I haven't listened to either O&J or TACS in 2 weeks.

0  2015-05-25 by CumiaVsBurr

I think it's time to say goodbye to these two fuckers


I haven't listened in months, and I've unfollowed all of them on Twitter, but for some reason I can't stop myself from coming back here.

I need help.


I began abstaining from O&A when I discovered it was becoming a harmful addiction for me. I made it a whole month with the help of a great support group. Trouble is, when they presented me with my 30 Day Sobriety Chip that just triggered me to get back into it. Now I'm all in again.


I enjoy people on this subreddit giving me a glimpse into their life thanks for the update pal.. what's for dinner?

I mostly just listen to old shows

So what

yep, dont listen to either of them anymore. only come here for news on when theyre getting back together because apart they fucking suck.

I only check out episodes when you assholes say something interesting went down.

The only interesting thing I can think of that Anthony did in the last...almost year now....was the 'Greggshells' episode, and when Bennington was a guest. Watching him drunkenly ramble about Baltimore was funny, but not for the reason he wanted it to be.

Opie and Jim just sound like slightly more than pedestrian morning radio to me.

There's just MANY better ways to spend my listening time.

I haven't listened to O&J ever.

I stopped listening to tits and paycheck in August. I'm down to make one tacs show a week now, foe some reason I stay subscribed out if guilt

i stopped the day after ant left

Same here. Had a sub to TACS but never watched it other then the Greggshells episode and the one with Dice, like the second episode, which was funny and interesting since I'm too young to remember Dice.

This is the only correct answer

I sadly listen to both shows and can't stop. I guess this horrible shit they pass as comedy is my meth.