Anthony is a dope...

0  2015-05-28 by adviceforalkies

His whole business model is flawed, he is making money off of O&A fans and he can't possible sustain that. He is trying to make his living off of right wing minority but he doesnt understand that he is not famous like Orielly is. He cannot sustain this business model. He is surrounded by yes men that will always agree with what he is doing and let him fail in life he needs to open up his "network" for free to attract a new audience and then charge them for a quailty product. Go ahead and tell me that I am wrong but anyone with any business sense knows exactly what is happening. He added a show that people got for free, now they dont have that luxury and the thing that brought them money (stand up) will suffer. Good luck with that. They just lost a huge amount of their fan base. Most people will just move on to the next free podcast. He is doing everything wrong. But what do I know. Im not an ex cop.


And how does that make you feel benjamin?


Hi Opie!

Don't just down vote me you mouth breathers. Tell me why I am wrong....

Of course you can't.


Wow, that whole comment chain is probably the douchiest thing I've seen on this sub, which says a lot.