Sam Roberts Show - Every day at Noon - Starts June 1st.

5  2015-05-27 by Deacon46


I'd rather have Lady Di squat over my face and pop her taint acne in my mouth

I'd rather have Lady Di squat over my face and pop her taint acne in my mouth

Christ, that one almost made me leave reddit


Had to fight that trickle of vomit that just hit my mouth, thanks wrecker of cunts....


I can't wait to never listen to a single show.

Going on the same time as Bennington. Great idea!

Wait really? Oh shit. Thank god Sirius doesn't really care about ratings or enabling clever content.

Your one-stop shop for pop culture bullshit, homoerotic wrestling talk, and chicken nugget recipes, hosted by pure genetic garbage.

... But enough about O&J

listening to bennington will be even more enjoyable knowing that Sam is broadcasting to nobody

Sammay bran muffins

Career Suicide.

So is trying to forge a radio career in 2015.


Have they announced when it will be cancelled yet?

End of the Summer

June 30th.

June 2nd.

Sam is going to be real depressed when he realizes his audience is listening for the same reason Scorch's PFG TV and Joe Cumia have views.

Everyone one else with a sat radio will be tuned to Bennington. Superior content from a superior broadcaster.

Sam, little advice most interviews suck. Stick to doing what you're good at and do behind the scenes stuff and groom the guys around you to be your show characters like old ONA, Kid Chris, and even Don and Mike a little. Be more of the young, start shit type show, and don't try to be like the old guy's who are doing radio around you now.

It's unfortunate that getting X-level interviews is considered the hallmark of success. I'm sure they help boost the show's profile, but big name interviews are almost always garbage.



Is his caricature going to be recycled until he's 70?

Cant wait for tittyshells to let the world know HE TAKES CARE OF HIS PEOPLE and this was HIS IDEA.

that drawing logo he always uses is horrendous, then again, between that and a real picture, i understand why he uses it.

I'll give it a shot. Some of the Friday shows with Nicole and Whoo Kid were pretty good: far better than the post-firing main show.

Sam can be an entertaining guy, but he needs someone in studio to work with (or at least someone else's shit to stir). He gets very pandery and washwomany when left to his own devices.

I like Sam working behind the scenes, but I can't listen to his whiny, nasally pubescent sounding voice. Not captivating enough to hold a show on his own.

It's a terrible decision to do it at noon, but Opie/Jim would lose a lot of money if Sam were to do every afternoon and take their replay away.

I can't wait to hear more stories about how he giggles when he goes into the bathroom to jack off when his wife is asleep! So edgy it cuts!

congrats for slowly reaching your goals, sam.

but was it worth fucking with your private life? jess didn't deserve this...

Ok I'll bite, what happened with Sam and Jess?

Katie must be so proud of him!

I'm pretty sure Sam will put more work into his show than Aidsface does.

Oh good, this retarded halfbreed finally figured out that he needs an apostrophe after his name in the title.

Technically, either one works. The Sam Roberts Show (with "Sam Roberts" acting as an adjective in the attributive position) or Sam Roberts' Show (the show that belongs to Sam Roberts).

Well it's never been "THE Sam Roberts Show," just "Sam Roberts Show." He's not Dave Chappelle, fuck him.




Good for him. He deserves it

So is trying to forge a radio career in 2015.
