees he adds something to the show. I find myself not liking him at times, I hate the fucking preshow, it is an ego stoker for one man, and if I was Sam I would feel demeaned doing it.

That is my only gripe with Sam, that and the wrestling shit. Other than that, he is great at moving things along, and not screeching the humor.

Our Opie hatred is mean spirited, and rarely playful.

Jim is really worried about Sam going. He brought it up on TACS and yesterday on the show made it clear he hopes Sam sticks around the main show too.

Is Sam officially leaving the show? Can't he still be on both shows? Rich Davis does the morning mash-up every morning and then Covino and Rich every afternoon.


The Opie and Anthony brand is what keeps it all alive. a show without either name is as good as a piece of shit podcast

Chippah and Sam knock it out of the park every time.

Sam may not be everyone's cup of tea- but he's far better at being a "Professional Broadcaster" than Opie is.

I don't understand the Sam hate. I was just listening to them beat up Terry Clifford and Sam wouldn't let Opie go easy on her, it was great.

opie just stinks on his own without ant.

Have we really reached rock bottom where Sam out of all people is considered a viable option


Sam and Jim are a great combo, love how they interact. Also love how Sam wont let Jim get away with talking about himself in a serious way, as if listeners care about his personal life.

I guarantee it's why sam is leaving. Opie got jealous of the chemistry and manipulated a way to get him off the show.

Sam is to comedy what Erock is to comedy. Hopefully some day soon Sam "Monsterface" Roberts will find his true calling of being the neighborhood creep who all the neighborhood kids are afraid of.

I disagree. The only way the show could improve is with the alchemical combination of Opie + Anthony + Norton.

Regardless of the hatred Opie gets, he is part of the show. I grew up listening to him. Being a faggot is just Opie's role. The show isn't the same without all three.

It's not the same without all three, true. It would be better without Opie

Just because you ate shit sundaes all your life doesn't mean you gotta shit on mine.

Opie blows. He should be bagging groceries, or pumping gas in Jersey.

The only way the show could improve is with the alchemical combination of Opie + Anthony + Norton.

Ant + Jim + Ronnie B.

Honestly even Opie is funnier than Ronnie B.

A psychological analysis of Ron Bennington fans:

Do you notice that the only people who give a shit about Ron Bennington are the radio geeks? The losers who actually SUBSCRIBE and SIT NEAR THE RADIO LISTENING.

For these people, the O&A show isn't a YouTube clip you throw on while playing CoD or driving to work. They sit next to the radio and listen to the show in and of itself, for its own sake, and then after the four hours is over, they will sit SEVERAL MORE HOURS to hear Ron and Fez.

You people like Ron because he's how a lame loser like you imagines a "cool, streetwise" guy to be. Because you are a sheltered faggot who enjoys radio, your limited social experience makes you see Ronnie B as this surly New York character with street cred. Also because you listen to radio 7~8 hours a day, a large portion (probably most) of your dopamine and endorphin reactions to social contact are coming from the radio shows. You probably think of "Ronny" (yeah add a syllable to make it "Ronny" because it sounds more gruff and New Yorky than "Ron") as your friend. Which is funny because he's notorious for not giving a shit about his fans and only wanting to fist bump them and keep walking, which is more evidence that his fans are all dysgenic losers socially.

high quality post

I wish you could both upvote and downvote a comment. The potshots are fun and evil Sam's good shit. The only time I have a problem with him is when he's hosting his show. It's always full of boring interviews with any and every guest he can get to try and build a radio presence.

Jimmy obviously makes Sam infinitely better, and I never thought I'd say this about Opie and anyone, but Opie "makes him better" just by being there to make fun of subtly.