As a fan of both o&a and someone who doesn't personally attack either guy, I do gotta say this about ant...

56  2015-05-27 by maynardsabeast

When this sub was 99% opie bashing, and I mean like brutal, way over the line, flat out creepy and fucked up bashing. Ant was all smiles and laughs, he was embracing reddit, and that was when he decided to go after the man. Essentially kicking him when he was down. He even did his "totally uncensored and open book" ama, where he obviously knew he would be broadcasting completely Outta line, fucked up comments, posted by the creepy people in here. Even if he chose to "leave it alone", he knew damn well that the messages would pop up on the screen. As it was going on he had a giant shit eating grin on his face and you can hear Keith and the rest of his sycophants chuckling in the background.

Now that the tables have turned a little, he's disapeared and they've basically talked about hating reddit. His followers and fans that were killing opie are actually butt hurt over the ant hate. It's quite unbelievable. The people who made bam jokes are crying now. They don't even understand the hypocrisy of it all.

To me, as a fan of both guys, as someone who listened to them For 15 years, and still to this day just wish that the 3 of Them could join forces again. Ants behavior around This time was the most disappointing thing. He was pandering to these people, and essentially egging them on. I for one am not gonna say antrhing fucked up about either of them, and wish them all success, but wanted to point this out cuz this is the thing that left the worse taste in my mouth. I truly don't understand the hatred all the current and former fans have for either guy, but to me opie is almost innocent in all of this while ant is kinda getting some of what he was at least comlicit in dishing out.


It's really just easier if you just accept the fact that the both of them are little fucking babies with lots of unresolved psychological issues.

I think that applies to everyone who's ever visited this shithole, myself included.

Not me.

Except one of them is entertaining and the other is unbearably boring. There is no contest, really.

This whole thread is such bullshit, i don't listen to O&A for their moral compass. I listen to be fucking entertained and even the whole anti-opie thing WAS entertaining. Pointing out how it was not fair or whatever to Opie is beyond retarded if only because he's done plenty worse to other people during Jocktobers and such.

Go fuck your motha.

Yep, Spoogegargler nailed it... The Opie bashing was APPROPRIATE and long over due...

Ant is funny, Opie is NOT. Ant was transparent and Opie was NOT.

Ant said his shit out loud and up front, Opie did his shit behind the screen like a pussy.

They all got what they deserved. And it was hilarious to read, witness etc.

I too am glad it's over, just because it gets old after awhile but I don't see how the OP can hang any of this on Anthony.

Exactly. Why cry about "fairness" between O&A when one is obviously an untalented nothing? Should people treat me fairly when criticizing my golf game compared to Tiger Woods?

Also for the record OP I have never posted any Bam shit. That personal stuff just isn't funny to me.

I don't think I cried about fairness or anything like that, my point is that they're both little crybabies who can't deal with confrontation correctly like adults -- all other faults/strengths (if any) notwithstanding.

Why should we care about that as listeners? It's like talking about how big their dicks are, 100% irrelevant.

well the only one bringing opie up is anthony, opie is pretending anthony died in a car accident.

anthony the talented one is free from the white devil opie and now he can make the show he always wished he could, a horrible racist borefest where he rants the same bullshit over and over again

Ant only started his dumb crybaby rant because Opie said "We both wanted to move on" and apparently that wasn't true.

I really don't see where I said anything about it being fair or unfair. Maybe you can show me where I said that.

This guy hit the nail on the head.



I'm starting to think you're all the same person.

They are.

How do you feel about "autistic" and "cuckold"?

They are both near and dear to me. Autistic cuckolds are God's little gifts.

Don't throw autistic into this checklist of overly and incorrectly used terms. Opie is legitimately austic. There is proof. It is fact.

I'm starting to think you're all the same person.


A quick look at the posting Histories would reveal that they are the same person...


1 link karma

-7 comment karma

Yes. I regret bringing that word to the forum. I'm sorry I did that

I'm sorry I did that. I'm-I'm embarrassed that I did that.

Why should anyone give a flying fuck about "major problems" of some shock jock that you will probably never meet in your life? All you should care about is the content on the show(s). It's pretty clear who's more competent to provide worthwhile content between the two of them.

Fuck you and your reality show mentality.

You know what they say, small minds discuss people, mediocre minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas :):):):):)

They actually do. But you wouldn't know that as a closed minded, undereducated blue collar faggot you are.

Always such a satisfying feeling when you strike the right nerve to a point where somebody actually takes the time to go through your post history in a desperate attempt at a comeback instead of staying on topic.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a fucking loser you are!


Good times, good times.

edit: ooooh you are fucking benjamin. why didn't you say sooner? we could have saved ourselves some posts. or better yet just killing yourself would be the optimal play.

The username didn't give it away?

Ah, the old "youre benjamin!" comment. Thats when you know someone is butthurt, lol. Get back to your WOW games manchild!

One day i hope to be mature enough to create multiple accounts every week on reddit to obsessively post my mental diarrhea on a subreddit for a dead radio show. One day.

I take the blue collar thing back btw, you are clearly unemployed as shit.

Ah, the "you have multiple accounts!" comment. You got really embarrassed about me finding your manchild WoW comments huh? And rightfully so, you truly are a basement dwelling loser. Grow up lol.

Nothing to be embarrassed about. But sure, enjoy your stereotyping instead of thinking for yourself. Sheep life is convenient.

Just cut the shit, i've been down this road with you at least 2 more times in the past and you have this very unique style of retardation. You know it, i know it.


I started to reply to your obvious trolling but realized I didn't really give a fuck about two words in.

you dont give a fuck... But you replied to me twice in 8 minutes. What a fucking idiot.

Ant's approach to reddit these days is embarrassing. Here we are, approaching a year since Ant was fired. People have hated Opie this entire time. It has been almost a year of the most brutal Opie bashings imaginable, a lot of it coming from people who don't even listen to the show anymore. But that hate has stayed alive.

On the other hand, Ant has gotten an incredible amount of support from a group of people who can find a reason to hate almost anything, despite the fact that he had been putting out a mediocre product. Then finally, people start to realize his show isn't that great and they comment on it (still, among tons of Ant support), and he now seems to only come here to comment on how it's so crazy that people are turning on him. Acting incredulous that people are annoyed over the NYC studio when KtC blatantly fucked up in the way he handled that on top of many other things he fucked up. And the entire time, he ignores every legitimate criticism of him/the show/KtC and only addresses the more extreme opinions as if they're the opinions of everyone as a way of writing off everyone's opinions no matter how legitimate they are. It's Opie 101.

I just think it's retarded that he was this "open" guy ready to chat with reddit when we all blindly loved him despite the amount of uninhibited hate we were spewing about everyone else, but then when some legitimate criticisms which were long overdue started becoming more prominent, he distanced himself and started acting like reddit was just a "hater site".

support from a group of people who can find a reason to hate almost anything

These people actively looks for things and people that support their view of things. Ant confirms their ideas and he repeats it over and over again so they can jerk off and feel better about themselves.

It is humorous watching you try to separate yourself from the people you are talking about when your flair is set to this;

gynecomastia=Anthony hater syndrome?

Well I have the ability to be serious as well. But good point asshole

You MUTANTS dare question Anthony Cumia, Taker of Pictures of NYC Scaffolding?

He's misreading the criticism he's taking as the same kind of relentless trashing we gave Opie or Derosa. He thinks we're turning the hate on him because we're bored and not because he's delivering a subpar product.

Well said!


I, personally, am purely a fan of whatever the hell odd "chemical" reaction took place every day that they were together. Despite my disagreeing with a lot of the harsher bits on the show throughout the years, I've never been more attached to such a group of strangers in my life. Everyone on the show had their moments of being scummy, and a lot of the time it was purely for shock value, but there were plenty of other times when it just felt like a genuine, innocent hangout with the most unique form of humor I'd ever heard.

I don't know exactly what I'm referring to when I talk about having loved certain parts of that show so much, but there's some crucial aspect of it that died a year ago, and it bums me the fuck out.

How can anyone be a fan of Opie? I dont get it.

Meh, you can't blame Ant for stoking the fires. He's not being broadcast on a satellite in space into a bunch of pre-installed radios. He has to build an audience somehow.

All hate aside, I don't begrudge any of the boys for liking or not liking reddit. This place is insane. I'm just disappointed a good show is gone and everything left in the rubble is not as good.

I truly don't understand the hatred all the current and former fans have for either guy,

Your guy Opie is a talentless cunt.

That's why people hate your guy.

Spot on. Ant loved the hate and called the people here "funny". Then a fraction of it turns on him and it's not funny anymore.

Last time I saw the show (Jimmy was on) Ant seemed angry and frustrated at reddit. I wouldn't be surprised because pointing out his catfishing and awful show and lies, has to get to him considering he's been coddled this whole time.

tl;dr, thermitepaint

Ant was the talent of o and a. Opie sucks on multiple levels.

Oh barf another "get back together" post.

Anyone holding out any sort of hope for a reunion is off their fucking rocker.

Anyone else notice that in the short time that TACS has had its own subreddit it's undergone two different rounds of bans and MOD posts about the state of the sub and the reason for all their bans. And in the long time of this sub, despite the weeks of spammed threads over the same opie bashing tactics, the same exact insult spammed in half the thread topics on the page, not a single round of bans, not a single mod post about the state of the sub. It's pretty telling if you ask me.

They're the biggest bunch of hypersensitive, thin-skinned babies over there. It's a fucking joke. Staggering hypocrisy. And at least two of the mods, while talking about who they just banned ("trolls!") talked up how strongly they supported free speech. It's a joke over there.

When this sub was 99% opie bashing, and I mean like brutal, way over the line, flat out creepy and fucked up bashing

Okay, I can't speak for everyone, but I consider myself on the forefront of making fun of Gregg Hughes.

Here is how I bashed Opie:

-Said he was not good on the show (Which he often said, of Steve, and Erik)

-Said he had huge fat tits (Shawn F got hours of airtime by saying this about Erock, not to mention the years of it on the show.)

See where I'm going? Turnabout is fair play. I never even went after his kids or his wife. I know a lot of people did, and I know O&A did essentially the same thing to Howard and his daughter. Whatever. Not my shit.


Ants behavior around This time was the most disappointing thing. He was pandering to these people, and essentially egging them on. I for one am not gonna say antrhing fucked up about either of them, and wish them all success, but wanted to point this out cuz this is the thing that left the worse taste in my mouth.

Okay, here's my problem with Ant. What he said about Opie was in response to some shit Opie was saying about Ant. Everyone forgets this, rather conveniently. "We both wanted to quit. It was time for a break."


Ant should have said his peace and come off it. He has made a fool of himself in the past month with the studio shit and with the parade of whores in his hot tub. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, it's not 1997 anymore. Nobody cares about WHORES. A GUSH A GUSH.

TLDR: I just wanna hear funny shit on the radio, or my phone, or any fucking speaker. Personally I've hated Opie for years now, and it was a slow boil. It didn't happen overnight. He always seemed to have his own set of rules on the show with regard to how comics treated him, he acted like the boss, acted like the #1 talent, while adding almost nothing. His behavior was not unlike the people HE HIMSELF mocked on Jocktober. Dice Clay said he was the most insecure man in the world and, I DON'T KNOW HIM, but it seems accurate. If it was Ant and Jim in that studio I don't think people would complain.

I don't want Opie to die like some people here. I don't want anybody associated with the former O&A show to die EXCEPT Roland. I don't care about his kids. I don't want him to feel financial ruin. I just don't like hearing him, even in old clips. He is probably a good radio guy but he is in way over his head, and the Stengel+O&J is probably going to be some straight up War of the Roses shit.

He's someone I don't know everything about, but I know enough about that I actively try to avoid him. Like a creepy aunt who reads the obituaries and tries to act like a teenager.

Also, you have familiar speech patterns, sir.

The show spent years brutally insulting everyone, they should be able to take it in return.

Yep, they're a bunch of faggots

Who the fuck could be an Opie fan?

I mean how could you ever respect someone after he blatantly disrespects the woman you like/love/fuck in front of you and your friends.

That is where Opie lost me, and he admits he was wrong and apologized but he said he's sorry for the "years" of mistreatment towards his ex. This wasn't a one time thing but across many instances.

Fuck Opie, I'll always ride with Ant. I know someone who is like that, he will put you down in front of a group of your friend down who he doesn't know in front of everyone, just for a laugh and then a couple minutes later just elbow you while everyone is gone and say sorry or it was just a joke, fuck that.

How do you respect a coworker forcing their girlfriend into your business?

Opie didn't even try to get Ant his job back, and he had no problem cutting into the guy's salary.

Then he got the studio reorganized so everyone has to face him.

Call yourself an Opie fan all you want, but he's the reason reason why this is all happening.

if someone is an asshole to you for 15 years and you walk on greggshells... is it ok to get a little joy when FINALLY you're vindicated as the talented, smarter, funnier, more down to earth guy AFTER the other one didn't try to save your job or really help you in your time of need? just curious how many of you could turn the other cheek, because whether real or not, if that's how I feel about someone and that someone screws me one last time I would go off as well.

If someone forces their girlfriend into our business, talks shit behind my back and then refuses to meet with me face to face and work it out, and called in every other week then I also would've been an asshole to him.

You would have a point if Opie wasn't "snapping his fingers at interns to get their attention" and shitting all over their producers, tech guys, and anyone beneath him...

It's been widely accepted that Opie was a cunt because success went to his mentally unstable head.


I guess that's worse than totally ignoring them and never helping anyone advance in their career. But hey, if you got lucky you could go drink with a bunch of fat people, long island 4's, and a 50 year old man.

When have the three of them not been spineless hypocrites? They've even admitted to as much over the years. I was always a fan solely for the funny

opie is not so innocent, he didnt help save his partners job then lied multiple times about it, whats a hundred of losers/haters bashing you on internet compare to ur bussiness partner stabs you in the back? in the end ant is the loser out of this situation

I for one will not stand for your I for one statements!

I agree with part of this. I thought it was weird how much Ant embraced this sub even when it was at its most toxic. Anyone with a brain could have figured out that he would end up being the target once everyone got bored of trashing Opie, Jimmy, or anyone else involved with the show. And yeah a lot of people here used to be real sensitive about Ant bashing. You would see the front page full of tits jokes then one thread about Ant's face and all the comments are about the OP being a "fag" and "why do you care about another guys looks".

But Opie isn't innocent in all of this (whatever this is, bullshit drama over two mediocre radio shows basically). I think "management likes the show" is a harmless comment and people read more into it than they should have, but he has said other things that understandably rubbed the fans the wrong way. I'm sure the reddit bashing didn't help, but I don't think he had nothing to do with the greggshells debacle.

I thought it was weird how much Ant embraced this sub even when it was at its most toxic.

It's a residual effect from his fucked-up childhood and his dad calling him a pissy-eyed faggot all the time. He just wants to be loved!

He doesn't believe in "love".

Ant wants to be the "cool guy".

Well, maybe he doesn't believe in romantic love, but everything he does and puts out there just screams "LOVE MEEEE"

I don't know if the tables have turned i just think people took a good look at ant after he did the gregg shells thing, that really was a mistake. I have to admit i was alll in with opie hate until that show, then i realized ant is also human garbage as well.


| cuz this is the thing that left the worse taste in my mouth.

Wanna bet?

As opie calls it: manipulate the hate and continue the bullshit

Bizarre capitalization.


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I'll bash Opie when it's funny and relevant, but the TACS invasions of the sub was pathetic. And the fact they can't take it when it's against Ant leads me to believe TACS is a bunch of Bobo's.

As a matter of fact, I once called out one of them as Bobo and he quickly deleted his account. I think Bobo and those other weirdos that hang out with Anthony were creating multiple accounts to brigade.

His comment about Reddit being like "mutineers on a ship" was profoundly obnoxious, as though we'd pledged some kind of oath to TACS regardless of show quality.

Still, the difference between Opie and Anthony is that I think we all still want to see Ant succeed. We shit on him because we know he could be putting out a better product. We shit on Opie for being both hateable and talentless.

Isn't that how it always is at the end of most fights? Everyone is revealed to have been a hypocrite throughout.

Human beings are a self-righteous bunch of assholes. Each and every one.

And given my name, I should know a thing or two about assholes.

My ego is just as fragile but I'm also not a multimillionaire. I think at least one million dollars would loosen my asshole a bit.

so.... you're saying anthony was manipulating the haters?

i think i've heard that somewhere before.

Fuck that noise. I'm glad Anthony "moved on"from that job. His new show kicks sand onto all the saggy bodies of all those other old shows.

Nobody cares

Don't open the thread and comment then. :)


I couldn't agree more. Opie has always said that Ant could have stopped the Opie hate but chose to remain silent while complaining that Opie was lying that Ant was happy doing his own show. Opie was trying to spin it to help both of them and Ant was just being petty. I'm happy that Reddit turned on Ant. Maybe he'll learn something from it. Probably not.

Ant wished them nothing but the best for months. It took multiple digs and lies about Ant, on-air and on twitter, to lead to his tirade.

I didn't see any digs. The lies were meant to help both shows. He didn't see the point in telling everyone that they hated each other. So he said that Anthony was happy to do his own show. What should he have said? That Ant was bitter because he was fired and he was very unhappy doing TACS? It was a professional answer IMHO. Fans didn't need to know the truth.

This is retarded and not what happened. His partner of 20 years admitted to not fighting for Ant's job after he was fired and quickly took the new contract and raise and started saying things were better than ever for the show. "Management loves the direction of the show." "I think Anthony has wanted to do his own thing for a while now." That's not taking the high road. That's taking passive aggressive shots and it's also an outright lie. No one in their right mind would ever think that Anthony would want to stop making millions to gamble on a subscription model podcast and Anthony even said he'd continue signing contracts until he was dead. That's fucking retarded and complete bullshit that everyone could see through which is where so much of the Opie hate came from.

If the fans didn't need to know the truth then Opie shouldn't have said anything at all. Ant eventually got fed up with the lies Opie was telling. He knew and continued biting his tongue because burning that bridge wasn't worth it to him. All we ever did was speculate like hens but Ant calling out Opie actually got him the answers to the questions he had about what was done to save his job, which was nothing. Everything Anthony addressed in the Greggshells episode was about their business relationship and the issues there. When Opie responded it was 100% about their personal relationship.

From Day 1 if Opie had just said the show was going through a transitional period and that it was gonna be completely different from now on, fans would've been pissed but it would've been obvious that it was over. Instead, Opie mentioned SiriusXM leaving the door open for Anthony to maybe come back (riiiiiight) and trying to hold on to an audience that turned on him and that he didn't want anymore. Anthony did what he had to with his podcast to try and bounce back after the firing. Opie lied to try and keep as many fans as possible even though he wanted to do a show that was unrecognizable to those fans. Don't get it twisted, the lies were to help Opie and only help Opie.

Where did he admit that he didn't fight for Ant's job? I didn't hear that. Sure he took a new contract and a raise. Who wouldn't? They were no longer friends. They didn't like each other and Opie wanted to split up by the next contract. Why does Opie owe Anthony their partnership? "Management loves the new direction of the show" was not a dig at Ant. Although I could see why he feels that way. But what should he say? That everyone hates the show and it's a complete failure? Opie was moving in a new direction. That's not a shot at Ant. It's moving on with the Opie show. "I think Anthony has wanted to do his own thing for a while now" might be a rationalization because that's what Opie wanted. They don't communicate. so it was a guess that Opie wanted to believe. It's not a lie. You seem to be ignoring tha fact that Opie was no longer a fan of Ant and that Ant doesn't like Opie either.

The episode where Opie cried after Ant did his Greggshells show he said the words "No, I probably didn't do everything I could to save his job."

Also, "Management loves the direction of the show..." we all know to be horse shit because for years Opie was always the one to bitch about management for hours. Suddenly their opinion of the show mattered to him? They also admitted several times over the years to never seeing their numbers of how many people listened to the show, but suddenly Opie knew that the show had gained 20,000 new listeners? Please.

Ant also said he always signed the contract immediately because he never wanted to leave. It was always Opie waiting until the 11th hour to finally sign. "I think Anthony has wanted to do his own thing for a while now..." was Opie saying he wanted to move on but making it seem like it was what Anthony really wanted since Opie knew that if he voluntarily split the show up, fans would hate him.

I listened to the Opie crying show and I didn't hear those words but maybe I heard it wrong. I'll trust you on that. But to be fair, the decision to fire Ant was 10 levels above anyone that Opie has contact with. No one could have saved Ant's job. Radio is full of horse shit. They all lie to make the show appear better. As far as "Management loving the new direction", they may have sold it to Opie. They may have sat him down and said this is how the show will be or we're not resigning you for that kind of money. Opie was out of options here. So he probably took it and is now a company man. I'm guessing here but it doesn't change the fact that Opie wasn't going to go work on TACS. Opie wasn't going to make a subscription show. So he sold out. I won't deny that for a second. But Ant's response is going to kill his hopes of ever getting back to what he was. And he can't run a show. Even if he gets Jim or someone else. Opie ran the show. Ant brought the funny.

Yeah I know. I think both shows suck. Wanted to support Ant but his black paranoia lost me. I think Opie could've avoided all of this hate, for the most part, if he had just been honest. That's the message the show preached the most over the years and his dishonesty is what garnered so much hate for him. I wouldn't have listened, but I think most people would've moved on without the relentless attacks he received for the last year.

Him saying that the door wasn't completely shut was just a play to maintain listeners and nothing more. If he and Ant haven't gotten along for the entirety of the XM years then why keep up the charade now that you're free of him? That's my main issue with Opie. Dishonesty.

I have all the XM shows on an HDD so I can always re-listen to it but I have no expectations that either show will get better or that they will ever get back together. Shitty but that's all we have now.

But if Opie had been 100% honest after Ant was fired, we would have crucified him for kicking him when he was down. Not showing loyalty. No one wanted to hear that they hated each other at that point. Ant was just fired. I think that would have hurt Ant's career more than lying and pretending to care. Although, to be 100% honest, I'm not sure that Opie did want him gone. I believe that he would have preferred if they did 2 separate shows on the same channel and the fans never knew that they couldn't stand each other. That would have helped both of them. And that is the door that I think he wanted to still be open. The Opie hate really doesn't matter for the show he's doing now. It's not for us. It's for the casual subscriber who wants some talk radio that's a bit edgier than that Hits 1 morning crap.

He continuously said Ant has wanted to do his own thing for a long time, insinuated many times that he intentionally got fired. He got angry many times when talking about Ant saying he knows we did everything we could to keep his job, he wanted to leave. He accused Ant of manipulating the hate. He continued to say how management loved the new direction of the show, that subs were up, all since Ant left. How do you not take that as a dig.

You say 'he didn't see any point in saying they hated eachother' but he said multiple times, before the Ant outburst, that they were no longer friends and didn't speak off the air and their relationship was complicated.

100% Opie sparked this by being unprofessional. Not saying Ant's response was professional, but it was not unprovoked.

I never heard him say "he wanted to leave". To me, it sounded like Ant may have had thoughts of doing his own show for a long time and this was his chance to do it. Not that he would get fired on purpose. That would be stupid and I don't think that's what Opie thought. Keep in mind, these guys weren't talking. So the fact that Opie was wrong is pretty easy to imagine when there was no communication. I think he said that Ant could have stopped the hate if he wanted to and that is 100% true. Ant never stood up and told reddit how much Opie did for the show. Now I'm not saying that Opie was perfect or did everything right, but I didn't think he did anything to deserve the greggshells show. That was a low blow and petty. Opie took the high road and Ant chose the low road. I don't like the show that Opie is doing now (I liked it the first few weeks after Ant was fired) and I don't like TACS. It sucks for all of us. But Ant burned some serious bridges this time. I don't see him digging himself out of this one. While Opie will do just fine without us loyal listeners.

Wow, logic.

I'm pretty new to O&A as I was team Howard until he became Hollywood/Hamptons Howie. But going from watered down Howard to O&A was great. Anthony was fired about a year after I really got into them. So to me Opue isn't that bad. Compared to Howard their shows seems much more real. So know that I would consider myself an Opie fan. However... if you dont see the tweet about how the channel went up 20K subs was a slap to Ant's face then idk what to tell you. Btw how does one channel go up in subs? There's no option to sub to only one channel. That was a fuck you Ant we're doing better since they fired you.

Let me give you a scenario. If you and I are hired to produce a Katy Perry record and along the way she decides that she doesn't want you to do it. Just me. Is it a fuck you to you if I tweet how well that record is selling? Why does Opie have to not promote his show's success (true or not) to protect Ant's feelings?

Nah. The way things played out was predictable and expected. Pay attention to what people are like and you'll see that the whole deal followed some pretty basic patterns of human nature.

Nice little scenario that you created though.

Yeah he's a piece of shit. You could even see a lot of this sub turned on him after that.

Hey Opie

This sub never went over the line. Stopped reading after that.

what was way over the line?

Still happily got my yearly subscription to TACS. In the unlikely event that he does something that I dislike I will cancel my sub.

I have never understood any of the Ant "hate". I openly admit that I like Ant and I like his show. Come at me bro.

Now Opie on the other hand.....I am hoping to see him on Bestgore sooner rather than later.

ME: And you know what Jimmy sniff....Ant didn't want to hire you sniff. Only I did. Sniff.

What has become Of my life? It's 4am and I'm arguing with 1 man and his ? different reddit accounts. This dude creates multiple accounts to downvote fucking threads HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I've heard of people like this but never actually experienced it. Opie guy aka opiesbreasts aka gaycunt (EXTREMEEEE) aka spice is gonna have a mental breakdown very soon and i feel terrible for his mother that has to take care of him.

edited cuz I wrote 3 accounts but it's far more, this man is creating enough accounts to downvote my post, this is the craziest shit I've ever seen, I'd say kill yourself but IM NOT SAYING THAT cuz when it inevitably happens I don't want any blood on my hands

/u/opiesbreasts is a fucking LOON LOL! He has 10 accounts which he sucks anthonys dick with constantly!

He's breaking down right in front of our eyes. All these accounts he has to handle, all those passwords to remember, all these Internet beefs that he's obsessed with. And then the fact that every time someone disses ant the boy takes it so damn hard. He must be a nightmare for him mother right now. The family basement filling up with piss bottles while this dude is on the families gateway babbling to his mother about some "opie" thing.....she's worried


Ew. That post gave me the douche chills like never before. "I have big muscles and a hot girlfriend" YUCK

Moron No. 1 gets bitch slapped by a woman and Moron No. 2 cries on the radio. Patrice would have annihilated both of them.

Since when was Ant moron No. 1?

From the first minute of the first hour of the first day.

Ant actually used to hang out with the fans on his own time. That's pretty fucking cool. Also he's hilarious. Opie never showed up to live events unless they were being aired. Too busy hanging with his bros eating greasy food at FH Riley's (btw the FH stands for Fuck Here). Opie's schtick got tired a long fucking time ago.

When Rich and Bonnie had their podcast hosted by Ron Bennington, Opie was there. I met him, and he was actually very friendly.

I have stopped listening to both shows, but I just wanted to say that Opie did show up to a live event that wasn't being aired.

PS: Fez was weird, as expected.

Yeah but there was a live broadcast going on... so I'm sure Opie was thinking he'd be on it right? Or maybe just trying to get on Ronnie's good side.


I'll take the credit for really kick starting the Ant Sucks movement. There were others in the early days, but they pussied out as soon as they got a few downvotes. Cowards. I hit -100 karma on Day 1 and still going strong.

I have to agree with everything you've said, especially the part about how butthurt Ant's followers are.. Just criticizing Ant for obvious things meant you were an Opie ballwasher etc. I've never seen a bunch of people take criticism so badly. I wasn't even criticizing them. I was pointing out obvious flaws about Ant and his shitty show.

It's blatantly obvious that Anthony's impressions are a huge crutch that he's ran into the ground over the past year. It was obvious that even his best shows where Jimmy showed up was only as good as a mediocre O&A show. It was obvious his show was weak and that he was 100% responsible for it being bad. It was obvious that he has a victim mentality and that the pests were feeding it with their conspiracy theories about Opie. He fell for that hook, line and sinker. If I thought people were feeding Ant conspiracy theories just to fuck with his head, I'd say "Good trolling".

I disagree with you about them getting back together though. I think it's too late for that. Opie and Jimmy proved they could handle the hate just by ignoring\addressing a few comments and then moving on. They didn't betray their old ideals. Ant crumbled, backstabbed everybody and then cried about the hate he got here.


You didnt start shit dummy. thermitepaint and benjamin72 were here long before your stupid ass.

thermitepaint and benjamin72 were here long before your stupid ass.



I turned this sub around with just this one account.

lol nice comeback. Again, you jumped on THEIR bandwagon. Get over yourself.

And like I said they couldn't handle it, pussied out, and lost their accounts. Idiots.

couldnt handle it? LOL you just spew bullshit and then believe it. You are a cheap imitation.

Alt accounts arguing with each other. This place has truly reached rock bottom.

The Opie bashing was by sub regulars. The Ant bashing was primarily shills.

Shills? as in people that were paid to say negative things about TACS? You couldn't possibly believe that.

Not to make it political, but conservatives love to blame dissent around here on massive liberal brigades and sock puppet accounts.

Oh god, you are a complete ass breather. Tacs fuxking sucks dud. Ant is a creep and a scum bag lol

You are an adult that watches wrestling. You don't get to have an opinion on the behavior of other people faggot.

Case in point.

I see I got to you, and you decided to shed the opie name. You're still an "opie guy" for life though. Like the nwo is 4 life and you're an opie guy 4 life. That's a cool new extreme name though, did it come With a bottle of Mountain Dew and some jackked Doritos? People are gonna think you are so extreme now. Go to bed little boy, your Mommys not gonna appreciate you getting drunk and cursing at people at 3am online

You are calling someone a little boy when its you who still watches wrestling.

No wonder he is so traumatized by people with Opie in their username it isn't the first time he's been caught out being a hypocrite.

You couldn't be more of a douche if you tried. As evident here.

Wow you are a pathetic sick man. First of all you just posted at me from at least 2 different accounts and couldn't have made it more obvious. Then I can't even imagine how long it took you to dig for that comment you posted (btw everything written in that comment is 100% true). You are the saddest person I've ever had the pleasure to e-bully this is fucking hilarious

Go to bed little boy, your Mommys not gonna appreciate you getting drunk and cursing at people at 3am online

Same person twenty minutes later...

What has become Of my life? It's 4am and I'm arguing with 1 man and his ? different reddit accounts

Dude is projecting hard.

I know right. The retard can't even fathom other users being in different timezones. Not to mention if it actually is 4am where he is that most likely the person he is always arguing is not online but in fact asleep. Sounds to me like he has been hit in the head one time too many in a game of backyard wrestling.

support from a group of people who can find a reason to hate almost anything

These people actively looks for things and people that support their view of things. Ant confirms their ideas and he repeats it over and over again so they can jerk off and feel better about themselves.

Not to make it political, but conservatives love to blame dissent around here on massive liberal brigades and sock puppet accounts.

He's breaking down right in front of our eyes. All these accounts he has to handle, all those passwords to remember, all these Internet beefs that he's obsessed with. And then the fact that every time someone disses ant the boy takes it so damn hard. He must be a nightmare for him mother right now. The family basement filling up with piss bottles while this dude is on the families gateway babbling to his mother about some "opie" thing.....she's worried

They actually do. But you wouldn't know that as a closed minded, undereducated blue collar faggot you are.

Always such a satisfying feeling when you strike the right nerve to a point where somebody actually takes the time to go through your post history in a desperate attempt at a comeback instead of staying on topic.

Ant only started his dumb crybaby rant because Opie said "We both wanted to move on" and apparently that wasn't true.

Ew. That post gave me the douche chills like never before. "I have big muscles and a hot girlfriend" YUCK

You MUTANTS dare question Anthony Cumia, Taker of Pictures of NYC Scaffolding?

He's misreading the criticism he's taking as the same kind of relentless trashing we gave Opie or Derosa. He thinks we're turning the hate on him because we're bored and not because he's delivering a subpar product.

Why should we care about that as listeners? It's like talking about how big their dicks are, 100% irrelevant.

He doesn't believe in "love".

Ant wants to be the "cool guy".

Well, maybe he doesn't believe in romantic love, but everything he does and puts out there just screams "LOVE MEEEE"

Well said!