Young turks take on the gavin hannity interview

0  2015-05-25 by Lilcumia


Cenk Urgur denies the Armenian genocide.

That puts him in company with another well known genocide denier, Joe "Strike the Kike" DeRosa.

The Young Turks are the absolute worst. They also recently did hack pieces against Sam Harris for stating obvious truth. Fuck them.

The thing about the Young Turks is that they lie all the god damn time. I used to watch their videos a lot in my liberal phase but their stuff just disgusts me now. They're self righteous douchebags that think they know everything.

I used to watch their videos a lot in my liberal phase

Right there with ya, only I'm still in it. I refuse to concede the term "liberal" to these far-left douchbags. Liberal ideals like freedom of expression and equality are foreign concepts to these cunts.

Yeah I agree with you, really. I just say I'm more moderate now than "liberal" since I like guns.

U went thru a liberal phase?


I just got chills of the douche variety

Sorry. I thought it was pretty common, brotherman.


I got douche chills when you put u instead of you.

Tell us how ya really feel

Here's some lies over the ben affleck/bill mahr/sam harris

The young turks are terrible

Gavin is a bitter contrarian hipster, too much so to be taken really that seriously

But he is about 10x as smart as any idiot that they typically put on tv news, and the young turks is bottom of the barrel stuff meant for college age dipshit kids.

Hard to decide who I give less of a fuck about. Gavin or The Young Turks.

Torpid Sloth

I would love to see Gavin do Real time with Bill Maher. Just for the comedy of it. I dont agree with a lot of what Gavin says but i dont get upset with opposite views.

The Young Turks are a bunch of clowns that are desperately trying to gain some momentum so they go after everyone, but aren't smart enough to do it properly.

There was a time in this country where the man can have a humble full time job and support an entire family with money to spare. We're not even close to that anymore. Is the introduction of women being prevelant in the work force a reason for this? I'm not sure? Is that the point Gavin is tryin to make? While I find this clip wildly entertaining and hope that he keeps doing and saying shit like this, I'm not really sure I can agree with him. Like in my heart I can (the man works, the woman makes the home etc) but in my brain (a woman should do whatever she wants including make money Over a family, plus the current economy) I can't get behind him On this one, at all

I think it has to do with the hypocracy of female thinking, which is largely based on feelings and fucking imagination. He is right, women would be more happy at home being provided for. So would men. The key here is that men are rarely happy. Men are raised to be work horses and control their emotions and not complain like little nerds when life is hard. Certainly men would love to stay at home and collect alimony when they divorce, but the majority of men feel dirty when they do this. Some of them kill themselves.

Many women were not taught this, so when they enter the workforce and find it difficult and miserable, they think it is because of them. A lot of the time they may equate it to them being treated poorly because they are women; after all, she never hears men complaining!

And that is the bullshit they believe. They are not happy, but men must be happy because they're not complaining. They don't realize that men have just adapted to a tougher way of life, and are taught by society to sacrifice more. Once you understand that this is how fucking out-of-touch they are with the life of the average man, it starts to make a lot more sense. Men walk around saying they know nothing about women and they're so mysterious, but many women walk around believing they totally understand men.

Yeah I can mostly agree with everything you just said.

I agree

im not asking in a cunty way, it is legitimate, how old are you?

30 Why?

It's interesting, saying that to people my age (21) would get you that hey man you're out of touch dissaproval conversation even though it is a pretty harmless opinion. I like all of this "generational" thinking shit because faggot was a punchline in my youth but it seems like it was not too long after me that that wasn't the case so now I'm always interested in the age behind an opinion.

"If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain." -Attributed to Churchill (prolly false), but still good.

So many great Churchill quotes that he probably never said "...yes Madam I am drunk, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly"

Yeah I tend to see arguments from every side which often leaves me with no firm stance or position. I just try and stick to facts when I argue. Or if I see someone going way too far one way I'll immediately becomes polarized and play Devils advocate.

You wanna talk about generational shifts. I don't know if it's me getting older or the world changing but I grew up rallying against the right. They were the ones who policed language and content, and were just the overall cunts. Usually religion was the main catalyst, well religion and racism....And then suddenly, sometime in the past few years, those same cunts are coming from the far left, and now somehow they have become my enemy just as much as the far religious right

It's probably just the fact that the democrats have been in power for so long. The tone will shift the next time it's a republican; and so on and so on.

I understand and respect where you’re coming from. I live in NYC, so that’s almost next to impossible. I don’t think Gavin’s taking that angle. He’s going against feminism saying a woman should be a “strong, career-minded gal” that doesn’t need a man (so more women will [the feminists hope] will join their dyke army). Women are so brainwashed with this, but only those women who are truly honest with themselves eventually give up aspirations to do what makes them happy – having a family & kids. I know a lot of women who have done this. Working hard to become a leader is not natural for a woman. Like one of my former partners pointed out, the only women who get to higher-up positions are pretty manly and are often built like line-backers.

I don’t think it was on O&A, but Patrice did a great break about how women are attracted to men that are going somewhere, but men are not. We don’t care if a woman is a CEO or a cashier in Walmart. That’s not an attraction factor.

I’ve had a few “debates” in bars recently about women’s gender roles. Women hate when I point out that men find a woman who cooks and cleans attractive. They push back, until I ask every guy around that question, and never does a guy say the opposite. It’s natural. It’s in our DNA.

i see what you're saying but times are a changing man. For better and for worse. My gf just got her law degree and also make a lot of money. Like more than most people. I do very well for myself too, but she's crushing it, and no I'm not going to "prove it", but she's very attractive. And on top of that (and once again I'm not going to "prove it" ) but the absolute hottest chick I personally know, that I grew up with, and that I'm friends with, is also about a year away from her law degree, and even though she's not a genius, she's bound to get ahead and do well for herself. I know these are just anecdotal stories and not the Norm, but in my life and personal experiences I see lots of hot chicks with good careers, and still wife material. I will add a caveat though and say that through affirmative action and liberalism there are women snatching up jobs that they aren't the best candidate for (not in my personal experiences but it's obviously happening) which in turn is putting women in the workplace, taking good male jobs, and forcing kids to grow up alone or with nannies.

Shit I don't know, every case is different. I don't really have an opinion on it cuz I can see it from all sides. Gavin is definitely making some bold, brave claims that people will easily be able to pick apart though.

Ps- I am also from ny, LI though

One thing I will say....women are better students than males, and schooling is pushed harder on them. Males aren't as obedient in class rooms, and as we get older males find jobs. They are about 100000x more likely to end up at a job or learn a trade in their formative years and then end up there for life. As they going through HS and if they go to college, they are at these jobs making very good money for their late teens and early 20s. While the Males are balancing making money, learning a trade, and attempting school, women are far more likely to just stay in school and focus on their grades. And by the time they hit their mid to late 20s they have that degree under their belt, which in today's weird world, is the most valuable thing you can put on a resume. In my opinion this entire scenario I just described is the Main way women are getting ahead in corporate America

ugh the Young Turks ick. They are a bunch of whiney faggots. Even worse when they deny the Armenian Genocide happened.

The title of that video is a lie. Hannity wasn't cringing. He was LAUGHING his ass off. Like the rest of us.

Cunt Uygur is the Joe Derosa of news broadcasting.

well put

I like some of the Young Turks, specifically Cenk Uygur's take on the effect of money in politics and US foreign policy.

But on social issues they lose me a lot. They almost always take on the super left positions and it just gets super repetitive knowing what their take on a social issue will be 9 times out of 10 (And this is coming from a moderately liberal person who likes some of their positions on drugs and leaving gay people alone). The Young Turks need to be SJW's is just sickening since they never stray from that line.

Also it doesn't help that most of the people on the Young Turks just are horrendously unlikable people. Ana is hot and not a complete idiot but fuck can she but cunty at times. Outside of Cenk who has his douche moments they just are not a group of likable people.

As far as Gavin I think he is an instigator. Not playing a character taking his opinions to a level that is at 11 for the purpose of being provocative.

The word you're looking for is polemicist.

I see the biological point that women are better at nurturing children than men but as fat tits said, rarely do people have the luxury of a single income home. Not to mention that some women, just as men, value their careers over their family. Not all women want children, and for Gavin to pretend like he knows what all women want is pretty douchy and arrogant.

Also the affect is apparent that women take jobs where they are paid less because it's more emotionally rewarding to them. Like social workers and teachers.

Men on the other hand take more skilled labor positions that pay better wages.

they also deny the Armenian Genocide and the girl is a Kike, even if she wasn't they tow the jew line

Kasparian is an Armenian, and not Jewish by any definition. The Young Turks also are very critical of the Israeli government, from what I can tell. So, I'm not really sure what you are talking about.

I knew someone would pull that shit if I called them out. They were on NBC which is kosher dogshit. do you even know who the young turks were? Oh Israel should stop killing and torturing people in an apartheid state. So brave of them...

Yeah I tend to see arguments from every side which often leaves me with no firm stance or position. I just try and stick to facts when I argue. Or if I see someone going way too far one way I'll immediately becomes polarized and play Devils advocate.

You wanna talk about generational shifts. I don't know if it's me getting older or the world changing but I grew up rallying against the right. They were the ones who policed language and content, and were just the overall cunts. Usually religion was the main catalyst, well religion and racism....And then suddenly, sometime in the past few years, those same cunts are coming from the far left, and now somehow they have become my enemy just as much as the far religious right

"If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain." -Attributed to Churchill (prolly false), but still good.