Opie and Anthony Hindsight Report: March 2000

39  2015-05-28 by CuckECheese

January 2000 | February 2000 |

*Psycho Mark knocked down Maury Alter on live TV and was then assaulted by 3 crew members trying to take his WOW sign away.

*News crews are now privately speaking to each other about Psycho Mark's carnage.

*Psycho Mark stole Fox + Friends live shot, but they rewarded him with an interview and a Miss Universe crown.

*Opie and Anthony trash Robin Williams for being "unfunny."

Ant: "Remember when he made me laugh in 1978?"

Opie: "Why wouldn't he be the one who died?"

*Opie and Anthony talk on the air about how current management punishes them for talking about Howard Stern. Says Howard has whined behind the scenes about their jokes and they're no longer allowed to even talk about him.

*Opie talks about the newest singing sensation... Jennifer Simpson. Don't worry, you won't look stupid for at least another month.

*Guy calls in and says he got WOW'd on the L.I.E., which is ironic.

*Opie and Anthony wonder why Andrew "Dice" Clay doesn't do their show anymore... ten seconds before doing a half hour bit bashing him for not being famous anymore.

*Club Soda Kenny makes his Opie and Anthony debut to talk on behalf of Dice.

*They're starting to snap on callers for being boring. Stop fucking taking calls then.

*Kathy Lee left Regis. Ant basically calls her a cunt.

*Caller calls in

Caller: "If Ant said something stupid and got fired, would you quit Opie?"

Opie: "Ant says something stupid every day."

Subject was quickly changed.

*Opie predicts by 2020 we will land on Venus.

*Woman calls in and tells OandA they're creepy for talking to 12 year old boys. They say it's a big brother type thing.

*Cop calls in and says "cops never pull out their guns willy-nilly, it's always a huge decision."

*A woman accused Bill Cosby of making her touch his penis.

*Opie says he wants to use the show to expose people to the comedians they like.

*Side note, I hope nothing important happens during sports discussions because I stop paying attention during those.

*A prediction was thrown out that Ronald Reagan will die before 2001.

*A "Brady Bunch" theme song parody plays and a lyric called Opie's original show shitty. Opie says his show was good even before Ant got on board.

*Opie and Anthony get studio cameras so they can broadcast what happens in the studio to people online.

*Opie says "my future wife isn't born yet" in response to how older women talk.

*Opie and Anthony were kicked out of Howard Stern's press conference even though they were only sitting in the audience and not actually saying anything to anyone.

*Psycho Mark got to stay at the conference, and O&A described him as "the one guy who would have done something."

*Opie says K-Rock didn't want them on their airwaves.

*Woman complains that a naked woman on the unofficial website is a hooker and she has proof. No one cares.

*Receptionist has been giving out the private celebrity phone line out to people and even had it written on a sign outside the studio. Opie reems her and insults her.

*Guy said "fuck", they didn't dump it.

*Ant has told the story of losing his virginity twice this year.

*Some whore calls in and makes masturbating noises into the phone. She hangs up right before her fake orgasm. Opie and Anthony get mad that they fell for it.

*Guy calls in to talk about eating a girl out on her period. Launches a very interesting discussion that made my stomach curl.

*The "WAZZZUUUUUP" guys say O&A are gonna be huge soon.

*Anthony does a Casey Casem impression. Opie calls him Casey Anthony.

*Opie mocks someone for "not being allowed to be made fun of, even though everyone else gets made fun of."

*Spaz rage-leaves the studio because people were shitting on him.

*They did an entire hour on a girl taking a bath. They narrated what she was doing in the bath. Phenomenal radio.

*My headphones died right before OandA went on vacation. It was like I vacationed with them.

Show of the month: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbLwCkl0cwg


you are doing gods work with these posts keep them coming.

I dont have the strength to hear all their archived shows, but the summary really makes the show sound good as shit.

Honestly the show averages about one good show per week, and it's usually the second half. Too much sports talk, callers and random "look what we got a girl to do." But when they hit a gem, it's a good one.

I've been going through the archives as well, just the satellite years though. For some reason I don't think the older stuff will hold up at all. Currently listening to November 2005, same year Jimmy and Opie got into a huge argument if I remember right. That's my earliest memory of hating his guts.

*Opie and Anthony trash Robin Williams for being "unfunny." Ant: "Remember when he made me laugh in 1978?" Opie: "Why wouldn't he be the one who died?"

*Opie predicts by 2020 we will land on Venus.

*Some whore calls in and makes masturbating noises into the phone. She hangs up right before her fake orgasm. Opie and Anthony get mad that they fell for it.

*The "WAZZZUUUUUP" guys say O&A are gonna be huge soon.

These are all priceless gems, you should do this with the dogshit they are making on TACS/O&J, maybe if you condense it ill turn into something funny

I've tried. I can't sit through their shows. It hurts.

I've been listening at the same pace as you, and here's just a couple of stray observations:

  • Anthony's Spaz impression is irritating. Not because it's bad, but because I have no idea who Spaz is or what he is about. Aside from Ant's impression, which makes Spaz sound like a very dumb person, I have no reference for what the actual Spaz is like because he never gets any airtime. At least with guys like Denny, they ingratiate themselves with the audience through repeated appearances. But the Spaz thing I don't understand.

  • The most offensive song contest bit is so drawn out. I feel like they spend hours and hours every day for weeks on this damn thing. Some of the songs are actually pretty funny, and incredible to think that they were played on regular radio. As jaded as this show makes me toward shock humor - I'm blown away by how much they got away with. But yeah, also the smelly girl who got a bath was sooo drawn out - I was on an international flight last week while listening to this particular show, and I'm quite positive that I fell asleep on one side of the pacific and woke up to find this bit still playing while I was on the other. I think that's one of the things that makes this era of O&A still really mediocre. They just don't know when to wrap this shit up.

  • Callers call in and say they crashed their cars into poles, saw girls flashing tits, had cops let them go all because of O&A. This is such bullshit and the boys never, ever call them out on it. I think O&A really wanted to be syndicated at this point in time, so they were probably not gonna contradict the dedication of their callers and ruin their potential leverage with management. But still.

  • The in-studio webcam is called the Spaz Cam. Not sure if that's because of Spaz himself, or because the camera is documenting all the 'spaz-tastic' stuff going on in studio. I really wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter, yeechh. Keep in mind that the word 'spaz' was a pretty commonly used slang word back then.

  • The guys are obsessed with playing the stock market. For those of you who are familiar with the dot-com boom, these two are the dictionary definition of JK Galbraith's suckers trapped into Financial Euphoria

  • Opie attacking the receptionist who gave out the number was the first time I legitimately heard Opie sound furious on air. Usually you can tell he's just kinda pumping it up for the radio, but he genuinely lost his mind. I can't wait to see where his anger issues take him over the next couple of years and into early XM.

  • I also heard Opie mock somebody for not being able to take a joke, and it just made me sigh and wish he were dead

  • I'm at the point where I actually remember and can relate to some of the pop culture stuff they're talking about. The single for "Oops ... I Did it Again" was released, and they're talking about how Brittany is fuckable. I would've been 9 years old at the time.

  • Overall, the show for me is good-not-great. I feel like the show has hit a good groove for them. When the station flipped to all-talk in September '99, it seemed to reenergize the show, which had essentially just been an extension of their horribly hacky WAAF days. Since flipping, the show has felt new, the conversations can be more in-depth, and things can just generally breathe easier without constant interruption for music. Having said that, I find myself zoning out during a lot of their conversations. They just go on. so. fucking. long. I know it'll improve, and I can't wait for Jimmy to roll around.

  • One last thing. I know Opie said that 1999 was when he and Ant's friendship ended, but I don't think that's the case. Sure, late 1999 was when Ant and whats her face started their divorce stuff and the O&A + Girlfriends dream-team split up, but these guys still seem really good as friends. They laugh about how their girlfriends stole Ant's card and went on a cruise and stuff. So I think they're still fine. There was, however, one show where Ant said he went on the "Ron & Fez" show to hang out and get to know those two newbies. Ant said he got drunk on air and had a blast, Opie said he wanted to join but "had other plans." So this is probably the beginning of where Opie started making excuses to not hang with Ant outside of the show. I know this speculation sounds embarrassingly gossipy, but yeah.

Spaz was an idiot that worked for O&A and did a bit called Week in Review. He would cover the week's news, skewing towards science more often than not. He would editorialize a lot but was a blithering idiot so it was hilarious to hear someone so passionately make arguments off of a poor understanding of the situation or science at hand. I remember the Week in Review bits used to make me laugh uncontrollably. I haven't listened to them in years in fear that they're not that funny anymore and I don't want to tarnish those memories.

They also (allegedly) made him fuck a tomato once.

Oh okay cool, it's likely that I just haven't reached that part yet. If he's good for the show, then awesome, but I feel like whatever it is about Spaz that's worth parodying has only been happening behind the scenes so far.

Nice run-down

the first time couple times you hear jimmy on you should really upload those to youtube

I will definitely make sure I do that!

The guys are obsessed with playing the stock market. For those of you who are familiar with the dot-com boom, these two are the dictionary definition of JK Galbraith's suckers trapped into Financial Euphoria

Great point. They were probably inspired by Tony & Carmela's investments, or just being new money Long Island trash.

Add in them taking a bath on Citadel and both buying their F-you pads right before the housing bubble burst, and you have to think they've each blown at least a million over the years.

The worst part of listening to their old shows from that era is the frequency and quality of the callers. Utter shit, and they constantly interrupted any bit with inane calls.

what's worse: terrestrial callers or satellite callers?

Oddly enough I'd take the terrestrial. Opie did wayyy less of the annoying satellite era shit, like taking a call, the caller gets rolling, he interrupts them a few seconds in, and whines when he doesn't immediately stop for the king to continue with the incoming gold. Usually a useless callback from a discussion that's completely over.

Sad that I actually remember listening to this live. Nostalgia probably factoring in, but either way, at the time, this was great radio.

Thanks for these

You're welcome, brutal anal rape 8888.

Heh.... he called him Casey Anthony. Maybe O&J will seem hilarious 15 years from now in retrospect.

I've been listening since about 1998, I honestly can't remember then NOT talking about Howard Stern for more than a few days.

Btw, here are just a few of my favorite 'hindsights':

Anthony: 'Mark my words, Obama will NEVER be president.'

Opie: 'Yeah, the little dog company doesn't have shit. They're getting their asses kicked!' ( I don't know about you, but whenever they refer to Sirius as 'the little dog company' I would fucking cringe)

Opie: 'No, if it was up to me I wouldn't go back to regular radio. Satelite is the future, terrestrial is done. (2005, obviously before they got the deal to do half terrestrial and half satellite shows)