Opie's groveling for forgiveness to guys like Carolla and Ant over the phone.

0  2015-05-28 by daterapebandit

Whenever Opie says anything like "We hashed it out", "We resolved our differences", or "We sorted it out" was all him apologizing for forgiveness w/o any ounce of dignity. He knew his Carolla story in LA was complete bullshit and begged him to do O&J. Opie knew he fucked up and lied about Ant so he talked to him off-air to apologize for being a cunt and begged Ant to stop attacking him. Carolla and Ant felt so sorry for the guy, Carolla decided to do O&J so he could get off the phone with Opie and Ant was just so embarrassed for Opie and accepted his apology. They both felt sorry and ashamed for Opie, so it was more a mercy forgiveness.

I hope Opie and his family are killed by a drunk driver.


Do these posts get you off? Pull up your pants and go to bed.

I think you're over analyzing it. Corolla just wanted to hawk his shitty book. Also he's been on the show before.

Yea tell us how you really feel

You missed something at the beginning, something along the lines "This is what I think happened, The way I see things, I THINK this is what happened"