So tonight Ant coins the phrase Exaggerating Gregg

5  2015-05-27 by Lilcumia

I like it


Was Greggxaggerate already taken?

How about "Clingy Cumia" or "Tony the Toucher?"

Now now you know better than to say anything about him...

Teen Touchin' Tony.

Uncle Ant, Penn State Tony.

Diaper Sniper

Tony calling in from Pederast island

that's a real zinger chip cumia

the show should've ended in a murder suicide last year

Nah, it doesn't look pathetic at all.

Is he still talking about Opie?

Must of lost some subscribers.

I like budget gaming as must as the next but let's not fire shots at unterscharführer Anthony, he outranks everyone here. Pick your battles.

The only thing I like better than finding awesome games on the cheap (got the Mass Effect trilogy for five bucks this weekend) Is going against the mob, especially when I know I'm right.

you should try pussy

I have it's fun, but this takes far less effort.

Btw, there is a subreddit dedicated to finding cheap game deals. Can't recall the name.

Edit: /r/gamedeals

You know you're right when you question what he's talking about?

Ya, good luck with that. I insult college education and Neil Degrasse Tyson regularly, two caucasian centric sacred cows. Anthony Cumia doesn't even register in the grand scheme of things. Learn to go against the greater grain.

What was the context?

He read that LGBT thread and gave him a few shots

He's begging Opie to mention him again on the SXM show. It's maybe a little smart (if it works), but a lot desperate.
