Legion of Skanks join TACS network

59  2015-05-26 by Slippery_Slope_Guy


It's already the best show on the network.

It's a very obvious but good move by Ant, LoS is one of the funniest podcasts out there.

no it isn't

Oh... ok...

Keith must be very happy with the direction of the show.

I rely on my audio content to make it through cubical hell. I want off this roller coaster! L.O.S is the best thing I've heard in quite a while. I m emotionally invested in its success.

Re posting a comment:

It seems like 2 shows a week, plus bonus shows. Including a soon to be Big Jay Roast, which will include Derosa (Anthony and Derosa will not meet until the moment, so itll all be live in the moment kind of thing).

Tldr: Proper Los show twice a week. And NYC studio is confirmed.

This day-of reckoning has "anti-climax" written all over it.

If there's one thing we know about Ant, it is that Ant is to confrontations what Joe Derosa is to chinks, spicks, niggers, queebs and quays: he hates them. Although I doubt Anthony's iron will to avoid and, if necessary, subvert or even "kill" confrontation comes anywhere close to Joey D's iron will to avoid, kill or oppress non-whites, I have a feeling that Ant will run away from a blow up faster than colored men run away from Derosa and his Clockwork Orange-style gang of skinhead buddies.

Ant will be drunk by the time he sees Joe, and at that point it's just a countdown to "hey, bygones, man! Whaddaya say?" Derosa will, inevitably, as he has so many times before, blame his actions on a Jewish cabal, claiming that if he had publicly stood by Ant, "the Jews who run Hollywood" would pull a "Mel Gibson" on him and make him persona non grata in the Hollywood cocktail party circuit. A classic Derosa move.

Ant will get a couple jabs in at the roast, something about "the knife in his back" or "let me introduce a hilarious comedian: Judas Iscariot" or some other such genial ribbing, as we like to say, then shake hands and pretend to like him and that he's "definitely gotta drop by the compound sometime".

That's how this plays out. I'd take bets on it, but I made the lot of ya for Indian givers from the moment I laid eyes on ya.

That sir, was a spot on rendition of how I think it'll play out

What NYC studio? Theirs?

I enjoy the part of the podcast where the one guy does the impersonation of the other guy for the entire podcast.

both guys do the impersonation of the third guy for the entire podcast

Fixed it for you. And that part is awesome.

The fact that Anthony got LoS before SXM could get Big Jay and Soder should be noted. SXM doesn't care about content.

Another reason to support Ant. Free speech platform.



I had SXM for years (and not just for O&A, but I did discover them on a free weekend a long time back). They really care more about big star names and dedicated stations for one band, for whatever reason. You'd think a network with 2 different comedy / talk channels (plus more if needed) would be working out deals with big name comedians and giving people shows, but I think it's just not worth it to them to give over studio time and contracts, when they could just buy the whole premade show and put it on repeat. I know it broke Jay's heart to not get the show, but really it was the best thing in another way, because they would have had to put up with so much bullshit just to do an easy small show. The paycheck would have been great, but SXM just doesn't care about talent unless they are already multimillionaire names to stick up on the wall. It's a shame because I really liked having satellite radio, but paying monthly for music and talk I could find anywhere via my phone + having a separate unit in my car just wasn't worth it anymore.

At this point I mostly have satellite is for #Bennington. It's that damn good.

I agree. I bailed with the Ant thing, but mostly, I just wasn't using it so it seemed like a decent time. I still make an effort to get Bennington each day, now that it's a more stable show.

Was the Soder/Jay show supposed to be a daily thing or just once a week? A daily Soder/Jay show would be the best thing we could hope for in this post-O&A world.

I love how people are saying that it's now worth the money because they're on. I may be wrong...but...wasn't it a Free podcast to begin with?

It's an extra episode per week behind a pay wall.

"something snarky and circlejerky"

Roland tries circlejerky on the next installment of the consumer.

Isn't Erik the consumer or did they change that since I tapped out?

Ugh is this a Hydrox? That's some poor people shit. #snarkyandcirclejerky

Is LOS no longer free? Do you need a tacs account to access Los now?

If so, that is a near-suicidal move for them.

Why would it be suicidal? They were making no money off of it. Now they are getting paid. Also a lot of Anthony's fans will become hardcore fans of them, and go to their shows.

I'd say that all the fans of TACS are already aware of LOS. And being behind a paywall makes it a lot harder to gain new fans/listeners. It is hard for Ant as it is to expand beyond his old O&A fan base. So where does that leave the Skanks? They do get paid from what I understand so it's hard to fault them, but at the same time it feels short sighted in a way.

Ehhh. I'm skeptical. I don't know if this is a good move or not.

that is a great point though, new listeners can't really access ant's content and its mainly known to o&a fans

He might want it that way...

why though?

And if they get new fans,they still make zero. This is good for them

Exactly. 99% of podcasts don't make money. They're now automatically in the 1% of revenue generating podcasts. Their listenership will grow as well and not drop. So it's a win win. One could argue that going behind a paywall (which I don't think every episode is anyway) could hold down future growth, but honestly, they're not going to become a Carolla, Rogan, or Maron in the next year or two, so what does it matter? This is the best thing for them right now.

Their listenership will grow as well and not drop.

Well this is just silly. I would guess at least 75% of TACS subscribers already know of and/or listen to LoS for free on their podcatcher of choice. I would also guess Anthony's subs peaked about three days after he launched his show last July and have steadily trailed off since then. So how are you suggesting their audience will continue to grow from here? I think some of you are extremely delusional about Anthony's success/future growth opportunities. The show is a bore, and the 'network' has absolutely no heat whatsoever.

Doing a free podcast grows their listenership by a few people per day. Joining TACS will give them a bump of thousands instantly.

But like I just said, TACS subscribers already have access to LoS for free. Like they can pay for TACS and still get LoS for free. They were already wide open to that audience before moving to a paid platform. Doesn't make sense. There is no conceivable way they do not lose a large portion of their audience in this move.

It's astonishing to me how these idiots think this is a good move or that LoS won't actively LOSE listeners. Plus, when people pay for something, they get demanding. Even if the show is OK, people will be on them saying it's not worth it. You can't go from free to paid, unless it's something like commercials. People even get pissy about that. This will end badly.

But you aren't considering the people they will lose who don't and won't have TACS subscriptions.


But wont TACS have to pay LOS? This seems like a bad deal for Ant and an okay deal for LOS.

There must be more to it

I assume TACS will pay them more than they were already making which was nothing.

They weren't making nothing before. They were on the Cave Comedy Radio network, which sells ads. They weren't making much probably, but it was something.

Right, so Ant will be hoping to gain enough subscribers to cover what he pays LOS otherwise he loses out.

There is more to it. Higher advertising revenue for both shows.

You can insist companies that advertise on both shows sign longer deals. Each show can still sell it's own adverts but in the case of LOS they can now command a larger portion. TACS is now better justified for its $7 as there is now double the content.

Lol at the idea that TACS has any leverage with advertisers. Once again, totally delusional thinking. His advertisers are essentially charity.

He does have leverage. He can now go to the advertisers and say you can negiotiate with each show individually but if you want to negiotiate platform wide they can chose to either sign longer deals or more money. Twice the shows means twice the reads.

Essentially charity? What are you talking about? Fan Duel and Loot Crate advertise on a ton of podcasts. And that money equates to pure profit as the cost is only time out of the show and the piece of paper it's printed on.

What I mean is the show is not popular enough to have leverage with advertisers, which is why all of his sponsors scrape the bottom of the barrel.

The TWiT network is probably the most successful podcasting platform out there right now. TWiT, the flagship show, gets upwards of 250,000 subscribers a week, plus they have about 25 other specialty shows on the network that probably do a fraction of that. Leo Laporte says they will make $7mil in revenues from advertisers and donations in 2015. That's before paying talent, studio costs, etc.

Anthony has a tenth of that audience if he's lucky, and probably closer to 5%. He simply doesn't have the footing to negotiate with advertisers. He is essentially taking what he can get, and I'd very surprised if he's dictating any stringent contractual guidelines with those advertisers he's lucky enough to scrape up.

Anthony has more than 2,500 subs guaranteed.

Also it's not just how many people you reach it's how often you reach them.

10% of 250,000 is 25,000. That's a very generous estimate of his listenership.

I don't have a subscription. How many live reads does he do each show?

Oh I read the # wrong. I'd say 25-18K is accurate.

He does about 3 per if you include the advert that plays before the intro.

To be fair he did say "99% of podcasts don't make money" so you are clearly dealing with someone suffering some form of mental retardation.

I listen to a lot of podcasts and only the top 50 on the charts sell ads to cover their costs and many still end up begging for donations, so you're just fucking dumb if you think most podcasts generate any significant revenue.


Says you. If they COULD they absolutely would sell the podcasts. The guys who don't make money off of their podcast don't because they can't, it's not out of nobility.

This is why I believe the subscriber numbers are higher than we think. Either way, super excited. I think it's a great move. Just the start of a much bigger network.

You people have to be the dumbest fans of anyone ever...

To quote Joe Rogan: "You sound like a jaded ex-girlfriend."

You sound like a fanboy. Using someone else's line. Again.

Are you suggesting I am stealing the line of someone I accurately attributed it to?



Yet here you are. More obsessed than nearly anyone else on this shit.

Exactly. Big Jay went pissy eyes about not getting the Sirius gig and now he can line his pockets with scriber doll hairs.

I'm dying to know how many much money they're making in the deal. It can't be a lot.

He can't afford that much so it can't be. Rubes. Stooges. This will end badly.

Because nobody fucking subscribes to TACS.

Edit: Look you obsessive nerds: it's a basic fact. Let's see Anthony list his subscriber numbers. He hasn't, because they are very low. You love to speculate on everything regarding the stupid XM show, but are going to be super credulous regarding the dumbest business model in the history of media?

Ant seems to be spending an awful lot of money already. Also, subscription podcasts don't keep growing, they plateau. I'm pretty sure we're in the plateau phase of TACS.

Oh that probably happened months ago. I know he's doing appearances on other shows and things, but it's not like doing that will bring in more than a trickle of subscribers.

The two shows wednesday and tuesday will be TACS exclusive. Hooking up with Ant is a big move.

In what world? He is blackballed by the industry, his show is losing subscribers and unable to gain more and the show is behind an antiquated paywall. They're doomed.

Doomed? Really?


Doomed. Really.


Absolutely. What an absurd move by them.

Can't imagine what they're thinking, or what Cumia is paying them from his limited # of subscribers. And that number will not go up. Plus he's a loose cannon and they're now affiliated with him and his name. This is a highly stupid move for them, probably for very little money. Schmucks.

They've basically alienated half of their fans because they won't pay for it, and at the same time guaranteed that they can't get new subscriber. It's amazing how bad this move is.

"But we really thought about this!" Thinking is apparently not their strong suit. Some of their fans feel bad about Cumia's celebrated racism and don't want to give him money. That is going to bite them in the ass too. Next time he blows up, they'll be asking LoS questions like, "why did you think it was a good idea to join up with an unapologetic racist?" It's coming.

Well I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'll be enjoying TACS and LoS for the next year and you'll be jacking off to granny porn in the bathroom at Arby's on your break. We can check back a year later and see how much we were entertained.


I love skanks but this doesn't seem right to me. They're not getting new fans by going to a paid network of a guy that has them on already. It's like preaching to the Realassquire Getting people outside the comedy world (and still in the comedy workd) to do their podcast generates new fan base. New Jack, Che, Benson, Janine, all had the potential to generate fan base.

Good move for TACS; bad move for LOS.

How is it a bad move?

They still do the exact show for free, then do another solely for the Network. It's a win, win.

But in terms of the whole "gaining exposure" thing, I don't see how moving to a paywalled podcast with a pretty niche audience is supposed to get their name out there.

Then again, it's not like I'm in fuckin' show business, so what the fuck do I know.

Well it adds that audience to your numbers consistently.

Also, i think the hook up will get them some better guests, they'll be getting paid so they improve the show. Out of a studio they can use calls (even though 90% are horrendous), they could do a lot of shit with the compound.

Plus all adds to the value of the Subscription, so a lot more people may be willing to subscribe if it's better value for money with more shows.

Haven't heard too much of LOS but from what I have heard it's pretty good. Good move on Ant's part to take a podcast that is of high quality and put it on his network. Not sure how huge LOS is but it seems like they have a decent following and a very loyal one.

It would make sense for LOS to do a free podcast once a week to keep their existing momentum and then have them do a pay wall show 2-3 times a week live. Basically give you what you are getting for free, but then you add a pay wall for more content.


They have under 3000 subs to their FREE youtube channel. Oh yeah...the network is going to explode now. Wstch out Sirius. You fucked with the wrong Nazi.

If half of those subs come with them then they will pocket about $9k a month in sub fees.

The genuis of the move is the advertising power. Now the network can package adverts individually for each show or bulk for both. Same thing with promotions, they can do joint promotions at events and for companies.

If they find a studio in NYC then they can get higher profile guests and share them on the platform. Plus, unlike at SXM or elsewhere they can broadcast totally uncensored.

Not saying you're wrong, but who watches podcasts on youtube?

Why not?

I think most people just want audio so they can listen while they drive, work, or exercise. Makes a lot more sense to download and listen offline than stream.

While that's true for some people, you gotta take into consideration that internet TV is gonna be pretty big soon. As will internet radio, so really he's ahead of the curve.

Which is pathetic, because the curve is so obvious that EVERYONE should be doing it right now. It's going by so slowly.

Maybe Internet TV will be huge, but watching dudes sitting around some mics talking probably won't be

Letterman was just an old guy at a desk talking to scrubs. Anything can be overly simplified like that.

Letterman has celebrities and production value. LOS has 2 $30 webcams

Yeah, you're right. Those millions of people tuned in to watch the clean graphics and the background set.

Yeah millions vs ~3000 for legion of skanks. So Maybe they're different shows

Well it was fun while it lasted.

Good work team. I guess I'll resubscribe.

whenever I feel low, I just come here and read about people complaining about 6.95 a month, then I feel like a king of the castle rich person.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the subpar content. It's all about that hefty seven dollar price tag!

Truckers don't get paid a lot i imagine.

Truckers actually get paid decent, it's just the huge amount of time required to make a good living doing it.

It's really on you if you enjoy literally throwing money down a sewer. Not everyone is a fucking rube who wants to donate money away to a millionaire fallen on hard times.

You used the word "literally" where you should have used the word "metaphorically". People who use the word "literally" to create hyperbole are literally motherfuckers.

Wait, so you mean they actually fuck mothers?


So enjoying something make you a rube? If you dont like it move on. I will never understand these people that show up just to bitch. If you dont like it go do sonething else.

He's an obsessed ex girlfriend. The guy just can't let go.

I don't like it, but I do like making fun of rubes. So I'mma keep doing that.

You should say rube one more time, to really drive your message home.

So you like self deprecating humor?


Edit: you spelled 'yooma' wrong

you've put to much thought into this.

it doesn't take much thought. It's common fucking sense. Jesus you fucks.

I'm sort of the same way, but I come to read posts from absolute dummies who think other people should throw away money on a show they don't like.

Hey I'm going to start a paid podcast. Can I count on you to sub, or are you a cheap fuck?

I don't think you should buy something you don't want. I also think you're wasting time crusading against something you don't want to buy. Just fuck off if it's not your thing. We heard you.

I like Anthony and LOS, so ill pay for that. I, like most people in your life, don't like you, so I won't give you my money, you angry goofball.

That's pathetic

I've been down on TACS lately, but this does seem like a huge step in the right direction.

Yes taking the show you could have just listened to for free anyway is a huge step in the right direction.

tuesday's shows will be free and posted on the internet for free download. so it's only an additional show ultimately behind a pay-wall.

Then this makes even less sense. The majority of people are not going to pay $7 a month for an extra episode of LoS each week if they weren't going to sign up to listen to Anthony in the first place.

YES! More LoS is a great thing.

I'd prefer to see Anthony spend money on improving his own show



The anthony cumia show. 32 mins of race talk, followed by 26 mins of some dullard who has been banned from Twitter into LoS in studio.

Is it just a bonus episode from them each week on TACS only? What's happening to their other show each week on Youtube and iTunes?

Live at 10 PM every Tuesday and Wednesday.

looking like TACS only

Do you have to be a subscriber to listen to LOS now?

The Tuesday show will be broadcast LIVE from Creek and Cave and exclusive on TACS. Wednesday's will be broadcast LIVE from The Compound also exclusive on TACS

It now looks that way.

So will Ant be participating in the LOS shows?

he has in the past...

oh cool gangster movie quote guy....hilarious

big jay has born loser written all over him. what a dumb fucking move. vanish behind a paywall. genius marketing move for an up and coming comedian on the verge of breaking through. jay really is a dumb fuck with an astounding will to fuck up. jay manages his career like plaxico burress carries a loaded gun.

Jay is such an insanely funny guy but I almost have to agree. This is such a boneheaded move for a small cash grab that could make massive waves through his career.

I guess the Sirius show fell through, but the fact that he almost had it at least was showing he was on the right track. I mean fuck he is good friends with two young comedians who are poised to break through soon in Soder and Pete Davidson and then he goes on to weigh himself down to a fucking fringe pay site. Unreal.

Vanish? Lol, some of you cheap fucks are just insane. They're gaining a huge and devoted audience with this move. Yes, they would have continued to grow if they kept doing what they were doing, but they weren't going to become the next Joe Rogan podcast in the next year. Jesus christ they're not even going TACS exclusive just one extra show per week.

You say that but it's untrue. Subscribers to TACS have heard Ant talk abt LoS for a while now. Their shows were free on youtube. So anyone thst was interested is most likely already listening to them. I subscribe to TACS, and I have no interest in LoS. I'm sure I'm not alone here. Saying that they'll get all of Ant's audience is unrealistic. The show has 2800 subscribers on their free channel. They aren't going to get 10% of those people to now pay for what they were getting for free (my opinion of course) just like Anthony didn't get a big percentage of Sirius subs to sub to his show... and those are people who were already willing to shell out cash for the show. Subs on youtube are really not comparable as most people see a vid they like and hit the sub button. So say of their 2800 subs, half are hardcore fans that listen to every show. Now take that 1400 and ask how many are hardcore fans that are willing to pay for it? I'm guessing it'll be a few hundred new subs IF that. Another thing...who will know about tjis move? Only TACS subs and their fanbase. It's not like they are a name that's going to bring in casual fans. I think it's a move just for the sake of a move. I honestly cant imagine how this will help either parties.

But Burress didnt manage the gun well....


It's a funny show when Dave Smith isn't steamrolling over everyone. Fans who cross over hopefully won't be dismayed by the cumia.com delivery method. That was my big beef during my one-month, subscription go-ground: it was a pain in the ass to listen to. Refreshing and reconnecting every few minutes. Why would the downloadable rss file be compatible with my portable devices of choice?

Good for Ant

Does this start next week?

Heard LOS for the first time today on TACS, they were pretty funny and as a subscriber bringing in more funny shows for my money makes me happy. For everyone saying LOS put themselves behind a paywall, true and I get why that would bother people who don't already sub to TACS but look at it from their perspective, they just got a bunch of free money for doing something they were already doing.

They weren't doing a podcast for money. Besides a little money they will only gain an extra two or three more neckbeards filling seats at their comedy shows.

It might actually be a bit better than that now that they're tapping into that White supremacist/pedophile demographic.

I don't see white supremacists being a part of the audience for a comedy show performed by either 2 jews or a spic.

And I wonder.....how long you sat at your computer staring at that semen covered keyboard coming up with the name Anthony Queermia....

Unlike yourself some sort of obese rainmain instantly came up with whiskey and peanut butter.

Swing and a miss, back to the drawing board you go.

Look at your comment you think people sit there and try to think up usernames. You're as dumb and tryhard as your post idiot.

Lol yes, because you didn't sit there trying to be the clever guy with the name you decided on. And tryhard isn't a word you fucking dolt.

Bit rich using the insult dolt when you failed to even make a relative comment to the discussion you stupid faggot. Hope you fare better in your next internet encounter moron because you certainly failed this time round.

Redditor for one month. Welcome to reddit and O&A!

If Opie nailed Ron as a cohost this would still be the better draft pick. LoS is the new OnA.

it's pretty cool, I feel sorry (not really) for those LOS loyal fans who just got fucked in the ass.

Happy for the Skanks, it's a big move and I hope everything pans out well for them. On Ant's end if it means them sitting in with him more I'm all for it, he seems to thrive around those young bucks.

I guess the lunch meetings went well. When will Keith provide us a blow by blow account?

can i still see the Skanks for free on their own podcast?

"The C&C [show] may be released after a determined amount of time to LoS channel, but The Compound shows will always remain subscription only."

Looks like they're behind a paywall beginning in June. Brilliant move.

looks like Skanks is finished.First nail in the coffin for TACS too.Ant gonna pay all these guys out of his subscribers? no way Skanks fans are all of a sudden going to start paying to see the podcast they have been watching for zip.

All these dumb cunts are watching the end of TACS and they don't even now it.

Yep, that's the end. They'll be connected to his name whenever he goes off too--which is also really bad for them. They really didn't think this through. Plus, Cumia doesn't "break up" with associates well. After they wrestle out of this debacle, it'll be a hatefest between him and them. Actually, that'd be worth watching.

You guys talk like this stuff is really important. Your scenarios are who-gives-a-fuck

Ant has his own cash. Burning money for TACS doesn't seem to bug him AT ALL.

Skanks will grow or shrink. When that happens, they'll figure it out.

And you know how good he is with money. He'll be homeless or dead in a year.

People said that last year

It's both I think. One day on TACS and the other on Riotcast so honestly it's a great move. They were just doing one day so now they do two and can get paid for one


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So is there still a free show a week or not? All of the "LOS will hemorrhage listeners" comments seem to assume the latter.




It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

I started listening to podcasts in the first place BECAUSE OF Legion of Skanks... I started around episode 95 and quickly caught up on 15-94 and have been a weekly listener ever since.

I am really happy to see that the LoS will finally make a profit off of their retarded, but beautiful baby. They're truly dedicated- putting out free shit EVERY WEEK for years now. And fucking great on them for STILL putting out a free episode a week with this deal.

I'm not sure though how beneficial this will turn out-- they've had shitty attendance at their live LoS shows at The Stress Factory and this past year's Private Poison Peppe's Pizza Party was a disaster.

A high majority of LoS fans seem to be broke ass white trash.. and I am not even going to speculate what percent WILL pay the $7 whether they can afford it or not.

I guess a high majority of Cumia fans have already been checking out LoS for months now and therefore already are paying for this service.

Some will boycott this service because of their beef with Cumia.

With this change, I do fear a drop in quality. For the most part, episodes 120-151 were pretty weak. That's 6 months of time. So much filler and wasted time::: Louis constantly wanted to comment on viral videos and "current" events, especially on political shit he knows nothing about; all that just made for Dave stammering, rambling, and cutting everyone off for 20mpr (minutes per rant)--- the show got so off track from telling stories ::: all the fucking time with the fan mail-- how can you call your show the Most Offensive Podcast On Earth when you take the time to read fucking fan mail and not just shit on them ::: what's really been a killer now that I listen to several other podcasts is the wasted time with plugs.. a solid 10 minutes was wasted for the longest time. Take a lesson from Race Wars and the SDR Show. Ding Dong's unenthusiastic read of plugs/dates after the break has helped a bit lately.

The last few episodes have been more up to snuff with the quality I loved in episodes 15-119.

So if they now do 2 episodes a week- - I fear MORE resorting to talking about the news and viral shit. Sure the guys add humor, but it's pretty boring and unoriginal - I imagine the Cumia service has ways that post all the plugs on the screen or just before or after so a solid 10 minutes of time will no longer be wasted-- and I just hope they fill it with quality-- as they've been committing themselves to the promise at least 90 minutes of entertainment for a little over a year now. -how many different guests will commit to going to the compound

I personally have no interest in streaming live or even watching video at all-- I listen to all of my podcasts in the car and during free time at work on the podcast app on my phone-- so unless there is an audio only download option included, this really is not that worthwhile to me and for I don't know how many others.

On the plus side- they can finally have a live Jerk Party without violating streaming terms.

So good on LoS for finally making some dough... I really hope the quality of the show does not drop off!!


Love you "Jave" Oakerson, Louis J Gomez, and Dave Smith


My problem with this is not that I wouldn't pay for LoS - I may well do (having not been a TACS subscriber) and others might. However, it's just hoovering up the small pool of would-be subscribers still left/keeping the ones he already has. This won't bring outside interest or revenue.


Nope. They're exclusive to TACS now.

If your gonna have to pay for the show now a lot of people may not follow.

That's there loss. What is up with all these cheap fucks on the internet? Just expecting other people to give them amazing entertainment for FREE?

Aren't you that faggot that posts on all the O&A and O&J youtube videos. What's next you're going to tell us you pay for satellite radio but prefer to listen on youtube.

I'm not gonna lie, you kind-of just owned me. Although I would say that I do pay for Ant's show. And not paying for Sirius didn't hurt O@A. I would be giving my money to a corporation, not to them. They already had contracts.

Well I get it but, "hey remember the show we did for free that you enjoy so much, now pay." Kind of sucks.

Fuck. I thought about giving them a listen too. Whatever.

bullshit, LOS had its own momentum and were doing great on their own and now they have to latch on to a non existent network, they will be the whole network.

just when i thought i found something to move on from OnA with they pull this shit.

Are you upset?

Let's be honest. You are mad because you don't get high quality entertainment for FREE anymore. Don't you think they want to make money off their show? There show still isn't that popular. And not many companies are going to pay to advertise on a show that is as offensive as theirs. Plus we are all getting an extra LOS per week. They used to only do 1, now they are going to do 2.


Who's going to pay to listen to these clowns? Even free, their podcast wasn't huge. They will LOSE listeners. Are you all retarded or something?

People are acting like he's signed Carolla or something. This is weird.

I already subscribe anyway. I'm actually more worried that the atmosphere of the show is now going to change. Upgrading from one basement in a comedy club, to a Mcmansion in Long Island is going to have an effect. Hopefully positive, but that's not guarenteed.

Looks like they're behind Cumia's paywall now too.

I'm holding out hope that they keep it free and just get access to Ant's superior equipment...

The show is finally gaining traction. I hope they realize this

yeah,Ant is gonna broadcast it free...

You must be an Opie fan


and yeah, good point

IF this is true, I pray that the Ant bashings stop. Remember this guy made Jimmy laugh for one or two straight minutes. Now because he's doing a mediocre podcast, fuck him then?

Let's see how this goes.

LoS fucking STINKS. Big Jay is an unfunny fatso and Gomez belongs in a car shop to fix ghetto hoopties.

So he's still in the basement and he still has a pedo cop running the show. You're fixing the wrong problems dummy.


The two shows wednesday and tuesday will be TACS exclusive. Hooking up with Ant is a big move.

Why would it be suicidal? They were making no money off of it. Now they are getting paid. Also a lot of Anthony's fans will become hardcore fans of them, and go to their shows.

Absolutely. What an absurd move by them.

Nope. They're exclusive to TACS now.

tuesday's shows will be free and posted on the internet for free download. so it's only an additional show ultimately behind a pay-wall.

both guys do the impersonation of the third guy for the entire podcast

Fixed it for you. And that part is awesome.

It's an extra episode per week behind a pay wall.

He might want it that way...