What's Florentine supposed to do?

30  2015-05-26 by snoopkhat

Right from the start of the show Tits is speaking in a fake voice and spending 30mins talking about beers he likes all while emphasizing! every second! word!

Tits has a week off and all he has is a beer story. Whenever Jim tries to get something going Tits turns it around and starts on his boring fucking life.

He thinks because Ant and Jim could do the first hour just shooting the shit everyday that it's easy,all you have to do is say words and you have a show.

ME: i hate oranges!!



What's he supposed to do? Not go on. There's really nothing to feel sorry for him over, he's a closet case cool-dad-dude-bro and his shitty personality encourages vapid retards like Opie to adapt their mannerisms and personalities. Florentine's of the world need as much killing as the Opie's of the world.

I literally felt bad for Jim today. A perfect example - when Opie was doing some "voice" with a guy in the supermarket...choosing meat. That was it. It wasn't funny. It wasn't interesting. It was nothing. He did his "this is literally funny to me" laugh with a pause from Jim. Nothing. Jim could not even muster up a laugh. Sam, who I believe reads this sub nodding his head at 90% of it, didn't even mumble. So after the pause, he just keeps trudging along. Because, he's just shootin' the shit ya know!?

He brings up his beer choices, he brings up himself getting picked on, he brings up the bikini tini that was SO FUCKING LONG AGO AND HAS BEEN MENTIONED AT LEAST 50 TIMES SINCE, and it was so fucking dull, boring, and Jim was sitting there...trying to force something out of nothing.

I hate my drive to work so fucking much.

Op was wearing a tini bikini?

I felt bad for opie, He's really suffering by not having Ant. You can hear the desperation in his voice trying to have chemistry with Florentine but it just isn't there.

There is more than one station on siriusxm. Or you could do terrestrial. Or get a CD. Or just have nothing on. All better choices than O&J.

Thanks for that, Miss-the-point Guy.

Florentine actually made me laugh with his third hand holding a cock comment. It was the worst conversation I've ever heard and even Florentine realized it.

Comics like Florentine must hate not having Jimmy in studio as a buffer to cope with conversations like this.

Florentine's podcast is great this week. Not because it's 'Awful Slang Words Part 100,001', but because of this line.

"Another word I hate that's slang now is 'Dad bod'. Do you know what happens when you have a 'dad bod'? Your wife joins a crossfit gym and starts fucking her trainer."

it's funny because it's true!

Him and the fucking oranges......always these poor, whining little stories.

Growing up, his family was not poor.

Him and the fucking oranges......always these poor, whining little stories. Growing up, his family was not poor.

You have lived in America too long, you've forgot what it's like to have no oranges.

He's an idiot and I wish he'd shut up, but this is probably why he always goes back to that topic.

House Opie grew up in

Another house in his town

There's a strong chance his family was in the bottom 2% in gdp there, and it's a certainty they were in the bottom 5%. That he was never able to grow up and stop whining is due to his own bottom 2% intellect, along with 20 years of greggshells. But at least this explains why he's constantly bringing up shit like Pepperidge farm bread (which everyone ate if they could afford it because it's more expensive than Wonder), oranges with the thin skin (which everyone ate because how many people's parents were fucking orange experts and knew the difference on sight?), generics (everyone...), and all the other bullshit he incessantly whines about.

Him and his brothers were probably picked on and laughed at by everyone they ever knew, and if Opie wasn't such a douchey twat I might actually sympathize with him.

Are you kidding me posting that other house? It was built 90 years ago, has 32 rooms, and is now a hotel. I'm with you on everything else you said, but try to give a more realistic depiction. I live in a normal house, but I wouldn't use the Marriott down the road as a comparison.

Don't forget he also had to carry all of this terrible food to school in cement bags.

you don't understand, he got the shiiiity oranges when he was a kid

It's edgy to talk about your life!

'90s radio! Alive and well!


Worst show since the split. Opie is an AVERAGE PD. He's definitely NOT a host.

Be tits right hand brothaman


@ 6:06, Opie's voice becomes so Florentine'esque, I can no longer even tell the difference. That part in particular is downright creepy, not even trolling for the love of Opie hate, that must have weirded Florentine out.

I guess the only way Tits can do a decent impression of someone is if he subconsciously wants to be them.

What I actually like about Florentine is the spirit of hate he brings. Jimmy used to have that where he would talk about things he hates in a funny way, I miss Nortons anger. But Florentine is a little annoying with the music thing, I think he may seriously be on the autistic spectrum

The problem is Opie has a bro-crush (please excuse the fucking hipster slang) on Florentine. Opie is giddy as a freshman school girl talking to the Senior quarterback and it makes for awful radio. Florentine doesn't want to go on this shit show, but his career is further in the shitter than a turd in fresh cleaned portapotty, so what else can he do.

I didn't hear today's show or any since Jan. but I can hear in my head just how awful it must have been. I hate to say it but even if Ant came back, it might be unsalvageable.

opie is the fucking greaseman


Fall down a flight of stairs and land on something sharp

At least he tried a new bit with the "no frills" talk.

Florentine is a pile of shit, but did him & Ant not get along or something? How come he hasn't done his show but he's done O&J 9000 times.

He did Ant's show once. Jim lives in Central Jersey which is three plus hours with traffic to LI.


Murder Opie and marry his wife. A fresh start.

Did you see Opie retweeting the women and dolts who thought that the first hour of the show was radio gold?

Opie is pretty much using Florentine as a caricature, but Florentine also does that to himself. Just look at his Youtube channel. He really doesn't have any material besides what Opie indulges over and over. What is Florentine supposed to do? Keep going on O&J and be happy anyone wants him.

Didn't listen today, but it sounds like everyone really enjoyed themselves

Who is tits? Is that Erock or is it Roland?

Thanks for that, Miss-the-point Guy.