Dan Soder / Big Jay show coming end of June...

0  2015-05-27 by HugsMcbear

Soder just said this on YKWD, although sounded as though it may not happen (again). Big Jay also talked about it tentatively on Ari Shaffir's Podcast. My questions are A) Will it happen B) Do you care, and C) If it does happen, do you think Jimmy will be annoyed, considering how fun that show based around a comic hang will be compared to his own shitfest.


This is awesome and will become my primary daily listening

I hope it doesn't, and they go to TACS network, just to annoy opie

Was it ever supposed to be on Opieraqio? I figured RawDogXL. Bigger audience there anyway.

Would that excite you?


no no no

It will only happen if Jay and Dan have no self respect and take a bullshit offer from Sirius. I'd like to hear them on the air again or in a podcast format at the very least. I refuse to sub to sxm and after OnA went to hell and Bennington got pulled from YouTube I have a lot of room for new shows.

The Soder Show with Special Guest 'Big' Jay Oakerson would right the ship of dog shit radio. I doubt I would ever subscribe to Sirius at this point, but I would have a taste. Maybe if the deal falls through they can join that racist guy's network.

I look very much forward to it
