Jimmy likes being on Opie Radio

2  2015-05-27 by isla_n00blar

Call it douchiness, self-absorption, whatever, but I'm convinced at this point that Jim Norton genuinely likes being on Opie Radio. Opie is constantly steering the conversation away from anything funny, but Jim just goes along with it. Not only that, he picks up on whatever bullshit topic Opie brings up and then uses it to pontificate and show the world just how much smarter he thinks he is than he actually is. If Jim didn't like the show, he'd never have signed on again. He's not being held hostage. He likes it there. And that's even sadder.


Jimbo wants to buy a 2 bedroom apartment.

Opieradio is his way of getting that apartment.

Sometimes you have to tit fuck your way through your mortgage.

Get out of here you little bitch. Jimmy wants $$$. He likes the consistency and the comfortability of big siriusxm. Nothing more, nothing less.

This is 100% accurate

Stockholm Syndrome?

He likes the paycheck. And what do you expect him to do about Opie? Do you not understand the meaning of Greggshells?

Jim hates doing the show and he hates Opie.

Tomorrow he will have to pretend to enjoy the retelling of the story of him seeing Tits cock...again and again.

It wont be his first retelling about seeing a person with tits and a cock on the show.

Jimmy in it for the dough. He always said the radio show was easy money. Makes no different to him, if he has to talk about ketchup or why niggas are regressing for few hours, its a fat pay check at the end of the week.

Nope. I bet he hates it (except the paycheck). As a comic (who is brilliant on the radio...not standup), Jim is probably very offended that the fat fuck Stangals were brought in to funny up the show. Just watch Jimmy on TACS....better chemistry, and he is truly enjoying himself. He probably thinks Oqie is a cunt (and he would be right).

Comics pride themselves on saying how they left the 9-5 work environment and could never do it because it is soul crushing. Jimmy has reached that point where you go "well the money is good" "that Greg guy who I hated at first seem to be more tolerable"

Then he goes home just jerks off until the mental douche vibes he got from Opie is replaced with dry cuts on his dick. Jimmy has had a nice lifestyle, he can't go back to pilot season. Anyone here who has had a real shitty job with people far worse than Opie knows that they would give their left nut for that cash he is making